





White Russia  

Soviet Republic  



Armed Forces





In the 9th century the territory of modern Belarus became part of Kievan Rus', a vast East Slavic state ruled by the Rurikid dynasty. Upon the death of Kievan Rus' ruler Yaroslav I the Wise, the state split into independent principalities. Many early Russian principalities were virtually razed or severely affected by a major Mongol invasion in the 13th century, but the lands of Belarus avoided the brunt of the invasion and were eventually absorbed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

It consists of the largest part of the principality of Polotzk in which the cities of Polotzk, Minsk and Vitebsk were situated. By the Lithuanians woiwodates of the same name were founded around these cities.

On 2 February 1386, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland were joined in a personal union through a marriage of their rulers This union set in motion the developments that eventually resulted in the formation of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, created in 1569. In 1696, Polish replaced Belarusian as the official language and Belarusian was outlawed. The Muscovites, led by Ivan III of Moscow, began military campaigns in 1486 in an attempt to incorporate the lands of Kievan Rus', specifically the territories of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

The region east of the Dnjepr and the Dwina was annexed by Russia in 1772 and the east of Lithuania (being the west of the three woiwodates) in 1793. These territories were held by Russia until their occupation by the German Empire during World War I.


In a Russification drive in the 1840s, Nicholas I prohibited the use of Belarusian language in public schools, campaigned against Belarusian publications and tried to pressure those who had converted to Catholicism under the Poles to reconvert to the Orthodox faith. In 1863, economic and cultural pressure exploded into a revolt, led by Konstanty Kalinowski.

In World War I Belarus first declared independence under German occupation on 25 March 1918 during the negotiations of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,, forming the Belarusian People's Republic. Immediately afterwards, the Polish–Soviet War ignited, and the territory of Belarus was divided between Poland and the Soviet Russia.

A part of Belarus under Russian rule emerged as the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Byelorussian SSR) in 1919. Soon thereafter it merged to form the Lithuanian-Byelorussian SSR. The contested lands were divided between Poland and the Soviet Union after the war ended in 1921, and the Byelorussian SSR became a founding member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922. The western part of modern Belarus remained part of Poland.


In 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded and occupied Poland. Much of northeastern Poland, which had been part of the country since the Peace of Riga two decades earlier, was annexed to the Byelorussian SSR, and now constitutes West Belarus. The Soviet-controlled Byelorussian People's Council officially took control of the territories, whose populations consisted of a mixture of Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Jews, on 28 October 1939 in Białystok. Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

After the end of the war in 1945 the BSSR was restored.

On 27 July 1990, Belarus declared its national sovereignty, a key step toward independence from the Soviet Union. The BSSR was formally renamed the Republic of Belarus on 25 August 1991. By referendum of May 1995 a soviet style autocratic regime was established.




The Arms of White Russia


The history of the coat of arms of Belarus till 1792 is actually the history of the coat of arms of Lithuania. This was echoed in the People's Republic of Belarus of 1918 because it used the arms of Lithuania virtually unchanged and in 1990 there was a return to these arms.


Seal said to be of Izyaslav Yaroslavič,

prince of Polotzk (1067-’68) and grand prince of Kiev (1069-’73 / 1077-’78).

The legend mentions a certain (Saint?) Dimitri.


Seal of Gleb with a pogon

In the time of Lithuanian rule the arms of the White Russian principalities showed the Lithuanian Vytis (whire russian Pógon) but without a shield with the double cross of Jagiello. These were derived from the coat of arms of Lithuania, the arms of Polotsk based on an equestrian seal of Gleb, the son of Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania, which was from 1342-‘47 Prince of Plotsk.

In 1672 these arms were published in the Tsarskiy titularnik (Царский титулярник, Tsar's Book of Titles). [1]


The arms of  Vitebsk and Minsk 1672


The arms of Vitebsk 1672

The arms of Minsk 1672


The arms of Polotzk 1672


After the annexation by Russia the coats of arms of the three historical principalities of Polotsk, Vitebsk Mstislaw made their entry into Russian heraldry.



