
Kingdom of Westfalen



Line of Hannover

Freistaat Braunschweig


Saxon Horse


Back to Deutschland




The founder of the claim on the domain of Braunschweig was Henry the Lion from the House of the Guelphs. In 1142 the he received the city of Braunschweig and the Duchy of Saxony as fiefs, and the latter was greatly enlarged in the years that followed as a result  of an intensive colonization to the east. He chose the city of Braunschweig as the center of his domain, which he had converted into his residence. After Henry the Lion was appointed duke of Bavaria in 1154, he was considered one of the most powerful princes in the Holy Empire. When a conflict between Henry and the Emperor Barbarossa came to a head in 1180, the Reichsacht (Imperial Ban) was finally imposed on Henry. Following the subsequent army tour against Henry, he was left only the possession of the cities of Braunschweig and Lüneburg as well as some smaller inherited property (allodial property).


Only the grandson of Henry the Lion, Otto I the Child, was able to partially restore the lost influence. In the course of the Hohenstaufen-Welf reconciliation, he transferred his rights to Emperor Frederick II in 1235. In return, the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg was founded from the transferred goods and other large territories of the empire, and Otto was enfeoffed

As early as 1269, the Duchy was divided into individual principalities. In the southern part of the Duchy, the Principality of Braunschweig with possessions around Braunschweig, Wolfenbüttel, Einbeck and Göttingen was established. In the northern part of the Duchy, the Principality of Lüneburg was founded with properties in the Lüneburg area. Both principalities, however, continued to form the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, which thus continued to exist undivided under imperial law. It was also a hallmark of continued existence that all the princes and male princes of the various lines bore the title "Duke of Braunschweig and Lüneburg". In the further history there were still several divisions within the Duchy and its principalities, from which the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel also emerged in 1291. This remained largely unchanged and became the predecessor of the Duchy of Braunschweig. The other principalities gradually merged again until the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, better known as the Electorate of Hanover, was established in 1692.


All these principalities were crushed by the Napoleonic campaigns against Prussia and the subsequent peace of Tilsit. By decree, Napoléon Bonaparte founded the Kingdom of Westphalia, to which the various Braunschweig and Hanoverian possessions were subordinated. This division was only reversed at the Congress of Vienna after the defeat of Napoleonic France. Thus, on 8 June 1815, the German Confederation was initially founded as the successor organization to the Holy Roman Empire. Member States included the Kingdom of Hanover and the Duchy of Braunschweig.

In 1813 Duke Friedrich Wilhelm was restituted. After the Vienna Congress, the Duchy of Braunschweig was established in 1814 in the old borders of the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel. During the congress, efforts were still being made on the Brunswick side to incorporate parts of the former prince-bishopric of Hildesheim into the Brunswick territory. The Dukes of Wolfenbüttel ruled these areas as early as the 16th and 17th centuries, and such an increase could have ended the territorial fragmentation of the state. But that was opposed by the interests of Prussia and above all Hanover. The entire Hildesheim area finally came to the Kingdom of Hanover.


After Friedrich Wilhelm's death in 1815, he was succeeded by eleven-year-old Charles II as Duke of Braunschweig. Until Karl's legal age in 1823, however, his uncle, George IV of Great Britain and Hanover, reigned. In 1830 unemployment, hunger and great dissatisfaction prevailed in the state of Braunschweig after a failed harvest. Charles II had long been upset by his clumsy style of government and his absolutist demeanor, which culminated in a popular uprising under the impression of the July Revolution in France: the aforementioned “Graue Hof” was stormed by petty bourgeoisie, artisans and workers in 1830 and urned down. Karl II had to flee to Switzerland - in his luggage works of art of inestimable value. In Braunschweig, law and order could only be maintained by the vigilante founded by Councilor Wilhelm Bode. The absent Duke Karl II was declared incapable of governing.

The regency was transferred to his younger brother Wilhelm (who was the last member of the Welfish Line). On1 12 October 1832, the New Landscape Ordinance (Landsschaftsordnung) was enacted, a hereditary monarchist representative state constitution with one chamber and a fixed budget for the ruling prince of 230,900 thalers. Under this unmarried ruler, Braunschweig went through a phase of neutrality as a small state that was not allied with Austria or Prussia. The country formed a tax union with Hanover in 1834 as a customs union, but joined the German customs union in 1841. With the founding of the Reich in 1871, the Duchy became a federal state of the German Empire.




