Persian and Russian Rule


Armed Forces

Nagorno Karabakh





Present Azerbaijan is situated on both sides of the river Kura (ancient Lyrus) and comprises the Albania of antiquity in the north and a part of Armenia in the south. The Azerbaijan which gave its name to the country was situated in the 7th century more to the south in the bight of the Caspian Sea in northern Persia (Azerbaijan e Khavari province with its capital Tabriz).

In the middle ages Baku (today the capital of Azerbaijan) is described as follows:

 „....Bacu which is all surrounded by the Sea of Sara (= Caspian Sea), but there is one entrance by the mainland. Here a great river enters the Sea of Sara, which they call Tigres (= Kura). It comes from the lofty mountains of Toro, and flows across Armenia the greater. At the approach to the point there is a great city called Bacu, and the adjacent sea is known as Sara de Bacu. This name is also given to the King of that land who is known as Don Bacus. He was very powerful and got the people to believe that he was a god, and should be worshipped as a god. He was spoken of as the god Don Bacus, and he founded the city of Bacu.” [1]

In the 16th and 17th century the largest part of the Caucasus was owned by Persia and partitioned in khanates. In the years 1804-’06 these were captured by Russia: Kuba, Baku and Sheka in1806, Gendshe in 1804, Karabagh and Shirwan in 1805 and last but not least Talysh in 1813. The territory of present Azerbaijan comprises the former khanates of Shirvan and Karabagh.    

These Persian khanates were united by the Russian into the Caspian Territory and later two other territories were created that is to say Jelisawetpol (present Kirovabad) named after the city in the former khanate of Gendshe, and Baku.

In 1918, after the collapse of the Russian Empire muslim nationalists succeeded in creating an independent rpublic of Azerbaijan. In 1920 this republic became a soviet republic which joined the Soviet Union in 1923. The Autonomous Soviet Republic of Nakhicevan and the Autonomous Territory of Nagorno Karabakh were a part of this republic.

Op 30 augustus 1991 verklaarde Azerbaijan zich onafhankelijk en werd de staatsvorm gewijzigd in een gewone republiek (de Azerbaijan Respublikasi).




Shirvan khanate existed between 1748 and 1820 and was founded by the persian Nadir Shah. Some six khans of Shirvan are known. An emblem is known from the time of its first khan Hajji Muhammad Ali Khan (1748 - ‘63) and consists of a doe keeping a red banner charged with five besants in saltire. It is found in a compilation of emblems of the Georgian Prince Vakhusth. [2]


Arms of Shirvan Khanate in a 18th century Georgian armorial.


Caspian Territory / Каспійской Области



Arms:  Quarterly: 1. Or, a tiger proper on a base Vert for Kuba; 2. Or, three flames of gas proper on a base Vert for Baku; 3. Or, a fess wavy Azure for Shirwan; 4. Or, a mountain range rising from a sea proper for Karabagh

Crest: The Russian eagle.

            Granted  26.05.1843 [3]


Later in the 19th century the Caspian Territory was divided in two governorates: Jelisawetpol (present Kirovabad) and Baku. These governorates were granted a coat of arms of Russian fashion.


Baku Governorate / Бакинской губерніи


Baku received a coat of arms referring to the oil-industry.


Arms: Sable, three flames Or 1 & 2.

Crown: The Russian Imperial crown

Garland: Branches of oak Or, tied with a ribbon Azure.

Granted 05.07.1878


Jelisawetpol Governorate / Елизабетполъцкой губерніи


The arms of Jelisawetpol refer to the defeat of the Persians before the city on 25 September 1826. [4]


Arms: Sable a pale Or, charged with a dagger hilt in base Sable, decorated Argent, blade Gules, between two crosses of the Order of St. George.

Crown: The Russian Imperial crown

Garland: Branches of oak Or, tied with a ribbon Azure.

Granted 05.07.1878

Cross of the Order of St. George

founded 26 November 1769


Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

Azərbaycan Xalq Cümhuriyyəti

Azərbaycan Demokratik Respublikası



After a competion was held on 30 January 1920 for an emblem of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, it was determined that it would be introduced on 28 May. The project very much resembled the emblem of the present Republic.


Project of the arms of the ADR, 1920


Arms: Circular Vert, a triple bordure Gules, Azure and Sable, the Azure charged with eight bolts,  an eight-pointed star Argent charged with a flame proper.

Garland: Leaves of oak and an ear of wheat tied with a bow in the national colours Azure, Gules and Vert.


Because of the proclamation of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan on 28 April 1920 however, the ratification of the emblem could not take place. Instead a provisional coat of arms appeared on paper money issued 1920.


Azerbaycan S.S.R. / Азербайджанская С.С.Р.



At first the name of the country in Azerbaijani was spelled in arab script:



The first arms of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan (Азербайджанская Социалис-тическая Советская Республика) consisted of a red shield charged with a hammer and a sickle , and a decresent enclosing a five-pointed star, with mottoes and supporters. It is:


Arms: Gules, a hammer and a sickle in saltire and in chief a decrescent and a mullet Argent.