The arms of Polotsk, Mstislav and Witebsk

After their annexation by Russia in 1793. [2]


United Principalities of White Russia


In the larger achievement of the Greater Russian Empire, adopted 1856, White Russia was represented bij the arms of the principalities of Polotsk, Witebsk and Mstislav:



The arms are tierced per point embowed: In the first the arms of Polotsk: Or, a rider in blue armoury with a sword with a red shield with a white double cross on his arm on a black rearing horse; In the second teh arms of Vitebsk and the third Or, a wolf passant reguardant Gules for Mstislavsk. (Hefner 1859, pp. 44-46, Taf 25)


The Coats of Arms of the White-Russian Governments [3]


In the last half of the nineteenth century the governorates founded on the territories of the former White Russian principalities were granted coats of arms:


Grodno: Gules, a buffalo Or langued and eyed Sable. Crown and garland

 Granted 05.07.1878



Minsk: Or, three bars wavy Azure. Crown and garland.

Granted 05.07.1878


Mogilev: Or, three hills Vert, on the one in the middle growing three stalks Vert with ears Gules. Crown and garland,

Granted 05.071878


Vitebsk: Gules, the Pogon, the shield empty, the horsecloth Azure. Crown and garland as usual for the Russian governements.

Granted 08.12.1856


In the larger achievement of the Greater Russian Empire, adopted 1883 White Russia is represented in the lower half of the  coat of arms for the "Lithuanian Territories”:



Arms: Quarterly enté en point and an escutcheon in nombril point. In the last Gules, a rider in silver armoury and a sword in his right hand and with a shield Argent, an eight pointed cross Gules, on a white rearing horse (the Pógon) its horse clothes three-pointed with a golden bordure – for Lithauania.

1. Parted per fess, in chief Gules an eagle Argent; in base a rider in blue armoury swinging a sword and with a shield Argent, an eight-pointed cross Gules, on a black rearing horse with red three-pointed horse clothes with golden bordure – for Bielostok.

2. Or, a bear rampant Sable, langued and eyed Gules – for Samogetia.

3. Argent a rider (Pógon) in black armoury and a sabre with golden handle in his right hand and with a shield Gules, a six pointed cross Argent, on a black rearing horse its harness Argent and Gules – for Polotzk.

4. Gules, a rider (Pógon) in silver armoury swinging a sword and with a round silver buckler, on a silver rearing horse with a red saddle and golden three-pointed horse clothes with a blue bordure – for Witebsk

In base Argent a wolf passant reguardant Gules for Mstislav.  [4]


Independendence and Soviet Era


White-Russian People’s Republic




Already in December 1917 consultations were held on the national symbols of the planned People's Republic. These would consist of a white-red-white flag and the Pógon: a silver rider on a red field, the white shield on his arm charged with a golden double cross. Of these arms a larger version is known in which there is a red helmet with white plumes on the shield  which is surrounded by a wreath and the banners of the nine parts of the country.

Arms: Gules, a rider on horseback swinging a sword Argent, bearing a shield Gules, a patriarchal cross Or.


Achievement of the Belorussian People’s Republic, 1918

Surrounded by the banners of the voivodates



White-Russian Socialist Soviet Republic (I)

Савецкая Сацыялiстычная Рэспублiка Беларусь



The first coat of arms of the S.S.R.B. was adoped by Constitution of 9 February 1919. The section reads:


Раздел третий


31. Герб ССРБ состоит из изображений на красном фоне в лучах солнца золотых серпа и молота, помещенных крест-накрест рукоятками книзу, окруженных венцом из колосьев с надписью:

а) Социалистическая Советская Республика Белоруссии,

б) Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!


32. Торговый и военный флаг ССРБ состоит из полотнища красного (алого) цвета, в левом углу которого – у древка, наверху помещены золотые буквы ССРБ, или надпись Социалистическая Советская Республика Белоруссии

3 февраля 1919 г.