Heinrich der Löwe


Duke of Saxony 1142-1180

Duke of Bavaria 1154/'56-1180

Banned 1st time 1181-1185

Banned 2nd time 1189-1190


Æ See: Dukes of Saxony


In 1181 Henry the Lion was defeated at Erfurt and banned but he was allowed to keep his allodial posessions Braunschschweig and Lüneburg. From 1181 until 1185 he lived at the court of Henry II of England. In 1189 he was banned again but he returned after the death of Frederick Barbarossa


After his deposition Henry did not use an equestrian seal any more but put a lion free in the field. He kept his ducal title but this was not followed by a territorial term.


1185 ca Seal: Figure: Lion. L.: sigillvm henrici dvcis. D.: (1180)-1188. Of this seal there are also prints from 1191 and 1194.


[1255] Equestrian seal of the city of  Schwerin i. M. Arms: Lion passant. L.: X dvx • henricvs • et • sigillvm • civitatis • zverin. D.: 1255. (According to Seyler p. 306 the knight represents Henry the Lion).


After the death of Henry the Lion his sons Henry (*1174) and Otto (*1177) and the minor Wilhelm (*1184) inherited Braunschweig and Lüneburg. On coins minted by these sons there are usually two lions which could be interpreted to be the symbols of the two territories. 


Henry I the Tall of Brunswick 

*1173 ca - † Brunswick 28.04.1227

¥ 1. Agnes heiress of the Palatinate 1193

¥ 2. Agnes of Wettin 1211

Count Palatine of the Rhine 1195-1212

Count of Brunswick etc. 1195


Statue of Henry the Tall

Braunschweig Cathedral  [1]



At first Henry used an eagle to symbolize his office of a count palatine. Also  he used a single lion passant as used by his father before. After the election of his brother Otto IV as a roman king two lions appeared. When Otto IV had come into troubles and Henry had abandoned him for the Hohenstaufen party, he continued the use of the two lions until his death in 1227. These were inherited by his nephew Otto the Child (†1252) together with the Welf possessions for which he was promoted to duke in 1235.

The arms of Henry the Tall

As on the bridal chest of Quedlinburg, 1208 n°[2]


Arms: Gules, two lions passant guardant Or


These arms are for his function of  Imperial Regent in Rhineland to which  he was appointed by the king (his brother Otto) in 1208. This was an appointment analogous to the appointment of John Lackland in England in the absence of his brother Richard Lionheart and was therefore decorated with the same coat of arms.



See also: Rheinland Pfalz



Foto H.d.V. 2017

Samit cloth, probably from a liturgic robe.

Spanish, 1st half 13th cent.

Museum Lüneburg


This precious cloth shows a network of diamonds with two-headed eagles and lions. It belongs to the oldest pieces from the Church of St. John (Lüneburg, 1174/1289)). Other pieces are preserved  in Musea in Hamburg and Berlin.

Also addorsed peacocks (badge of rank of a prefect) and dragons (badge of a standardbearer) can be seen.


Tree supported by lions reguardant addorsed

of a supreme commander/constable


Two headed eagle

of an Emperor

As the heraldic devices of an imperial vicar and of an emperor are on the cloth, it must date from the time that Henry the Tall was in the service of the emperor. That is to say from 1197 until 1203, 1208-1214, and from 1219-1227 (Fredrrick II).


Two coins minted in Braunschweig [3]



Museum f. Kunst u. Gewerbe, Hamburg. Inv n° 1949-4-Europa. From Lune monastery. [4]


Picture: unknown 13th century. Embroidery: 15th century. Silk fabric: Venice. Embroidery: Lower Saxony samit, silk, cuticle gold, linen, 279.5 ´ 101.5 cm.


