In the time of Alfonso el Batallador the emblem of armed
authority was a christogram which was universal for all christian armies. By
individualizing the cross-and-shield a difference could be made between often
rivalling armies. One such an army was the armed force of the Ecclesia which
introduced a red cross on a white field on banners and shields as early as
the 11th century. As Aragon was a papal vassal since 1068 when Sancho
Ramirez had offered his kingdom to the Papacy paying a tribute of 600 gold marks yearly, a red cross on a
white field may have been introduced in Aragon as early as 1068. No
contemporary sources confirming such a martial badge for Aragon however are available. A red
cross on a white field appearing in the 13th century in the Usatges de Barcelona, is
attributed to Raymond Berenger I, the Elder, count of Barcelona (1035-’76),
then a (nominally) Frankish vassal. It was not until 1258, by the Treaty of
Corbeil, that the king of France formally relinquished his feudal
overlordship over the counties of the Principality of Catalonia to the king
of Aragon James I, descendant of Ramon Berenguer IV. It was in this time that
the Usatges de Barcelona were
edited in its final form and making at the same time Raymond Berenger I alias the count of Barcelona James I,
a papal vassal. The arms of
Aragon originates in a time of a conflict of Peter III with the Papacy about
the kingdom of Sicily which had been granted to Charles of Anjou instead of
to Konrad Hohenstaufen, brother in law of Peter III. After the defeat and
beheading of Konrad in 1268, all members of the Hohenstaufen family Charles
of Anjou could lay hands on, were killed or imprisoned except the wife of
Peter III, Constance, leaving her the heiress of Sicily. As the Pope was
dedicated to Charles, James I thus became automatically the enemy of the
Papacy. The enmity of the Papacy towards the Staufic party was a cause that
at his coronation in Zaragoza on 27 July 1276 Peter III renounced al his
feudal obligations to the Papacy which his grandfather Peter II had
reaffirmed in 1204. No emblem of the Aragonese is known from before
1281. In that year a seal was used showing a shield charged with a cross
between four moor’s heads and within a legend meaning “The serpent has caused the
curse, the cross has repelled it”. The arms of
Aragon, which probably had referred to these feudal obligations were changed
by Pedro III by adding to the cross of the Ecclesia four moor’s heads in its
quarters. These moor’s heads are the symbol of Saint Mauritius who was the
patron saint of the Roman emperors since the time of the Ottones and later
also of the Hohenstaufen. They also match the four estates (brazos) represented in the Cortes. By this addition, the cross of St George, the
patron saint of the Ecclesia, was changed into the cross of St. Mauritius. According
to Sagarra in his Sigillografia
Catalana these arms were adopted after a campaign under the command of Conrad de Llansa to Tunisia in 1279 to
re-establish aragonese suzerainty after the death of Muhammad I al-Mustansir (†1277) who had recognized the
suzerainty of James I the Conqueror before. Also, in 1281
Peter III armed a fleet to invade Tunisia again and applied to pope Martin V
to declare the expedition a crusade but, the pope refused. Maybe these expeditions were held with the (financial)
approvement of the Aragonese Parliament which was then rewarded with a coat
of arms. However, no documentation about such a grant is available. However, the quite persistent explanation of these
arms usually is that the four heads represent the four moorish kings defeated
at the Battle of Las Navas in 1212. Another misconception, introduced by Gelre Herald in
the 14th century, is that these arms really are the arms of Sardinia which of
course is contradicted by the use of them in Aragon. Explicitely also,
Alfonso V states in a privilege that "Quod illa
quatuor capita maurorum nigrorum cum cruce rubea, quæ pro insigniis seu armis
propriis Regni nostri Aragonum in campo argenteo tenemus..."