This means that the first coat of arms was identical to the arms of the R.S.F.S.R. of  20 June 1918 surrounded by the title:  Социалистическая Советская Республика Белоруссии, (Socialist Sovet Republic of Belarus). [5]


The Lithuanian–Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Літоўска–Беларуская Савецкая Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка; or Litbel existed within the territories of modern Belarus and eastern Lithuania for approximately five months during 1919. It was created after the merger of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Socialist Soviet Republic of Byelorussia. The republic was dissolved after the Polish Army took over its claimed territory of eastern Lithuania during the Polish–Soviet War.


Seal of the Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Republic of Workers and Peasants.

The arms in the centre are the arms of  the Russia Federation adopted on 20.06.1918


During the Polish-Russian War (1919-‘21) the western part with Minsk of Belarus (i.e.eastern Lithuania) was occupied for a time by Poland.


Seal of the Polish Republic adopted 01.08.1919

Seal of the R.S.F.S.R. adopted 10.07.1918




The S.S.R.B. was re-established under the same name on July 31, 1920.

Eventually, the SSRB was re-established as a political move in the context of the Polish-Soviet War, in a minuscule territory of 52,400 km² made of 6 uyezds of Minsk Governorate. The rest of the Belarusian lands remained split between Poland and the RSFSR.

After its incorporation into the Soviet Union in 1922 its name became Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (B.S.S.R.)

Seal 1922


Arms of the R.S.FS.R.  surrounded by the title БЕЛАРУСКАЯ  СОЦ  СAВЕЦКАЯ  РAСПУБЛIКA


The first arms specifically for Belarus date from about 1925: It is almost identical to the arms of the Russian Federation Russia adopted 1925, with the difference that in chief the initials Р.С.Ф.С.Р. are replaced by Б.С.С.Р. and the motto is written in belarusian



Arms: Gules, a hammer and sickle in saltire, in chief the letters БССР and in base a rising sun radiant all Or.

Garland: Ears of wheat Or.



Socialist Soviet Republic of White-Russia



By Constitution of April 11, 1927 art  74 the arms were changed so that a greater distinction with the arms of Russia came into being.

The arms now includes a picture of the northeastern hemisphere above which the sun rises. On the rays of the sun is a golden hammer and sickle with a red five-pointed star with golden rim above. Around the representation is a wreath of flowering clover, wheat spikes and branches of oak tied together with a red ribbon with the motto in four languages: white russian, russian,  Yiddish and Polish Below are the initials of the republic Б.С.С.Р. The arms were confirmed and amended by the Constitution of 19 February 1937, art. 119.


Arms.: A hammer and sickle in saltire, in chief a five-pointed star Or, voided Gules, in base the north-eastern hemisphere and a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: On the dexter ears of rye and flowering clover, on the sinister branches of oak tied with a ribbon Gules.

Motto: On the dexter windings: ПРАЛЕТАРЬІ УСІХ КРАІН ЗЛУЧАЙЦЕСЯ and the same motto in jiddish and hebrew lettering: !לױעױ״זאפ ױעטעזעדאויפ רעידאטעלאדפ; on the sinister windings: ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! and PROLETARIUSZE WSZYSTICH KRAIOW LACZCIESIE!. And in base the initials Б.С.С.Р. all in white lettering.

By Constitution of 11th of April 1927.


The article reads:

"Государственный герб Белорусской Социалистической Советской Республики состоит из изображения на красном фоне в лучах восходящего солнца серпа и молота, помещенных крест на крест рукоятками к низу и окруженных венком, состоящим слева из ржаных колосьев, переплетенных клевером, и справа — из дубовой ветки; внизу между обоими половинами венка находится часть земного шара. Обе половины венка перевиты красной лентой, на которой помещены надписи на белорусском, еврейском, русском и польском языках: «Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!» и ниже — инициалы БССР. На верху герба имеется пятиконечная звезда".


White-Russian Socialist Soviet Republic (II)




Amendmend by Constitution of 19th of February 1937, art. 119.



