Part II
1810-1821 |
After the
declaration of independence from Spain by Father Miguel Hidalgo on 16
September 1810 a Supreme National American Government (Suprema Junta Nacional Americana or
Suprema Junta Gubernativa de América, was founded by Ignacio López Rayon in the
city of Zitácuaro
(Michoacán) on 19 August 1811. On the same day an
emblem was adopted to represent Independent Mexico. It is: Seal: A
crowned eagle standing with both feet on a prickly pear growing on a bridge
of three arches and having twelve embattlements and inscribed N.F.T.O.N.,
supported by a trophy of flags and arms. Legend: X SUPREMA JUNTA
Branches of laurel and live oak Compartment: The
socle of a pile. The emblem was to be used on acts, proclamations,
orders and letters. On it is the Mexican eagle standing on a bridge of three
arches instead of the three bridges on the arms of Mexico city. On it are the
first letters of the motto NON FECIT TALLITER OMNI NATIONE (He has not done thus for any other nation), which is a
verse from Psalm
147. It is also frequently associated with the image of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. [1] The trophy symbolizes the armed forces The branch of live oak symbolizes the wealth of
results of valuable enterprises and heroic deeds, and the branch of laurel
its good reputation. A slightly changed emblem of the S.J.N.A,
rearranging the same elements, shows: Emblem of José Sixto Berduzzo, speaker of the Supreme National American
Government On this emblem
the trophy on the seal is omitted and the motto on the bridge has been
replaced by the word PONIENTE (The West). The legend is
the same as before. The seal is
crested by an orb with a square cross on top It is supported
by a trophy and surrouned by a garland of olive and palm-leaves. The motto NFTON
is on a ribbon above the seal. The Government
was soon overthrown on 2 January 1812 at the Battle of Zitácuaro and its members took
refuge in Sultepec
and later to Tlalpujahua where they continued their rebellion. Ar the same
time (1811-’13) coins were issued by the royalist Supreme National Congress
with the same eagle-nopal-bridge but with a legend of the name of king
Ferdinand VII (1808-’33). On the reverse was an emblem composed of a halberd,
a quiver, a hand with a bow and arrow in saltire. Silver 8 reales, 1811-‘13 In 1813, when Ferdiinand had been restored in Spain,
coins were struck showing the device on a royally crowned shield, on their
reverse an emblem composed of a
quiver, a cannon and an arm with a pen in saltire and a sun rayonnant in
Silver 2 Reales, 1813 An emblem
is said to have been used by the first rebels, consisting of a shield charged
with the Mexican Eagle (with serpent), supported by a trophy and crested by a
crown of live oak and a ribbon inscribed INDEPENENCIA MEXICANA AÑO DE 1810. It is after a seal of Conde
de Casa Flores, viceroy of New Spain (1787-’90) (†1799). [2] |
Flags of Mexico and Venezuela [3] |
Achievement of Independent Mexico After the Seal of Count Casa
Flores, and adopted 3 July 1815 |
The achievement
was adopted by decree of 3 July 1815 ratified following 14 July in Puruarán, Michoacán. The translation of the decree reads: "The Mexican Supreme
Government to all who the present one reaches, know: that the Mexican Supreme
Congress (...) has for arms and Great Seal of the Republic of Mexico, the
following: In a silver shield a
standing eagle with a serpent in its beak perching on a fruit-bearing nopal
rising from a lake. The shield shall be adorned with war trophies. On top, as
a crest, is a laurel crown which is crossed by a scroll with the motto:
Independencia Mexicana. Año de mil ochocientos diez (Mexican Independence.