Antependium (detail)


The altar curtain from the Lüne Abbey (near Lüneburg) consists of a fabric originally patterned in red and gold. The red dye has turned to a beige tone, the gold has largely been rubbed off, and yet the large circular ornaments can be easily recognized with  lions rampant. In the intermediate fields there are two griffins facing each other. Due to the late Gothic embroidery on the side, the valuable material was converted into a textile for the church several hundred years after its creation. It is thanks to this fact that this unique fabric is preserved.


These heraldic devices are for one of the sons of Henry the Lion, most likely Henry the Tall, and for a cleric of the rank of a bisshop or of an abbess. For this may qualify the Bisshop of Verden, for example Iso von Wölpe. (1167-1231) or the abbess of  Lüne  Monastery itself.


Otto [IV] von Braunschweig

*1177 - † 19.V.1218

Count of York and Marche 1190

Duke of Braunschweig 1195-1218

Regent of Aquitania 1196-1198

King of Rome 1198 - 1209

Elected Cologne 9.VI.1198

Crowned Aachen 12.VII.1198

Reelected 1208

King of Germany 1198 - 1218

1 ¥ Beatrix Hohenstaufen 1209.05.24

Roman Emperor 1209 - 1211

Crowned Rome 21.VI./4.10.1209

Deposed 09.1211

2 ¥ Mary of Brabant 1214


Æ See: Otto IV


Otto I das Kind

*1204-† 09.06.1252


¥ 1228 Mathilde von Brandenburg * ~ 1210- †1261




After the death of Otto the Child in 1252, his sons Johann and Albrecht the Great initially shared the inheritance until 1267. After that, the inheritance was divided and Albrecht received the south with Göttingen. This first division of the Welf heritage was to be followed by others and severely fragmented the Duchy. What was special about these divisions was that the Duchy remained as an supposed unit, the individual rulers over the sub-countries continued to call themselves the Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, but the sub-countries were called "principalities".

After the death of Albrecht the Great in 1279, his three sons initially ruled the Duchy together, but in 1286 it was again divided among them. Albrecht der Feiste should get the south, the country Oberwald. Albrecht chose Göttingen as his royal seat and moved into the castle in the northern old town, Ballerhus (also Bahrhus). After the death of his brother Wilhelm, he was able to rule the Brunswick territory again from 1292. After Albrecht's death in 1318, his eldest son Otto der Milde initially took over the entire government, but this was probably because the other two were not yet of age. Otto died childless in 1344, now his brothers Magnus and Ernst divided the country. Ernst got the Göttingen territory, which was now separated from Braunschweig for a long time.


Albrecht I, der Große

Duke of Braunschweig and Lüneburg 1252-1267

Duke of Braunschweig 1267-1279


Seal of Albrecht I,  1251


1280 ca Duc de Brusewic, l’ecu d’or od deus leuns passans de gules (!). Camden Roll, n° D21.

3. Gules, two lions passant guardant (Or).


Heinrich I

Braunschweig-Grubenhagen 1279-1286

Grubenhagen 1286-1322


Wilhelm I

Braunschweig 1286-1292


Albrecht II der Feiste

Braunschweig 1292-1318


Albrecht II.(*unknown or before 1268; †22. September 1318), Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg was a prince of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Göttingen and was nicknamed Der Fette, Der Feiste or in latin: pinguis.


Otto der Milde


Braunschweig 1318-1344

2 ∞ 1319 Agnes von Brandenburg †1334


Otto der Milde and Agnes von Brandenburg

Braunschweig Cathedral


Gravestone of Prince Bruno von Braunschweig-Göttingen (†1306), 1400ca

Formery Franziskanerkirche Göttingen





Magnus I der Fromme



Magnus II Torquatus



Magnus was the eldest son of Magnus I and his wife Sophie von Brandenburg. He first worked as an administrator in Sangerhausen, then from 1368 as an official. In 1369 he inherited the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel after the death of his father. A few months later the father of his sister-in-law Mechtild von Braunschweig-Lüneburg († before 16 May 1410) died, the Prince of Lüneburg Wilhelm II. Magnus had been designated by him as an heir and would also have been entitled to inheritance in accordance with the Welf house laws since his father Magnus I had been a 2nd degree cousin of the deceased. However, Emperor Charles IV regarded the Imperial fief as having fallen back to the Empire and enfeoffed the Principality to the Dukes Albrecht von Sachsen-Wittenberg and his uncle Wenzel, which triggered the War of Succession in Lüneburg. The next few years were marked by military conflicts with the Wittenbergers. After Lüneburg sided with the Dukes of Wittenberg, due to repeated demands for money from Magnus, Magnus tried to take Lüneburg, which failed. Magnus died in 1373 of fatal injuries that he sustained in a duel with his brother-in-law, Count Otto I von Schaumburg, at the Battle of Leveste am Deister.


