Lothair II (III) of Saxony |
*1075-†1137 Duke of Saxony 1106 - 1137 King of Germany 1125 - 1137 elected 27.8.1125; crowned Aachen 13.9.1125 Roman Emperor 1133 - 1137 crowned Rome 4.6.1133 |
Little is
known of Lothair's youth. He was a posthumous child, born at Unterlüß in 1075
shortly after his father, who had joined the Saxon Rebellion against the
ruling Salian dynasty, died in the Battle of Langensalza on 9 June against
troops loyal to Emperor Henry IV.
In 1100 he married Richenza, daughter of Count Henry of Northeim and Gertrude
of Brunswick, heiress of the Brunonids. After
years of purchasing lands or gaining them via inheritance or marriage
alliances throughout Saxony, Lothair gained the domains of the House of
Billung, the Counts of Northeim and the Brunonids, and became one of the
dominant landowners in the North German duchy. He backed the emperor's son Henry V
during the disempowerment of his father Henry IV and in turn was made Duke of
Saxony upon the death of Magnus of Billung in 1106. Emboldened
by the promotion and incensed over the imposition of a new tax on ducal
lords, however, Duke Lothair subsequently revolted against Emperor Henry's
rule and denied his ability to rule Saxony during the Investiture
Controversy. He acted autonomously, vesting Count Adolf of Schauenburg with Holstein in
1110, was temporarily deposed in 1112 but reinstated after he tactically
submitted himself to the rule of Henry V. In 1115 however, he joined the
rebellious Saxon forces which defeated those of the Emperor in the Battle
of Welfesholz. When in 1123 Henry V vested Count Wiprecht of
Groitzsch with the Margraviate of Meissen, Lothair enforced the
appointment of Conrad of Wettin and ceded the March of Lusatia to
Count Albert the Bear. After the death of Emperor Henry V in 1125, Lothair was viewed by the Imperial chancellor, the Archbishop of Mainz, as a perfect candidate. As an extensive landowner all over Saxony, he brought power to the table, but he was old (slightly over fifty years of age) and had no male issue, potentially making him malleable for the nobility. He was therefore elected King of the Romans after a contentious power struggle with Duke Frederick II, Duke of Swabia, head of the rising House of Hohenstaufen. His election was notable in that it marked a departure from the concept of hereditary succession. Somewhat naive concerning the complex power struggle between the papacy and the empire, Lothair also consented to several symbolic acts that were subsequently interpreted by Rome as signaling acceptance of papal confirmation of his position. |
A series of portraits can be made of Lothair representing him thoughout his career. From the beginning Lothair is represented with curly hair and a curly pointed beard. According to his portrait from Reims he was red-haired but on later portraits his hair is white. |
Portrait of Lothair II Klosterkirche Hecklingen
(Sachsen-Anhalt) [1] |
Photo H.d.V. 2014 Head of a prophet Fragment of a statue on a column From the right entrance of the façade of St Denis
Abbey, about 1137-‘40 Musée de Cluny, Paris, acquired 1992. Inv. n° Cl.
23415 The cap Lothair is
wearing here consists of a demi-sphere, apparently of felt, decorated with a
rim and a hoop of (gold-) brocade. The demi-sphere is not
decorated with points or prependoulia,
nor crested with a cross or ball. This would mean that this headdress is the
headdress of a duke and not of a king or emperor.
Consequently Lothair is represented here as a Duke of Saxony (1106-1137). |
Seal of
Lothair II, 1125 München, Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Kaiserselekt
450. On the charter of Lothair II for Bishop Herimann von Augsburg confirming the grant of the Imperial Abbey of Benedikbeuren. 27 November 1125 |
Head of the statue of king Lothair II from the choir of St. Remi Cathedral in
Reims. Made in the 12th century. Damaged during the French Revolution and
excavated in 1919. The common opinion is that the head represents King Lothair
of France (954-986) who was buried there in 986. Excavations have shown that the present Reims Cathedral occupies roughly the same site as the original cathedral, founded c.400 under the episcopacy of St Nicaise. That church was rebuilt during the Carolingian period and further extended in the 12th century. The presence of the head of Lothar in Reims can be explained as follows: In 1131 Lothar invited Innocent II for a meeting in Liège to talk about the situation of the church in Italy. Both arrived on 22 March 1131 with great pomp and Lothar even gave Innocent the strator service by leading his horse by the rein. As Lothar pleaded to give him back the rights of investment, Innocent almost flew Liege because he thought to be in even greater danger there than in Rome. He then went to Reims where he held a Council. Here the archbishop of Magdeburg had to guarantee in the name of Lothar, who was campaigning against Frederick of Hohenstaufen, that the king would help Innocent with a campaign to Rome to secure his position against Anaclet. [2] In exchage Innocent promised himthe Imperial crown but due to the circumstance the coronation took only place in Rome on 4 June 1133, Anaclet still being in the posession of St. Peter’s Church. Whilst conducting the Council of Reims of, Pope Innocent II (1130-’44) anointed and crowned the 11-year old Louis VII on 19 october 1131 in the cathedral. Both his father Louis VI and Louis VII did not have a Lothar II-like beard. |
Seal of Lothair III on a charter
confirming the jurisdiction over shipping of
Echternach Abbey, 1131 |
Paying homage to
the king. Stone high relief
in the O.L.V. Kerk, Maastricht. The king represented may be Lotair II. He is wearing a crown with four fleurs-de-lis and has a lily-scepter in his left hand. Behind him is his marshal with a sword inscribed GLADIVS (sword). The force
Lothair took with him into Italy to help Innocent in 1132, was not strong,
due to his leaving troops in Germany to prevent the Hohenstaufen from
revolting. Whilst he carefully avoided any cities that were hostile, he did
attempt to besiege Milan, which failed due to the small army he had at his
disposal. Consequently, he reached Rome in 1133, which was mostly held by
Anacletus. |
Foto H.d.V. 08.06 King Lothair II
of Supplinburg and his retinue Baptismal font in
the San Frediano in Lucca. 12th century Baptismal
font, circular dish on a pillar attributed to three sculptors: The Master of
the story of Mozes, Master Roberto (his signature on a part of the dish) and
the Master of the month and of the apostles. Lothair II
on the Baptismal Font Here it can clearly be seen that his pointed beard has been chiseled away. |
Emperor on horseback and his attendants Fresco in the S.