Year: 1810). This coat of arms shall be on the Great Seal of the Nation
serving to sanction all decrees, laws, plenipotentiary powers, and the other
diplomatic ministers, all kind of government offices, decrees sanctioned by
the Supremo Tribunal de Justicia, and passports for Mexican citizens abroad
(...)" [4] A modern reconstruction of the seal has the legend: SUPREMO GOBIERNO
1821-1823 |
On 24 August 1821 the Treaty of Cordoba was signed by
which the independence of Mexico was recognized. In the treaty a Mexican
Empire was provided for which had to be ruled by a member of a european royal
house. As no such ruler showed up Agustin de Iturbide, the last commander of
the rebels, was made emperor. By order of 2 November 1822 an emblem for the empire
was adopted. This consisted of a crowned
eagle perched on a prickly pear (nopal, Opuntia - ficus-indica)
growing on a rock in a lake. 8 reales, 1822 Achievement of the Mexican Empire, 1821-‘23 |
Augustin I Iturbide |
1821-1823 Elected 19.05.1821 Crowned 21.07.1821 Abdicated 19.03.1823
8 escudos, 1823 |
1823-1863 |
In 1823 the eagle was given a serpent in its
beak and right talon. The serpent appeared for the first time on a medal to
commemorate the accession to the throne of king Ferdinand VII on 13
August 1808. This showed the arms of
the city of Mexico supported by an aztec ruler and an eagle with a serpent in
its beak. It is not kown what the serpent was supposed to symbolize but it
may have been Joseph Napoleon who had dethroned Ferdinand VII in Spain in
July 1808. In 1815 the serpent was also in the beak of the eagle on the arms
of the Republic of Mexico, perhaps symbolizing Ferdinand VII now. The serpent
was introduced again in 1823 (symbolizing Agustin Iturbide?) and maintained
later in all subsequent emblems of Mexico.
By decree of 14 April 1823 it was provided that
the arms would be an eagle with a serpent in its beak, standing with its left
foot on a nopal (prickly pear,) growing on a rock rising from a lake; all
surrounded by a crown of laurel and oak. The decree reads: [5] |
1863-1867 |
Ten weeks after Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg
had been elected Emperor of Mexico, the Regency of the Empire composed of
gen. Juan N. Almonte, gen. José Mariano Salas and bishop Juan B. Ormaechea, adopted
an achievement for the empire by decree of 20 September 1863. It was: Achievement of the Mexican Empire, 1863 Museo Nacional, Alcazar de
Chapultepec. Arms: The sky of dawn and a lake in base, an eagle
with a serpent in its beak, standing on a nopal cactus growing from a rock
rising from the lake, all proper. Crown: The crown of Monteuczoma II, its feathers in
the national colors Order: The collar and cross of the Order of
Guadeloupe (1853) Supporters: A main
de justice, a sceptre, an Aztec sword and a quiver with its arrows
feathered in the national colors, all proper in saltire. Garland: A crown of laurel and oak. Mantle: Purpure, lined ermine and fringed of the
links of the collar of the Order of Guadeloupe Or. Imperially crowned. Motto: RELIGION, INDEPENDENCIA Y UNION in black lettering on a ribbon in
the national colors The
decree reads: [6] The Orden Imperial de Guadalupe was founded by Agustin Iturbide
and given new statutes on 11 November 1853. It had 5 classes the highest
class of the Grandcrosses awarded with a collar consisting of links of the
crowned Mexican Eagle and of the cypher ‘AI’ of Agustin Iturbide surrounded
by a garland of palm-leaves. |
Maximilian I Habsburg |
10.04.1864-19.06.1867 |
months after the accession of Emperor Maximilian new arms and flag were laid
down and the former decrees were abolished.