Supporters: A worker with a hammer on the dexter and a peasant with a sickle on the sinister both in local dress proper.

Motto: ﺸﻮنﺟﺪﺎن ﺆﻌﻭﺁﻯﮐﺎﺪﺳﺎﻓﺳﻰ ﺪﻕﭰﻼﺸﻙ! in chief and ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН СОЕДИНЯИТЕСЫ ! on a ribbon in base


 Å 5 ruble note, 1920.


Medio 1921 a national emblem was adopted. It is:



Arms:  A hammer and sickle in saltire Or, surrounded by a crescent and charged with a mullet Gules.

Garland: Ears of wheat Or.

Motto: ﺸﻮنﺟﺪﺎن ﺆﻌﻭﺁﻯﮐﺎﺪﺳﺎﻓﺳﻰ ﺪﻕﭰﻼﺸﻙ!  (Bütün ülkelerin işçileri, birleşin!) / ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН СОЕДИНЯИТЕСЫ ! on a sign Gules

By Constitution of 19.05.1921 Art. 103

Art. 103 reads:


103 Герб АССР состоит из изображений на красном фоне в лучах солнца золотых серпа и молота, помещённых крест-накрест рукоятками книзу, и полумесяца с пятиконечной звездой, окружённых венцом из колосьев с надписью:

а) "Азербайджанская Социалистическая Советская Республика" и

б) "Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!".[5]


On banknotes the supporters were maintained in a somewhat different form and the mottoes were relocated:


5000 ruble 1921


10 ruble 1921

In 1927 the name of the country and the motto in Azerbaijani was spelled in latin script: Azerbaycan Sosyal Şuralar Cumhuriyeti


Arms of 1927, coloured version

Arms of 1927 black and white version


Arms: A hammer and a sickle in saltire Or emclosed by a decrescent and charged with a five-pointed star Gules and in base a rising sun radiant Or.

Garland: Ears of wheat Or

Motto: ‘AZЭRBAJCAN SOSIALIST SIRA CIMHIRIJJETI’ on a banner in chief and ‘BÜTÜN ÜLKELERIN IŞÇILERI, BIRLEŞIN! on a ribbon in base Gules.

By Constitution of 26th of March 1927 Art. 99.  [6]


Art. 99 of the constitution of 1927 reads:


99. Герб Азербайджанской Социалистической Советской Республики состоит из изображений на красном фоне в лучах солнца золотых серпа и молота, помещенных крест-накрест, рукоятками книзу и полумесяца с пятиконечной звездой, окруженных венцом из колосьев, с надписью: а) Азербайджанская Социалистическая Советская Республика. б) Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!


In 1931 the arms were chanгed by adding a landscape with mountains a petrochemic works and a peasant on a tractor. The name of the country was spelled in latin script:  Azərbajcan Sosialist Sуra Cуmhуrijjəti


Arms: Gules, a hammer and a sickle in saltire, in chief a crescent and mullet and in base a rising sun Or behind a landscape with petrochemical works, a tractor and a mountain-ridge on the sinister..

Garland: Ears of wheat Or


By Constitution of 1931, chapter IX, art. 99

Art. 99 of 1931 reads:


99 Государственный герб Азербайджанской Социалистической Советской Республики состоит из изображений на светло-красном (палевом) фоне, окаймленном белым кругом, в лучах восходящего солнца, в средине герба - серпа и молота, помещенных крест-на-крест рукоятками книзу, и над ними полумесяца с пятиконечной звездой, окруженных венцом из колосьев.

Изображенния серпа и молота, полумесяца со звездой, солнца с лучами и венца колосьев - золотого цвета. Б венце с обоих сторон по четыре колоса пшеницы.

В нижней цасти герба на фоне восходящего солнца изображены в три цвета - семъ буровых вышек и два керосиновых бакаж с правой стороны - у поднжия гор с остроконечными вершинами - азербайджаская деревня и перед ней пахотные земли. На соединении промысла и деребни на переднем плане - трактор, управляемый трактористом.

Венок обзит лентой красного (алого) цвета б три перезатаж верхние перехзаты соединяются лентои, прходящеи церез середину герба поверх серпа и молота с надписъю на неи латинизированным алфабитом по-тюрски:  "Азербаиджанская Социалистическая Советская Республика".

На нижнем перехвате, общим для обеих сторон герба, надпись тем же алфавитом: "Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь". [7]


By constitution of the U.S.S.R. of 5 December 1936 the S.S.R. Azerbaijan, the S.S.R. Armenia and the S.S.R. Gruzinia became full members of the Union.

By constitution of the S.S.R. Azerbaijan of 14 March 1937 Art. 151, the national arms of the republic were changed. They were:


Arms: A hammer and a sickle in saltire, in base a landscape with a derrick and a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Crest: a mullet Or voided Gules.