Amendment by decree of 20.11.1938


The ars of rye and the branches of oak replaced by ears of rye and flowering clover and flax. The mottoes in Jiddish and Polish omitted


Arms: A hammer and sickle in saltire, in base the north-eastern hemisphere and a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: Ears of rye on the dexter with flowering clover, and on the sinister with flowering flax tied with a ribbon Gules.

Motto: On the dexter windings: ПРОЛЕТАРЬІI ЎСІХ КРАІН ЕДНАЙЦЕСЯ! on the sinister windings: ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН СОЕДИНЯЙТЕСЬ! and in base the initials БССР all in golden lettering.






Western Belarus was occupied  by Russia on 17 September 1939. In the foloowing years it was conquered by the Germans who settled the Reichskommisariat Ostland in a strip  of Poland from the Gulf of Finland to the Bug in 1941. Part of this was the Generalkommissariat Weißrußland. In a letter dated Minsk, July 27, 1942, Commissioner-General A.M. Prim laid down the flag and arms of the occupied territory. According to Article 2a the coat of arms and logo are the “Belarusian national 'Pogon'.”  This is shown on a red disc, presumably with a gold rim.


The presidium of the White-Russian Central Committee in conference,  Minsk, 1944.

The Pogon on a disc between the flags of White-Russia and Germany


Arms.: Gules, a rider on horseback swinging a sword Argent, his shield also Argent, a patriarchal cross Or.

By order, 27.07.1942


The Order reads:


Менск, дня 27.VII.1942 г.


Распарадженьне, што да беларускіх нацыянальных адзнакаў і емблемаў у гэнэралным камісарыяце Беларусі.


            1. Я дазваляю у генералным камісарыяце Беларусі адзнак і емблемы беларускія пры розных урачыстасьцях і для распазнавання нацыянальнасці беларускай  побач нямецкіх  адзнакаў на дамох вывешваць і насіць.


            2. За нацыянальныя адзнакі і емблемы Беларускія на падставе гэтага распарад-женьня былі прызнаны:

            а) беларуская нацыянальная «Пагоня » паводле наданага ўзору,

            б) беларускі нацыянальні сьцяг таксама паводле наданага ўзору.

            Флаг, который отличается от описания Томша Гриба  отсутствием на одной из сторон « Погони » в лучах солнца, идентичен сегодняшнему флагу БНФ. –

Прим. А. М.


            в) апарка наручная для ўрадаўцаў БНС.

            Усе гетыя адзнакі і эмблемы знаходзяцца над дзяржаўнаю апекаю. [6]


Seal of the Central Council, 1943-‘44


The Weißruthenische  Zentralrat existed from 1 September 1943 until 1944. From January 1944 also a Weißruthenische Heimwehr“ (Belaruskaja Krajowaja Abarona - BKA) existed


Sleeve patch of the BKA


White-Russian Socialist Soviet Republic (III)



After the war, the former arms were readopted by article 119 of the Constitution of 1946.


Section 119 of the Constitution of the B.S.S.R. reads:


Статья 119 Конституции Белорусской ССР

Государственный герб Белорусской Советской Социлистической Республики состоит из изображения в лучах восходящего солнца серпа и молота, окруженых венком, сосоящим слева из ржаных колосьев, переплетенных клевером, и справа - из ржаных колсьев, переплетенных льном; внизу между обеими половинами венка находися часть земного шара. Обе половины венка перевиты краснои лентой, на которой помещены надписи на белорусском и русском языках: «Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь! », и ниже - инициалы «БССР». Наверху герба имеется пятиконечная звезда.

Achievement of 1958-1981


The same, the motto on the dexter windings changed in: ПРAЛЕТАРЬІI ЎСІХ КРАІН ЯДНАЙЦЕСЯ!

By decre 28.02.1958


Achievement of 1981-1991


The same, the continent orange, thehammer and sickle and the inscriptions Or (yellow)


White-Russian Republic




After the coloapse of the Soviet Union, Belarus adopted a new state coat of arms on 10 December 1991 which  restored the Pogon to its former glory. It is red with a silver horseman armed with a sword and with a silver shield with a golden double cross.