Seal of Magnus II, 1369


Arms: ¼ of Braunschweig and Lüneburg



Modern reconstruction [5]





Middle Line of Brunswick 1388-1495


Bernhard I


Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel 1388-1428

Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 1428-1434


Son of Magnus II. He belonged to the House of Welf and was the founder of the Middle House of Lüneburg of this dynasty in 1409.


Shared  Brunswick in 1400 and received Lüneburg by partition in 1409


Wilhelm I, der Siegreiche




1440 ca Arms: Gules,  two lions passant guardant Or

Crest: A bunch of peacock-feathers charged with a running horse Argent 

L.: brensewijk

 (Bergshammer nº 49) Arms: id. (n º 1303) Arms:: as nº 49. (nº 3119).


Heinrich der Friedliche

 Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1432-1473


1459 Arms:  Braunschweig,

Crest: Braunschweig.


Hans Ingeram’s Wappenbuch


Louis II Dauphin 1423-1456

Ladislas Posthumus. 1440-1457

Otto I 1434-1446




Son of William I


Wilhelm II der Jüngere


Son of William I


Division into Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel and Braunschweig Kalenberg-Göttingen





Erich I der Alte von Kalenberg-Göttingen



Hans Burgkmaier d Ä , 1520


1540 Arms: ¼: 1. Braunschweig; 2. Lüneburg; 3. Azure, a lion Argent crowned Or (Eberstein); 4. Gules a lion Or within a bordure compony Argent and Azure (Homburg).

Crest: A pile Gules, crested of peacock-feathers charged with a running horse Argent and surrounded with two sickles decorated with peacock-feathers. (Siebm. Taf. 49)


Erich II der Junge



Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1495-1634


Heinrich I der Alte

Wolfenbüttel  1495-1514


Heinrich II, der Jüngere


Knight of the Fleece nº 214, Antwerpen 1556


His stallplate in St. Bavo Cathedral, Gent (inv. n° 433)


Arms:  ¼ of Braunschweig, Lüneburg, Eberstein and Homburg.

Crest: Braunschweig-Lüneburg.

Order: Of the Fleece.


Photo H.d.V. 2020

Monument for Heinrich II, der Jüngere

his wife and his sons 

Main church Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, Wolfenbüttel


From l.t.r: Sophia Jagellonica (†1575), Heinrich d. Jüngere (†1568),  Karl Viktor (†1553), Philipp Magnus (†1553).





Foto H.d.V. 1991

Arms of Julius with two savages for supporters

Sculpture on the city-gate of Münden (NS) dd. 1578.).


No knight of the Fleece was known in 1578, the arms therefore have to be of  Henry the Younger


Reunion of the Braunschweig territories 1585




Arms of Julius by Jost Amman, 1589 [6]


1589 Arms: ¼ of Brunswick, Lüneburg, Eberstein and Homburg.

Crest: Braunschweig-Lüneburg.

L.: Hertzog von etc. (Jost Amman, 1579-’89)


Heinrich Julius



By Heinrich Julius the arms were augmented with the blasons of the other Braunschweig-Lüneburg territories:

6. Or, a lion Gules (Diepholz); 7. ½ Bruchhausen; ancient and modern; 8.. Hoya 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg; 10. Reinstein; 11.Klettenberg; 12. Blankenburg. On 5: Per pale Argent and Gules (Halberstadt)

Elias Holwein: Wappen des Herzogs Heinrich Julius und der Herzogin Elisabeth von Braunschweig



Holwein, Elias


17. Jh.


11,5 × 9,8 cm






Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum






Former city gate Helmstedt 1592-1612

The achievement of Julius with crests and golden lions for supporters


In nombril point: Halberstadt (per pale Argent and Gules)


Christian (II.) von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (*20. September 1599 in Gröningen an der Bode; † 16.Juni 1626 im Schloss Wolfenbüttel), nominell Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg und Administrator des Bistums Halberstadt, auch Christian der Jüngere, der „Tolle Christian“, der „Wilde Herzog“ oder „Toller Halberstädter“ genannt, zählt zu den bekanntesten Feldherren der Welfen im Kampfe gegen das Haus Habsburg (Kaiser Ferdinand II., König Philipp IV. von Spanien) und die Katholische Liga im Dreißigjährigen Krieg.