Garland: Ears of wheat and branches of cotton proper, tied with a ribbon Gules extending per fess in chief.



Art. 151 of the constitution of  1937 reads:


151 Государственный герб Азербайджанской Советской Социалистической Республики представляет собой изображение серпа и молота, нефтяной вышки на фоне восходящего солнца, обрамленных венцом из хлопка и колосьев, с надписью на азербайджанском и русском языках: «Азербайджанская Советская Социалистическая Республика», «Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!» В верхней части герба - пятиконечная звезда".


At the end of 1937 the name of the republic in Azerbaijan was changed by replacing the word ‘SURA’ by ‘SOVIETSKAIA’ and the word ‘CÜMHYRIJJETI’ by ‘RESPUBLIKASI’.


On 1 January 1940 it was decreed that Azerbaijani had to be spelled in cyrillic. This was applied to the coat of arms on 20 March 1940.



Arms: A hammer and a sickle in saltire, in base a landscape with a derrick and a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Garland: Ears of wheat and branches of cotton proper, tied with a ribbon Gules extending per fess in chief, in chief a mullet Or voided Gules.



By Constitution of 1946, Art. 152


Azərbaycan Respublikası

18.10.1991 - present


At the end of 1990 the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR dropped the words "Soviet Socialist" from the name of the country. On 17 November 1990 the Parliament of Nakhchivan after having discussed the question of a National emblem, requested the Parliament of Azerbaijan to hold a competition for new national emblems. On 5 February 1991 it was decided by the Parliament to hold a competition for a new flag and coat of arms and dozens of projects were presented. As a result the flag of the former democratic republic was restored on 5 November 1991. After some deliberations of the Milli Mejlis in the beginning of 1993 it was decided to readopt the national emblem of 1919-’20  with some alterations and modifications. The law about the National Emblem reads:

Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On Approval of the Regulations about the State Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan


The Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan decrees:

1. To approve the Regulations about the State Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan (attached).

2. The Regulations about the State Emblem of the Azerbaijan SSR approved by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR dated 16 March 1981 (Information of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR, 1981, No 5-6, article 70) shall be considered invalid.

3. This Law shall become effective on the day of its signing.


Approved by Decision N° 516 of the Milli Mejlis of the AR dated 23 February 1993. 


The emblem is:


Arms: A disc Vert, a triple bordure Gules, Azure and Or, the Azure charged with eight bolts,  an eight-pointed star Or voided Argent charged with a flame Gules.

Garland: Leaves of oak and an ear of wheat proper.


The elements of the arms symbolize:

  • The colours blue red and green symbolize the Turkic origin, modernity and islamism of the Azerbaijan people.
  • The eight-pointed white figure symbolizes the sun and eternal life. Its color means peace, tranquility and peace-lovingness
  • The flame symbolizes Odlar Yurdu (the Country of Fires), progress and martial skill. It also refers to the fire-worship of ancient Azerbaijans.


Æ See illustration in the head of this essay


Compared with the project of 1920 only the bow of the national colours is omitted, the outer bordure is Or instead of Sable and the star has a golden contour.


Azerbaijan Ministry of National Security

(MNS: Milli Təhlukəsizlik Nazirliyi)




Ministry of Internal Affairs


Ancient Emblem

New Emblem


Armed Forces


Achievement of the Armed Forces





Supreme Commander





Army Emblem






Navy Arms








Air Force


Ait Force Flag




National Guard


The Special State Protection Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a special military unit that is directly in the command of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  The main duties of the Special State Protection Service are

- to organize and provide security of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other state protection objects and also of heads of foreign states and governments (foreign missions) while their being in Azerbaijan,

- to organize and provide security of objects of the Office of the President, National Assembly, Constitutional Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Central Election Commission.


Emblem of the National Guard (ancient)

Emblem of the National Guard (new)


Banner of the National Guard 2005



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© Hubert de Vries 2014-04-25



[1] Book of the Knowledge of all the kingdoms, lands, and lordships that are in the world. (ca 1350) Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. 2nd series N° XXIX. 1912.. p. 58-59. No arms are given for “Don Bacu”.

[2] The work of  Prince Vakhusth  has been published by Brosset, F. ed.: Description géographique de la Georgie. St. Petersburg 1842. A newer edition (in georgean) is edited by Lomouri, T. & N. Berdzenisvili and has been published in Tblisi, 1941. The arms are on an engraving in this work.

[3] Винклеръ, П.П. фонъ: Гербы гродобъ, губерніи.облаастей и посадовъ Россіиской имперіи. С.-Петербургъ, 1899 p. xxiii.

[4] Винклеръ, op. cit. 1899 p. 177, 180. Ströhl 1900 Taf. III.

[5] After: Собрания узаконений и распоряжений рабоче-крестьянского правительства АзССР, №5, май 1921 г.

[6] Neubecker, 1930, pp. 385, 386.

[7] Конституция АзССР, 1931 г., Издание АзЦИКа, Баку