Clemente in Rome. Detail of the “History of Alexius” The king rides a greyhorse and is dressed in
a red tunica and golden cuirass. He wears a purple mantle. His head is
uncovered and he has white hair and a
full beard with the characteristic little curls at the point. The fresco tells the story of Saint Alexius. Alexis was the only son of a rich Roman senator. From his good Christian parents, he learned to be charitable to the poor. Alexis wanted to give up his wealth and honors but his parents had chosen a rich bride for him. Because it was their will, he married her. Yet right on his wedding day, he obtained her permission to leave her for God. Then, in disguise, he traveled to Syria in the East and lived in great poverty near a Church of Our Lady. One day, after seventeen years, a picture of our Blessed Mother spoke to tell the people that this beggar was very holy. She called him "The man of God." when he became famous, which was the last thing he wanted, he fled back to Rome. He came as a beggar to his own home. His parents did not recognize him, but they were very kind to all poor people and so they let him stay there. In a corner under the stairs, Alexis lived for seventeen years. He used to go out only to pray in church and to teach little children about God. The servants were often very mean to him, and though he could have ended all these sufferings just by telling his father who he was, he chose to say nothing. What great courage and strength of will that took! After Alexis died, his family found a note on his body which told them who he was and how he had lived his life of penance from the day of his wedding until then, for the love of God. His veneration was later transplanted to Rome The lower church of the San Clemente in Rome was consecrated in 1128. ‘A rich Roman Senator’ is represented here in the shape of Lothar II. who was of the age of 63 in 1128. The frescoes therefore may have been sponsored by Lothair to pave the way for his coronation in Rome which eventually took place in 1133. |
As St.
Peter's Basilica was closed to them, Innocent instead crowned Lothair as
emperor in the Lateran on 4 June 1133. The emperor continued giving little or
no resistance against papal interference with his power; he even ignored a
bull by Innocent which stated that the emperor's authority derived from him.
He also recognized papal claims to the Matildine lands (formerly owned by
Countess Matilda), in exchange receiving those lands as fiefs. Imperial
seal of Lothair III, 26.05.1134 Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv Hannover Seal of Majesty: The Emperor sitting on his throne, crowned, a lily-sceptre in his right- and an orb in his left hand Legend: LOTHARIVS DEI GRATIA Ÿ III Ÿ ROMANO Ÿ IMPR Ÿ AVG. Emperor Lothair III grants Bursfelde Monastery (Burisfeldensi ecclesie), on request of its ministerial Bevo of Grone, to the memory of his son Gerung who he had lost at the liberation of the Church of Speyer, two Hufe in Grone. [3] Returning
to Germany, he set out to create peace. The Staufen brothers, falling short on
resources, were compelled to submit. The Reichstag in Bamberg in 1135
pardoned the two brothers and restored them to their lands. In return, they
recognized Lothair as emperor, Conrad abandoned his title of King of Italy,
and both promised to assist him in another Italian campaign, before a
ten-year ‘Landpeace’ was declared. |
Charter of Exemption of Vornbach Monastery (on the
Inn, Bavaria) 1136 Bay.