Arms: Gules, a rider on horseback swinging a sword Argent, his shield also Argent, a patriarchal cross Or.

By Decree 10.12.1991


In May 1995 the arms were changed again when President Lukashenko had held a referendum on the constitution. The Pogon disappeared and a modified version of the old arms was adopted instead. At the site of the hammer and sickle is now the map of Belarus. The motto fell and the initials were changed to the new republic's name: Рэспублика Беларусь (Republic of Belarus).


Arms.: The outline of the map of Belarus Vert,  in base the north-eastern hemisphere and a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star Gules

Garland: Ears of rye with flowering clover on the dexter and with flowering flax on the sinister, tied with a ribbon of the national colors Gules and Vert.

Motto: РЭСПУБЛИКА БЕЛАРУСЬ in golden lettering.

 adopted 05.1995


Государственный герб Республики Беларусь является символом государственного суверенитета Республики Беларусь.


Государственный герб Республики Беларусь представляет собой размещенный в серебряном поле зеленый контур Государственной границы Республики Беларусь, наложенный на золотые лучи восходящего над земным шаром солнца. Вверху поля находится пятиконечная красная звезда. Герб обрамлен венком из золотых колосьев, переплетенных справа цветками клевера, слева – цветками льна. Венок трижды перевит с каждой стороны красно-зеленой лентой, в средней части которой в основании Государственного герба Республики Беларусь в две строки начертаны золотом слова «Рэспубліка Беларусь».


Æ See illustration in the head of this article


Presidential Flag



Мiнiстэрства Унутраных Спрау (МУС)

Ministry for Internal Affairs



Emblem of the Ministry of the Interior


State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus



The Камітэт дзяржаўнай бяспекі, (КДБ), (State Security Agency of the Republic of Belarus (KDB)) is the national intelligence agency of Belarus.


The KDB provides for the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Belarus, the protection of the constitutional order and the sovereignty of Belarus, as well as providing national security of the Republic of Belarus in the political, economic, military, scientific, technological, informational, social, demographic and environmental fields.

It is the Belarusian successor organization to the KGB of the Soviet Union.

It is governed by the law About State Security Bodies of the Republic of Belarus.

The KDB is formally controlled by the president of Belarus, (now Alexander Lukashenko).




The police service of Belarus, the Militsiya (Міліцыя), is under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is considered as the main policing- and law enforcement agency in Belarus. It consists of:


Criminal Militsiya  (Крымінальны Вышук.)



Main Directorate for Drugs control and combating Human Trade


Militsiya for Public Security



Sleeve patches 1991-‘95



Sleeve patch 1995 - present


Safety Road Department




Car badge


Sleeve patch

Department for Migration and Citizenship (Падраздзяленне па Грамадзянсву i Мiграцыi)




The inner legend reads: Падраздзяленне па Грамадзянсву i Мiграцыi (Division for Citenzenship and Migration)


Department for Punishment and Prisons


K Directorate – for computer crimes


The Armed Forces of Belarus


Ministry of Defence


Emblem of the Ministry of Defence


Sleeve Patch


Armed Forces



Emblem of the Armed Forces


Armed Forces Flag (obverse)


Armed Forces Flag reverse)


Sleeve patch


General Staff


Emblem of the General Staff


Heraldic sign - the emblem of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is a golden image Shestoperov surrounded by two red arrows converging in combination with a wreath of golden oak and laurel branches on the background of figure Shield (baroque type) black crowned golden five-pointed star. Fringe shield golden brown. Figured shield is located on the background stars silver sash.



Presidential Decree №150 dated March 28, 2007 "On the flag of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus" was established and approved by the flag Order of him. According to the text of the official description of the flag:


"Флаг Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь (далее – флаг) представляет собой прямоугольное полотнище красного цвета длиной 200 см, шириной 133 см, разделенное четырехконечным зеленым с белыми окантовками лапчатым крестом.