Serenissimo principiae domino domino christiano duci brunswicensi et lunenburgensi

The Serene leading principles of the most Christian duke of Brunswicke and Luneburg


Friedrich Ulrich



Foto HdV 1991

Arms of Friedrich Ulrich, 1619

Zeughaus, Wolfenbüttel




New Line of Brunswick 1645-1735


August der Jüngere



1665 Arms: 1/11: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; 5. Diepholz 1; 6 Lauterburg 1; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz 2; 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg 2; 10. Klettenberg; 11. Reinstein-Blankenburg.

Crests: I. Braunschweig-Lüneburg; D.: Hoya; S.: Bruchhausen; IV. Klettenberg-Eberstein; V. Reinstein-Blankenburg trunks Gules and Argent (Diepholz).

S.: Twee gouden leeuwen, de helmen van Klettenberg-Eberstein en Reinstein-Blankenburg over de kop gestulpt.

(Siebm. Taf. 53;,

D.: alles mit bedacht (munt 1665, Lex Her. p. 186).


Rudolf August



Achievement  of Rudolf August.

Autorshof, Braunschweig


Eleven-fielded arms with crests, two helmeted and crested lions guardant for supporters and the motto NEC ASPERA TERRENT (Not Frightened by difficulties)



I. Siegel von Herzog Rudolf August von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Fsm. Wolfenbüttel) (1627-1704) und seinem Bruder Anton Ulrich (1633-1714) mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift des Herzogs Rudolf August

Name des Standorts: Diplomatischer Apparat Originalsiegel IV,19


II Siegel Herzog Rudolf August von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Wolfenbüttel) (1627-1704)

Name des Standorts: Diplomatischer Apparat Originalsiegel IV,18


III Papiersiegel Herzog Rudolf August von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (Wolfenbüttel) (1627-1704)

Name des Standorts: Diplomatischer Apparat Originalsiegel VI,4e


Anton Ulrich



Foto HdV 2020

Achievement of Anton Ulrich

Schloßmuseum, Wolfenbüttel


Arms: 1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; 5. Diepholz 1; 6 Lauterburg 1; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz 2; 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg 2; 10. Reinstein; 11.Klettenberg / Blankenburg.

Crests: I. Braunschweig-Lüneburg; D.: Hoya; S.: Bruchhausen; IV. Klettenberg-Eberstein; V. Reinstein-Blankenburg (Diepholz).

Supporters: Two helmeted and crested lions guardant


August Wilhelm




Foto HdV ‘91

Castle Wolfenbüttel entry mdccxvi (1716)


1716 Arms: 1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; 5. Diepholz 1; 6 Lauterburg 1; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz 2; 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg 2; 10. Reinstein; 11.Klettenberg; 12. Blankenburg.

H.: I. Braunschweig-Lüneburg; D.: Hoya; S.: Bruchhausen; IV. Klettenberg-Eberstein; V. Reinstein-Blankenburg met twee rood-wit gedwarsbalkte trompen (Diepholz).


S.: Twee gouden leeuwen, de helmen van Klettenberg-Eberstein en Reinstein-Blankenburg over de kop gestulpt.(Grafmonument in de Dom van Braunschweig (beschadigs).


Ludwig Rudolf



Achievement of Ludwig Rudolf


12-fielded shield with 5 crests and two lions helmeted with the outer crests for supporters. Collar of an order.


Line of Bevern 1735-1913


Ferdinand Albert



Karl I



1740 ca


Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand



On the arms of Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand the arms of Westfalen with the rearing horse occur for the first time.