(That the four black moor’s heads
and the red cross is the true emblem or arms of our kingdom Aragon.) [1] Seals bearing these arms were used in an alsmost
uninterrupted series until about 1700. The legend on these seals was changed
at the end of the 13th century when it was replaced by the second part of the
royal title. |
Peter III the Great |
1276-1285 |
1281 Seal of Majesty: The king on his throne with
sceptre and orb, a six-pointed star in dexter chief. L.: S. PETRO DEI
GRACIA REGIS ARAGONVM Counterseal: Arms: A cross between four moor’s heads. L.: X SERPENS DAPNA TULIT CRUS TAMEN HEC REPULIT. (Sagarra [2]) |
Alfonso III the Liberal |
1285-1291 |
Counterseal: Arms: A cross between four moor’s heads. L.: MAIORC ET
VALNCIE (Sagarra) |
James II the Just |
1291-1327 King of Sardinia
1297 |
1293 Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: (Sagarra) |
1300 ca. Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: valnc et mvrc
ac comitis barchn |
Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: valnc sardin et
corsica ac comitis barchi. (Sagarra) |
1326 Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: valnc sardin et
corsica ac comitis barcm. (A.S. Cagliari) |
Alfonso IV the Benign |
1327-1336 |
Counterseal: Arms: A cross between four moor’s heads. L.: VALNC SARDIN ET CORSICA AC COMITIS BARCM. (Sagarra) |
Peter IV the Ceremonious |
1336-1387 King of Majorca 1343 |
1339 Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.:
valnc sardin et corsica ac comitis barcm. (Sagarra) |
Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: et corsica comes barchi
rossilionesc |
Martin I the Humane |
1395-1410 |
1401 Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.: et corsica comes o barchi
rossilllonis. |
Alfonso V the Magnanimous |
1416-1458 Knight of the
Fleece. n° 42, 1445 |
In a privilege
of Alfonso the arms with the cross and the four moor’s heads is explicitely
called the arms of the kingdom of Aragon: "Quod illa quatuor capita maurorum
nigrorum cum cruce rubea, quæ pro insigniis seu armis propriis Regni nostri
Aragonum in campo argenteo tenemus..." [3] (That the
four black moor’s heads and the red cross on the silver field is the actual
emblem or arms of our kingdom of Aragon) |
1428 Seal: The king on his throne with sceptre
and orb between two diamond shaped shields paly. L.: ALFONſUS DI GRA REX
A cross between four moor’s heads. L.: COMI BARCH AC DVX ATHEN
.......... ROSSILIONIS. |
1451 Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four moor’s heads. L.:
Ferdinand II the Catholic |
1479-1516 |
1490 ca. Counterseal: Arms: A cross between
four heads crowned. L.: ? |
Philip II |
1556-1596 |
Golden Seal of Philip II as a king of Aragon Seal of Majesty: L.: PHILIPPVS D.G.
REX CAST ARAG LEGVS HIER TOL VALC MA SAR Counterseal: Arms of Aragon with crowned heads. L.: COMES BARCH DNS VIZ ET MOL DVX
ATH ET NEOP ROSS ET CER Coin of Philip II (III) 1611 The arms of Aragon on the
reverse |
Charles III |
Pretender 1700-1713 |
Gold seal of Charles III Habsburg for the Kingdom
of Aragon. Counterseal: Arms with crowned moor’s heads.. L.: COMES BARC. DNS VIZ ET MOL DVX ATH ET NEOP
golden seal is pending from a Royal Warrant, dated Barcelona, 12 August 1707,
authorizing his brother, the Emperor Joseph I., to arrange the contract of
marriage in his name with the Princess Elizabeth Christina of
Brunswick-Lüneburg. [4] |
In the
12th century the possessions of the kings of Aragon were extended with
Ceritania (1117) and Roussillon (1177). In the 13th century their territories
were extended with the kingdom of Majorca (1231), Valencia (1238),
Sicily-Trinacria (1282), Corsica and Sardinia (1297) and Athens and Neopatras
(1312). Accordingly
the title of Peter IV (1336-’87) was a summing up of the royal titles of
these territories: X PETRVS: DEI: GRA:
emblems of kingdoms, corresponding with the terms of the royal title, are
given by Gelre Herald in his Armorial but, for some reason, he attributed the
arms of Valencia to Aragon and the arms of Aragon to Sardinia.