В центре полотнища расположено изображение геральдического знака – эмблемы Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь, равное по высоте двум пятым ширины флага.

Флаг с лицевой и тыльной сторон имеет одинаковый рисунок.

Допускается изготовление флага большего или меньшего размера с соблюдением отношения ширины флага к его длине 2:3 и соответствующих пропорций".

Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь (информация прислана М.В.Ревнивцевым




Sleeve Patch




Emblem of the Land Forces



Flag of the Land Forces approved October 24th, 2005 by Decree №190 of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On the flag of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus":

"Флаг Сухопутных войск Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь (далее - флаг) представляет собой прямоугольное полотнище красного цвета длиной 200 см, шириной 133 см. В центре флага расположен геральдический знак - эмблема Сухопутных войск Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь, равный по высоте двум пятым ширины флага. Флаг с лицевой и тыльной сторон имеет одинаковый рисунок. Допускается изготовление флага большего или меньшего размеров с соблюдением отношения длины флага к его ширине 3:2 и соответствующих пропорций".

Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь (информация прислана М.В.Ревнивцевым)

Sleeve patch


Air Force



Emblem of the Air Force and Air Defense Troops


The heraldic emblem of the Air Force and VPVO was approved by Presidential Decree №163 April 22, 2003:


"Геральдический знак - эмблема Военно-воздушных сил и войск противовоздушной обороны Вооруженных Сил Республики Беларусь представляет собой стилизованное золотистое изображение стрелы, молний и крыльев, совмещенных с венком из золотистых дубовых и лавровых ветвей, расположенное в центре фигурного щита (барочного типа) голубого цвета, увенчанного пятиконечной звездой золотистого цвета. Кайма щита золотистого цвета. Фигурный щит расположен на фоне орденской звезды серебристого цвета".



Presidential Decree of January 19, 2005 №17 "On the flag of the Air Force and air defense troops of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus"


"2. Флаг представляет собой прямоугольное полотнище голубого цвета (отношение ширины к длине 2:3). От центра флага по четырем основным и четырем дополнительным направлениям сторон света расходятся восемь лучей золотистого цвета. В центре флага расположен геральдический знак-эмблема ВВС и иойск ПВО, равный но высоте двум пятым ширины флага. Флаг с лицевой и тыльной сторон имеет одинаковый рисунок. Допускается изготовление флага большего или меньшего размеров с соблюдением отношения ширины флага к его длине 2:3 и соответствующих пропорций".

Новоутверждённый флаг поднимается на здании командования ВВС и войск ПВО; зданиях штабов и командно-диспетчерских пунктов воинских частей ВВС и войск ПВО; в местах несения боевого дежурства воинскими частями ВВС и войск ПВО; при церемониях и на других торжественных мероприятиях, проводимых Министерством обороны, командованием ВВС и войск ПВО, управлениями оперативно-тактических командований ВВС и войск ПВО и командирами воинских частей ВВС и войск ПВО.

Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, №9, 26.01.2005, 1/6169


Sleeve patch


roundel 1990-2012


roundel 2012- present



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© Hubert de Vries 2006-12-19 Updated 2009-12-16; 2016-01-27




[1] A Russian illuminated manuscript, made in 1672 by D. Lvov, I. Maximov and a collective of painters of the Kremlin Armoury, with more than 50 portraits of Russian and foreign royalty and 49 coat of arms

[2] Winkler, P.P. von: Gerby Gorodov Gubernii, Oblastei o Posadov Rossiiskoi Imperii s 1649 po 1900 God. St. Petersburg, 1900. (Repr. Planeta, Moskva, 1990)

[3] Ströhl, 1902 pp. 163-186. VI Tafeln, and Von Winkler 1899.

[4] Köhne, B. von: Das Kaiserlich Russische Reichs-Wappen nach der neuesten Feststellung. In: Der Deutsche Herold, 1883, pp. 56-58, 67.


[6] From: Михальченко, A.: Белорусская Симболика. Традиции и Современость. In:  Советская  Белоруссия, 25 ноября 1990..