Staatshauptarch. KL Vornbach 1. Lothair
of Supplinburg with a pointed crown with pendilia. L.: lotharivs impr iii |
King in
the Vita Sancti Amandi, 2nd half 12th century The Vita Sancti Amandi is a text from the beginning of te 8th century ascribed to the monk Baudemond, a pupil of Amandus and successor of Flobertus, abbot of St. Peter’s Abbey. The text was extended by Philipp, abbot of Aumône (dept. Loir-et-Cher). There exist a number of copies of the original biography of Amandus amongst others Manuscript 502 (2nd half of the 11th cent.) 501 (Vie et miracles de St.-Amand) and 500 (both 2nd half 12th century) in the Library of Valenciennes. Ms. 501 contains special miniatures, amongst others of Amandus with the author Baudemond (illustration). On this leaf is a posthumous portrait of Lothair. Campaign against
Sicily 1136 In 1136,
at the insistence of Innocent and Byzantine Emperor John II Comnenus, the
campaign began, directed against Roger of Sicily. Two main armies, one led by
Lothair, the other by Henry the Proud of Bavaria, entered Italy. On the river
Tronto, Count William of Loritello did homage to Lothair and opened
the gates of Termoli to him. This was followed by Count Hugh II of
Molise. Advancing deep into the southern part of the peninsula, the two
armies met at Bari, and continued further south in 1137. Roger offered
to give Apulia as a fief of the Empire to one of his sons and give
another son as a hostage - terms which Lothair refused after being pressured
by Innocent. The
German troops, however, were against campaigning during the hot summer and
revolted. The emperor, who had hoped for the complete conquest of Sicily,
instead separated Capua and Apulia from Roger's kingdom and gave them to
Roger's enemies. Innocent protested, claiming that Apulia fell under
papal claims; the two eventually jointly enfeoffed the duchy to Rainulf of
Alife. Lothair turned north, but died while crossing the Alps on 4 December
1137. His body was boiled to prevent putrefaction, and his bones were carried
to the monastery Kaiserdom church of Saints Peter and Paul at Königslutter,
which he endowed as his burial church and for which he laid the cornerstone
in 1135. There his tomb and the tomb of his wife Richenza can still be seen. Shortly
beforehand, he gave his Tuscan Matildine lands to his son-in-law, Henry the
Proud of Bavaria, and his last acts were to give him also the Duchy of Saxony
and the imperial regalia (i.e. crown, lance and sword). However, the kingship
subsequently ended up in the hands of the Hohenstaufen, destroying Lothair's
hopes for a powerful Welf hereditary monarchy. |
The form of the crowns as depicted on the several
representations of Lothair II looks somewhat arbitrary. A problem is posed by
the fact that the representations are sometimes difficult to date. There are at least three forms: ·
A demi-sphere decorated with one or two hoops and a (felt) cap we can
find in Hecklingen and Paris. ·
A diadem decorated with three points and a cap imitating the crown of
the Salians. Such a crown is on the seal of Lothair II ·
A diadem decorated with three ornaments like on the crown from Reims ·
A diadem with three fleurs-de-lis like on the crown from Maastricht
and Lucca ·
A diadem with two points and prependoulia
and a (felt) cap crested with a square cross. Such a crown is on his Imperial
Seal ·
Eventually Lothair is crowned with a crown of three points, on each
point a cross and prependoulia
hanging from the lower rim. This crown is derived from the
(imperial-) crown of Conrad II (Emp. 1027-’39), the central hoop missing. |
Eagle from Northern Italy, 12th century Coll. Palazzo
Venezia, Rome As the eagle is guardant it may be the symbol of a Roman
King or a Roman Emperor, the eagles of the King of Itay and the Kimg of
Germany turning their head to the dexter or the sinister. Probably the eagle
was made for the Emperor Lothair III but other like eagles are only known
from the reign of Henry
IV (Emp. 1084-1105) and Frederick
Barbarossa (Emp. 1155-’90). At the same time
(1136 ca) Geoffrey of Monmouth, writing about the fight of Emperor Lucius
with King Arthur, thinks that the imperial standard was a golden eagle: "He commanded that a golden
eagle, which he had brought with him as a standard, should be set up
firmly in the centre.”[4] This matches with the golden eagle on the
floor of St Marks basilica in Venice. |
Richenza of Northeim |
*c. 1087/1089 –†1141 |
Richenza of Northeim was Duchess of Saxony from 1106 when she married Lothair of Supplinburg, German queen (formally Queen of the Romans) from 1125 and Holy Roman Empress from 1133 until the death of her husband in 1137. She died in 1141 and was buried next to her husband Emperor Lothair and her son-in-law Duke Henry the Proud in the Imperial Cathedral at Königslutter. Her grave goods included a simple and elegant lead crown. No contemporary portraits have been found so far. Crown from
the grave of Empress Richenza Coll. Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum This crown is of
the common model found in medieval west-european royal graves
(for example in Speyer) |
© Hubert de Vries 2017-08-08
Schubart, Werner: Sachsenblume und Sachsenkaiser in der Klosterkirche zu
Hecklingen. http://kaiserdom-koenigslutter.info/index.php/alte-reichsgeschichte-12jh-ii.html
[2] Heinrich, Christoph Gottlob: Allgemeine Weltgeschichte von de Schöpfung bis zur gegenwartigen Zeit. Leipzig, 1789. Pp. 21-22. It is said that Innocent II again crowned Lothair as King of the Romans on 29 March 1131 but nothing is said about that coronation by Heinrich
[3] https://www.arcinsys.niedersachsen.de/arcinsys/detailAction?detailid=v1601464
Hufe: a piece of land of
7-15 ha.
[4] Monmouth, Geoffrey of: The History of the Kings of
Britain. (ca. 1136). Translated with an introduction by Lewis Thorpe. Penguin
Classics, London, 1966. P. 251