The banners of the kingdoms of Pedro IV, the Ceremonious Armorial du Héraut Gelre, KB.
Brussel, Ms. 15652-56 fol. 62v. The
banners are: Valencia: Azure, a square cross patée fitchée Argent. Aragon: Argent, a cross Gules between four moor’s
heads Sable Majorca: Paly of nine Gules and Or. Sardinia and Corsica: Or, a moor’s head Sable with a
headscarf Argent.
Corsica was lost to the Genuese in 1434 the title SARDIN ET CORSICA was
omitted on the later seals of Alfonso V. The arms of Sardinia & Corsica
were accordingly abandoned by the Aragonese, to return later as Argent, a moor’s head Sable with a headscarf Argent for the Island of Corsica and Argent, a
cross Gules between for moor’s heads Sable with headscarfs Argent for the
Island of Sardinia. The arms
of the united kingdoms appeared in about the end of the reign of Alfonso the
Magnanimous. It was: per pale of Valencia and Aragon, and a chief of Majorca,
the arms of Sardinia-Corsica omitted. |
Cash-book of the Representation of Teruel 1450 (Libro de
cuentas de la Tabla del General de Teruel) [6] Showing the
arms of the United Kingdom of Aragon composed of the arms of Majorca,
Valencia and Aragon. |
In 1499 the coats of arms of Valencia, Aragon and
Majorca were redefined by the chronicler Guadalberto Fabricio de Vagad in his “Cronica
de Aragon”. (Zaragoza, 1499). He
attributed them to the ancient kingdoms of Aragon that is to say of Iñigo
Arista (824-851), of his son Garcia Iñiguez (851-880) and of Raymond Berengar
IV (1131-’62). At the same time he augmented the arms of the
United Kingdom with the arms of Sobrarbe consisting of a golden shield with
an oak-tree, a latin cross in its top. These arms were attibuted to Garcia
Jimenez “Suprarbrorum Rege” who was
supposed to be elected in 716 or 724. [7] It is a
so-called “canting arms” and a rebus of ‘a cross on a tree’. About its origin
is speculated with fervour an enthousiasm but all we can say is that it was
certainly invented and introduced by De Vagad. A large
woodcut of it is printed on the frontispiece of the Cronica: The arms were extensively explained by Lucio Marineo Sículo in his "De Aragoniae
Regibus et eorum rebus gestis libri V" (Zaragoza, 1509). Later they were
reproduced on several editions of the chronicles of Aragon by Jeronimo Zurita. An interesting question of course is why De Vagad
has invented these arms and, who has charged him to make a new design and
change the symbolism of its quarters. Probably his mandator has been king
Ferdinand II who wanted to have an emblem not symbolizing the parts of his
posessions by right of conquest but just a confirmation that his rule was
legitimized by right of succession. |
In any case the arms quarterly for the aragonese monarchy
was used for about two centuries until it was liquidated by Philip V. In the
course of time it underwent small changes. A representation of the arms quarterly of Aragon, On the fronispiece of the
“Primera Parte de los Anales de Aragon”, 1630 |
Photo H.d.V. Arms of the Aragonese Monarchy on the façade of the
Church of St. Isabella, Zaragoza. The arms
are quarterly of Sobrarbe, the cross of Iñigo Arista, the cross of St. George
and Ramon Berenguer. The inscription
mentions the name of Queen Isabella of Portugal
(*1503-†1539), the wife of Charles I (V) and the year 1683. On top of the
façade is another, similar coat of arms. Even when
the arms quarterly were used well into the 17th century, it was already
changed in the 16th century. A first change was made by impaling the pales of
Majorca in the fourth quarter with the arms of Sicily-Trinacria. |
Arms of the Aragonese Monarchy on a tapestry, 16th cent. A second
change was made at the end of the 16th century or the very beginning of the
17th. This was done by rearranging the quarters and adding an escutcheon: Arms: Quarterly: Majorca, Valencia, Aragon,
Sicily-Trinacria; escutcheon: Sobrarbe. These
arms were used until the abolition of the parliament by king Philip V. |
Tombstone from
the Panteón de los Diputados del Reino Black marble from the
Calatorao quarries. 17th century.