1 Species Thaler 1796


Arms: 1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; ; 6 Lauterburg 1; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz1; 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg 2; 10. Reinstein; 11.Diepholz 2; 12. Klettenberg / Blankenburg

On an escutcheon  (n° 5):  Sachsen


Friedrich Wilhelm

1st term 1806-1807


Kingdom Westfalen


Jerôme Napoleon



In the ams of Jerôme  as a king of Westphalen Brunswick was represented in the fourth quarter with a quarterly of Brunswick, Diepholz, Lüneburg and Lauterburg.


Blason: Écartelé : I, de gueules au cheval effaré d'argent arnaché d'or (de Westphalie) (Basse-Saxe) ; II, contre-écartelé, 1 de gueules à deux léopards d'or, 2 d'or, au chef de sable, chargé d'une étoile à six rais d'argent (comté de Ziegenhain (de)), 3 d'or, au chef de sable, chargé de deux étoiles à six rais d'argent (de Nidda), 4, d'or au léopard lionné de gueules, armé, lampassé et couronné d'azur (de Katzenelnbogen), sur-le-tout d'azur au lion burelé d'argent et de gueules et couronné d'or (de Hesse) ; III gironné de gueules et d'argent de seize pièces, sur le tout d'or au lion de gueules (not identified); IV, contre-écartelé, 1 de gueules, à deux léopards d'or (de Brunswick), 2 d'or, au lion de gueules, armé, lampassé et couronné d'azur (de Diepholt), 3 d'or, semé de cœurs de gueules, au lion d'azur, armé et lampassé du deuxième, brochant sur le tout (de Lunebourg), 4 de gueules, au lion d'or (Lauterberg (de)) ; sur le tout d'azur à l'aigle d'or, la tête contournée, au vol abaissé, empiétant un foudre du même. (l’Empire Français)


Ordres: 1.  Ordre de la Couronne de Westphalie  (1809-1815) 2. Du Legion d’ Honneur


Braunschweig Wolfenbüttel


Friedrich Wilhelm

 2nd term 1813-1815


1 ducat 1814


Carl II



The Duke Charles II of Braunschweig fled abroad after a revolt after 1830. On urgent advice from the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. Karl's younger brother Wilhelm went to Braunschweig. Based on a revocable authorization from his brother, he initially assumed provisional governance. On the basis of a Bundestag decree, Wilhelm was provisionally commissioned to run the state. In 1832 Karl was declared incapable of government by family decision and Duke Wilhelm was recognized as the only legitimate regent.  "Only with the greatest reluctance William was ready to take over the government, as the apparent breach of the legitimate prince law as a heavy burden seemed too risky."


24 Marien Grosch, 1828


Arms: 1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; ; 6 Lauterburg 1; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz1; 9. ½ Hohenstein and Lauterburg 2; 10. Reinstein; 11.Diepholz 2; 12. Klettenberg / Blankenburg

On an escutcheon  (n° 5):  Sachsen






Lesser Arms

With the collar and motto of  The Garter

Lesser Achievement 1872


Achievement of the Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg

(print, 1861)


1856 Arms:  1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; 5 Diepholz 1; 6 Lauterburg ; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ Bruchhausen ancient and modern; 8. Diepholz 2; 9. Hohenstein; 10. Reinstein; 11.Klettenberg; 12. Blankenburg.

Crown: A Grand ducal crown

Crests: 1. Braunschweig-Lüneburg; 2. Eberstein; 3, Hoya 4. Reinstein-Kletteberg;

Order: Order Heinrichs des Löwen (Braunschweig, 25.04.1834).

Supporters: Two savages with clubs.

Motto: nec aspera terrent

Mantle: Purpure, fringed and tasseled Or and crowned with a grand-ducal crown.

 (Siebm. 1856, Taf. 46.)

Order of Henry the Lion 25.04.1834


Regency of the duchy of  Braunschweig  1885-1913


After Wilhelm's death (1884), which left no legitimate heir, the chairman of the Regency Council, Hermann Graf von Görtz-Wrisberg, initially took over the government affairs, until after a Federal Council decision on 2 November 1885, Prussia did not prefer a Welfe from the House of Hannover (Ernst August, Duke of Cumberland was actually chosen for this), but Prince Albrecht of Prussia was appointed as a  regent


Moritz Röbbecke: Brunswick Regency Council 1909

From l.t.r.: Albert von Otto, August Trieps, Adolf Hartwieg, Hans Wolf and Wilhelm Semler.