Museo Municipal de Zaragoza Arms quarterly
of Majorca, Valencia, Aragon and Sicily with an escutcheon Sobrarbe. The
, SE [ÑORES] DYPUTADOS DE (This crypt is of the illustrious lords deputy of …) |
Crowned arms of the Aragonese Monarchy, 1604 On the
frontispiece of: Indice de las cosas mas notables que se hallan en las qvatro
partes de las Annales y las dos de la historia de Geronimo Çurita, Cronista del Reyno de Aragon. Dirigido a los illvstrissimos
Señores Diputados del. (Zaragoza,
1604) The arms
quarterly with an escutcheon Sobrarbe is between the legend: Stemmata nobilitant alios Clariſsima
Reges: At ſua, Celtiberi, ſtemmata nobilitant. |
Crowned arms of
the Aragonese Monarchy, On
the frontispiece of a publication, 1705 After the
liquidation of the United Kingdom of Aragon the arms of the kingdom
disappeared also. No information
could be obtained about the time of french occupation and the spanish kingdom
of Joseph Bonaparte (1808-‘13) We may however
assume that at first the french imperial eagle was also valid in Spain and
after 1808 the arms of king Joseph Bonaparte. These were used by all lower
instances of the government |
In 1822 the
former kingdom of Aragon was divided in the provinces of Guadalajara, Soria,
Teruel and Zaragoza And in
1833 in the provinces of Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza For arms
of the provines the arms of their capitals were taken: |
Huesca |
Teruel |
Zaragoza |
In the Franco-era they were: |
precursors of the Aragonese Parliament emerged in the twelfth century. They
began as incomplete, sporadic meetings which gave rise to important events in
the history of the Kingdom, such as the 1134 Government of Borja. The
thirteenth century saw the beginnings of what later became the magnas asambleas, or ‘major
assemblies’. From 1384 until the end of the fifteenth century Parliament
began to consolidate itself and develop, and it remained while Aragon was
first independent and then autonomous, ending only when the Kingdom itself
ceased to exist. The Aragonese Cortes (Parliament), consisted of four
estates (brazos): the greater and lesser nobles, the citizens and the
clergy and was governed by complicated rules of procedure. Redress preceded
supply, and unanimity was in theory required for the approval of any measure.
The Cortes also claimed the right to declare war. The most important
political office in the country was that of the justicia mayor. He was
arbitrator between king and nobles or people when disputes arose with the
crown, and his decisions were virtually final. A permanent parliamentary
comission (diputación
del reyno) existed to deal with finance, observance of the fueros
(privileges), and matters
pertaining the peace of the realm. In the
fifteenth century, in the time of King Alfonso V (1416-’58) the arms of the kingdoms of Aragon and Valencia
together with the royal arms appeared on the Palace of the Deputations in
Zaragoza, inaugurated 1450. The most ancient of this alliance shows the
royal arms with the crest of the House of Trastamare which was a dragon
issuant, on a helmet lambrequined of Valencia being Azure, a cross paté
fitchée Argent. A more recent or even contemporary version shows the royal
arms crowned. This
achievement represents the Crown of Aragon. It may go back to the Compromise of Caspe
during which the assembled deputations of Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia
elected a new king after the death of King Martin I without issue and the
following interim period (1410-’12). According
to the decisions taken then, the arms of the new king are those of the House
of Trastamare to which the new king Ferdinand I (being a grandson of Henry II
Trastamare) belonged. |
achievement of the Court as in Zaragoza was made in the civil war in Aragon
(1462-’72) in which king John II was declared an enemy of the country. Henry
of Castile was elected in his place in Catalonia. This may explain why the
arms of Catalonia (Argent, a cross Gules) are missing. Achievement of the Court, the
royal arms crested. 1445-’65 Zaragoza, Municpal Museum. Formerly in the Ancient Palace of the Deputations of the
kingdom in Zaragoza. Situated on the banks of the river Ebro next to the Puente de Piedra (Stone Bridge),
destroyed by fire on 28 January 1809. |
Achievement the Court, the
royal arms crowned. 1445-’65 Zaragoza, Municpal Museum. It can be
seen on both reliefs that the arms of the kingdoms are supported by an angel
which probably indicates that both institutions were autonomous. On the arms
of the aragonese deputation the moor’s heads have scarfs around their heads. |
After the
reign of Ferdinand II the arms with the moor’s heads with scarfs around their
heads were made the arms of the kingdom of Sardinia. The moor’sheads of the
arms of the aragonese deputies were crowned instead Altar of the Holy
Virgin and Child, lower part, about 1569 From
the Prison of the Declaration of the
Kingdom of Aragon. Oratory of the Deputies of the Kingdom. Painting
by Jerónimo Vallejo Cósida (Zaragoza *1516-†1592). Municipal Museum Zaragoza. On this
altar the royal arms are crowned and the moor’s heads are crowned instead
of having scarfs around their heads. |
The achievement of the Court On the fronstispiece of
Jeronimo Zurita: Los cincos Libros postreros de la segunda parte de los Anales de la Corona de Aragon. 1579 . On this woodcut,
of only ten years later than the painting of Vallejo Cosida, the royal arms
are crested again. |
Achievement of the Court On the 1610 edition of the Anales of Zurita The same stamp was used on later publications, for
example on the Actos de Cortes del
Reyno de Aragon of 1664 which was printed by order of the deputies. After the liquidation of the united kingdom the
heraldic emblems of the court disappeared also Later, after the french occupation a new assembly of
Aragon was created in May 1821, justified by the constitution of 1812. The
emblem of the assembly shows the personification of Aragon in cuirass and with
helmet and spear, holding the Tables of Law incribed with the words CONSTITUCION
POLITICA, the O of
Constitucion illuminating the royal Arms for Aragon. At her feet are the
symbols of the res publica, the
arts, commerce and prosperity. Below, a pedestal is inscribed GOBIERNO POLITICO
DE ARAGON. [8] Seal of the Provincial Government of Aragon, 1822 After the restoration of the absolutist regime of
king Ferdinand VII in 1823, this assembly disappeared. |
In the time of
the Second Republic (1931-’39) paper money was issued in 1935 by the city of
Caspe showing the coat of arms of the city as a kind of provisional arms of
Aragon. In 1936 a Council of Aragón was established
by the anarchists in Caspe. This council adopted a coat of arms on 22 January
1937 which was published in The preambula and description as
published in Nuevo Aragón, nº 66, of 6 April 1937 reads: «Este Aragón que
nace no podía conformarse con el antiguo escudo regional, símbolo de
oscurantismo, oprobio y esclavitud. De ahí que los
aragoneses que viven en toda su intensidad estos albores de un futuro libre y
digno, hayan creado el nuevo escudo de su región, que damos a publicidad hoy,
y que consta de cuatro cuarteles, separados por la A, inicial de Aragón. En el primer
cuartel aparecen los pirineos aragoneses, fronterizos a Huesca, que
representan a esta provincia. En el segundo,
aparece un olivo, símbolo de la riqueza olivarera de Teruel, que a esta misma
representa. Vemos en el
tercero un río, el Ebro, cuyas aguas corren bajo su puente representativo de
Zaragoza. La cadena rota
del cuarto cuartel, simboliza al nuevo y libre Aragón. Y coronando el
escudo, un sol naciente, emblema del Aragón que brota sobre lo derruido por
los enemigos de la libertad». That is: The
Aragon that is born cannot accept the ancient regional arms, symbol of
obscurantism, oppression and slavery. Therefore
the aragonese living in the dawn of a free and dignified future in all its
intensity have created a new arms for their region, which we publish today
and which consists of four quarters, separated by the A, the first letter of
Aragon. In the