On the tablecloth the arms of the principality with crests.


Albert of Prussia

Regent 1885-1906



Seal of the office of the Lord Chamberlain of Prince Albrecht of Prussia

Prussian Eagle

Smaller Achievement:



Arms: Per pale of Braunschweig and Lüneburg.

Mantle: Gules, fringed and tasseled Or, grand-duaclly crowned

Supporters: Two lions Or

II. Medial Achievement:

Arms: 1|2 of Braunschweig and Lüneburg

Crown: A Grand-ducal crown

Order: Order of Heinrich der Löwe.

Supporters: Two lions guardant Or grand-ducally crowned .

Motto: a. immota fides (Unshakably faithful) in golden lettering on a strap Gules

b. nec aspera terrent in golden lettering on a ribbon Azure

(Ströhl, 1897)

III Larger Acievement:

Arms:  1/12: 1. Lüneburg; 2. Braunschweig; 3. Eberstein; 4. Homburg; 5 Diepholz 1; 6 Lauterburg ; 7. ½ 1. Hoya; 2. ½ of ancient and new Bruchhausen; 8. Diepholz 2; 9. Hohenstein; 10. Reinstein; 11.Klettenberg; 12. Blankenburg.

Crown: A Grand ducal crown

Crests: 1. Braunschweig-Lüneburg; 2. Eberstein; 3, Hoya 4. Reinstein-Kletteberg;

Order: Order of Heinrich der Löwe (Braunschweig, 25.04.1834).

Supporters: Two savages with clubs.

Motto: nec aspera terrent

Mantle: Purpure, fringed and tasseled Or and crowned with a grand-ducal crown.


Johan Albert van Mecklenburg Schwerin

Regent 1907-1913


Regency of Prince Johann Albrecht of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

After Albrecht's death in 1906, the President of the Regency Council, Albert von Otto, took over government affairs again. On 5 June  1907, Duke Johann Albrecht zu Mecklenburg was granted the Brunswick reign after a corresponding Federal Council decision. The reign ended when on 1 November 1913 the last Brunswick duke, Ernst August and his wife Viktoria Luise, moved into the city.


Foto HdV 2013

Achievements of Brunswick and Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Harzstraße 27 Wolfenbüttel


The arms of Carl II, crowned and supported by two savages with clubs. The collar of the Order of Heinrich der Löwe (1834)  top down


The  achievement of Mecklenburg-Schwerin from 11.09.1885


Medal on the regency of Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg-Schwerein, 1907-1913

Crowned arms of Saxony supported by a savage with club


Line of Hannover 1913-1918


Ernst Augustus



Renewed Reign of the Guelphs

In the meantime, triggered by the wedding on 24 May 1913 between Viktoria Luise, the daughter of Emperor Wilhelm II, and Prince Ernst August of Hannover, reconciliation between Welfs and Hohenzollern had taken place. Thus, on 1 November 1913, Duke Ernst August once again ascended the Brunswick throne. [7]

Abb. 10  Kleines persönliches Wappen des Herzogs, 1915.

NStA Wolfenbüttel, 36 Alt. nr 176/4 (Foto StAWf)


Abb. 3 Entwurf für ein großes persönliches Wappen des Herzogs, 1913

NStA Wolfenbüttel. 36 Alt Nr. 176/4 (Foto: NStA Wf)


Twelve-fielded shield, the fifth and eighth field charged with an escutcheon quarterly of England, Scotland, Ireland and Saxony, ensigned with the imperial crown on a red shield.

Five crests and the collar of  Henry the Lion.

Tqwo savages for supproters and the motto NEC ASPERA TERRENT

All surrounded with a mantle grand-ducally crowned



“Verordnung wegen Form und Fürung der Dienstflaggen der Herzoglich Brauschweigischen Behörden” dd. 5.10.1913:


§ 1. “... Flagge, deren Mitte in einem von der Herzogskrone bedeckten roten Oval das springende weiße Pferd zeigt.”.