first quarter there are the Pyrenees, representing the border of the province
in Huesca. In the
second there is an olive-tree, symbol of the wealth of olive orchards of
Teruel which is represented in the same In the
third we see the river Ebro flowing under a bridge representing Zaragoza The
broken chain in the fourth quarter symbolizes the new and free Aragon And the
shield is crested with a rising sun which shines over the destruction of the
enemies of liberty. The arms were also on the flag of the council and on
the badge of the police |
About one
year later, on 17 March
1938, the republicans
were defeated at the Battle
of Caspe. In Caspe the
headquarters of the victorious Moroccan Army Corps were established
charged with the occupation of the
river Ebro. Arms of the Moroccan Army Corps. |
After the death of Generalissimo Franco the
cabinet council approved a provisional regime on 11 March 1978. On 9 April a
General House of Representatives of Aragon was established followed by the
establishment of the Autonomous Communities by Constitution of 31 October,
ratified 6 December 1978. For the
Autonomous Community of Aragon a coat of arms was adopted resembling the former arms of Aragon which
was quarterly of Sobrarbe, Ainsa/Valencia, Aragon and Majorca. Such a coat of
arms was also used for the earlier province of Zaragoza in the 19th and
beginning of the 20th century, the cross on the tree of Sobrarbe omitted. [9] The arms were royally crowned. |
By law of 16 April 1984 the arms were officially
adopted and described. The law reads: Escudo cuartelado en cruz: Primer cuartel, sobre
campo de oro, una encina desarraigada, con siete raigones, en sus colores
naturales, coronada por cruz latina cortada y de gules. Segundo, sobre campo
de azur, cruz patada de plata, apuntada en el brazo inferior y adiestrada en
el cantón del jefe. Tercero, sobre campo de plata, una cruz de San Jorge, de
gules, cantonada de cuatro cabezas
de moro, de sable y encintadas de plata. Cuarto, sobre campo de oro,
cuatro palos gules iguales entre sí y a los espacios del campo. Todo el
escudo, timbrado de corona real abierta de ocho florones, cuatro de ellos
visibles, con perlas, y ocho flores de lis, cinco visibles, con rubíes y
esmeraldas en el aro, en proporción con el escudo de dos y medio a seis. Ley 2/1984, de 16 de
abril, art. 4º pub. en B.O.A. n.º 5, 18 de abril de 1984. That is: A quartered shield:
In te first quarter on a golden field an oak-tree eradicated of seven roots,
in its natural colors, crrested with a latin cross Gules. The second, on a
blue field, a cross patée, the lower arm pointed in dexter chief. In the
third, on a silver field, a cross of St. George Gules, in every quarter a
moor’s head Sable with silver head-scarfs. The fourth on a golden field four
pales Gules equally distributed over the field. On the shield an open royal
crown of eight leaves, of which four visible, with pearls, and eight
fleurs-de-lis, of which five visible, with rubies and emeralds omn the
diadem, of the proportion of two and a half to six to the shield. |
© Hubert de Vries 2013-10-21
[1] Vicente Cascante, Ignacio: Heraldica General
y Fuentes de las Armas de España. Salvat. Eds. S.A.. Barcelona, 1956, p. 421. Pictures
from: Fois,
Barbara: Lo Stemma dei Quattro Mori. Breve Storia dell'emblema dei Sardi. Carlo
Delfino editore. Sassari, 1992. The arms of Sardinia were invented by king
Ferdinand II in about 1500.
[2] Sagarra y de Siscar,
Fernando de. : Sigillografia Catalana. 5 Vol's. Barcelona, 1916-1932
[3] Vicente-Cascante, op. cit. p. 421.
[4] Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: The Art of Heraldry. An
Encyclopaedia of Armory. Arno Press, 1904. Fig. 1092
[5] The capital is usually thought to be a
representation of Roland at Roncevalles
[6] Archivo de la Diputacion de Zaragoza.
Pidal de Navascués, Faustino: El Blason de la villa de Cintruenigo y las armas
de Sobrarbe. In: Hidalguia, 1955, pp.
[8] Source: Internet.
[9] Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada: Ariculo
«Articulo España», 1915