This oval was also used by the customs offices: It was white with a black bordure and a red oval with a white rearing horse on a ground and the capture  Zollamt.    (Landesmuseum Niedersachsen)





Ernst August abdicated in 1918 at the end of the First World War in the November Revolution, which ended the Duchy of Braunschweig. First, a "socialist republic" was created. On 6 January1922, Braunschweig received a new democratic constitution as the Free State of Braunschweig.


8 November 1918




Coat of arms of Braunschweig Freestate


In the Constitution of the Freistaat Braunschweig of 6 January 1922 is written:


Art. 1. Abs. 2. “Die Landesfarben sind blau-gelb. Das Landeswappen ist das weiße Sachsenroß im rotem Felde”.


The white ground below the hind legs of the horse has disappeared.


In 1933 Braunschweig was united with the eastern part of  Hannover to the district Süd Hannover-Braunschweig



Arms:: Gules, a rearing horse Argent

Nr. 33

Gau: Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig

Verwaltungssitz: Hannover

Fläche: 14.553 km²

Einwohner (1941): 2.136.961

Gauleiter (exkl. Stellvertreter): Ludolf Haase von 1925 bis 1928, danach von 1928 bis 1940 Bernhard Rust, danach ab 1940 Hartmann Lauterbacher


After the war this district became a part of Niedersachsen.



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© Hubert de Vries 2020-02-14




[1] This statue is announced to be of Henry the Lion who received his tomb three years after the death of Henry the Tall in 1230.  Not surprisingly Henry the Tall looks much alike his father but there is a enough difference to be able of the opinion that the statue represents Henry the Tall.

[2] Schwineköper, B.: Eine unbekannte heraldische Quelle zur Geschichte Kaiser Ottos IV. und seine Anhänger. In: Festschrift für H. Heimpel zum 70. Geburtstag am 19. Sept. 1971. II, Göttingen 1972. Pp. 959-1022. Also: Kruppa, Nathalie: Neue Gedanken zum Quedlinburger Wappenkästchen. (2001),cma,004,2001,a,06.pdf

[3] Zeit der Staufer, Die. Geschichte - Kunst - Kultur. Katalog der Ausstellung. Württembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart 1977.Band 1. Abb. 110-15-`16

[4] Bild / unbekannt 13. Jh. Stickerei: 15. Jh Seidengewebe: Venedig, Stickerei: Niedersachsen Samit, Seide, Häutschengold, Leinen 279,5 x 101,5 cm Der Altarbehang aus dem Kloster Lüne (bei Lüneburg) besteht aus einem ursprünglich in Rot und Gold gemusterten Gewebe. Der rote Farbstoff ist zu einem Beigeton vergangen, das Gold ist weitgehend abgerieben und trotzdem lassen sich die großen Kreisornamente mit aufsteigenden Löwen gut erkennen. In den Zwischenfeldern stehen sich jeweils zwei Greifen gegenüber. Durch die seitlich angefügte spätgotische Stickerei wurde der wertvolle Stoff mehrere hundert Jahre nach seiner Entstehung zu einem Textil für die Kirche umgearbeitet. Diesem Umstand ist die Erhaltung dieses einzigartigen Gewebes zu verdanken.

[5] Schnath, Georg Das Sachsenross. Entstehung und Bedeutung des Niedersächsischen Landeswappens. 2e Vermehrte u. verbesserte Auflage. Schriftenreihe der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung in Niedersachsen. Reihe B Heft 6. Hannover, 1961. Abb 13

[6] Amman, Jost:  Stamm und Wappenbuch. Frankfurt a/Main, 1579 & 1589. Neu herausgegeben und geordnet von Friedrich Warnecke. Görlitz 1877. Berlin, J.A. Star­gardt. Id. Liebhaber Bibliothek alter Illustratoren in Facsimile Reproduction. Hirth, G.: Meister Holzschnitte aus vier Jahrhunderten.

[7] Veddeler. Peter:   Die Einführ ung eines "persönlichen" Wappens für Herzog Ernst August nach dem Regierungsantritt des Hauses Hannover im Herzogtum Braunschweig.