The decree reads: After the
creation of the Order of the Mexican Eagle on 1 January 1865 new arms of the
empire were adopted on 1 November. They were: Arms: Azure, the eagle of Anáhuac, seen from its
side standing on a nopal-cactus growing from a rock standing in a lake,
devouring a serpent, within a bordure Or, charged with branches of oak and
laurel. Crown: The Imperial Crown Supporters: Two griffins parted per fess Sable and Or;
and a sceptre and a sword in saltire. Order: The collar and eagle of the Order of the Mexican
Eagle. (Orden del Aguila Mexicana) Motto: EQUIDAD EN LA JUSTICIA (Equality
for the Law). At the same time new flags were adopted. The decree reads: |
Achievement of the Mexican Empire adopted 1 November 1865 |
Arms of the Empire of Mexico |
embellished achievement, apparently for the use of the Emperor himself, shows
the achievement as adopted by decree of 1 November 1865, surrounded by a blue
mantle, lined with ermine fringed with golden eagles and royal cyphers,
upheld with a red, white and green ribbon inscribed with the motto RELIGION
INDEPENDENCIA Y UNION, crowned with the Mexican imperial crown. No
warrant or decree of this achievement is known. Embellished Achievement of Maximilian of Habsburg,
1865. Oil on canvas 54Î41 cm. Coll.
Museo de Historia Mexicana |
1867-1905 |
After the execution of Maximilian and the restroration of the Republic,
the emblem as laid down in 1823 was also restored. Because the design of the arms was not laid down in a decree many
different versions of the arms were used depending of the good humour of the
instances wanting to present themselves with the national emblem. |
Versions of the emblem of the Republic of Mexico, 1870-‘80 This
situation was observed by the then secretary of state Diez Gutierrez who, by
circular letter of 30 december 1880, pointed out that the emblems used by
federal offices of the interior as well as of the exterior showing mountains,
military trophies, a rising sun, a phrygian cap etc., were not in accordance
with the decree of 14 april 1823. Therefore he decided that forthwith all
federal offices had to use the emblem as described in the aforesaid decree. A picture
of such an emblem, made by Tomás de la Peña was attached to the letter. [8] In 1898 another design was made by Juan de Dios
Fernández. |
Emblem of Tomás de la Peña |
Emblem as by Juan de Dios Fernández [9] |
25.03.1905-present |
In 1916, eleven years after the establishment of
the United States of Mexico a new emblem of Mexico was adopted by decree of
20 september 1916 of President Venustiano Carranzimer (1917-’20). By the decree it was decided that the eagle
should have the attitude of the eagle of 1823 being seen from the side, but
uncrowned and in the act of devouring a serpent. The decree reads: Don Venustiano Carranzimer Jefe del
Ejército Constitucionalista, encargado del Poder Ejecutivo de la Unión, en
uso de las facultades de que estoy
investido, y, Considerando: que se halla
vigente el decreto de 14 de abril de 1823, por el que dispuso el Soberano
Congreso Constituyente que el escudo nacional “sea el águila mexicana, parada
en el pie izquierdo sobre un nopal que nazaca de una peña entre las aguas de
la laguna, y agarrando con el derecho una culebra en actitud de despedazarla
con el pico; y que orlen este blasón dos rtamas, la una de laurel, y la otra
de encina, conforme al diseño que usaba el Gobierno de los primeros
defenmsores de la independencia”, y Considerando: también,
que este decreto se ha prestado a difernetes interpretatciones en su
expresión gráfica, dando lugar a una infinata vatiedad en las figuras de las
águilas usadas por las diversas autoridades de la República, faltando asi una
forma precisa de escudo nacional; Ha tenido a bien expedir
el siguente decreto: Articulo único. El
escudo nacional, cuyo modelo se deposita y conserva en la Dirección General
de las Bellas Artes, es el único que debe usarse por las autoridades civiles
y militares de la República, y por los representantes diplomáticos y cónsules
acreditados en el extranjero. Se distribuirán copias de este modelo a los
gobernadores de las entidasdes federativas y a las oficinas públicas
dependientes del Gobierno Federal. Este decreto comenzará a regir desde el
dia primero de octubre próximo. Por lo tanto, mado se imprima, publique,
circule y se le dé el debido cumplimiento. Dado en el Palacio del
Poder Ejecutivo Federal, en México a los veinte dias del mes de septiembre de
1916. - Venustiano Carranza. -
Rúbrica. - al ciudadano ingeniero Félix F. Palavicini, Subsecretario de
Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes. Lo que transcribo a
usted para su conocimiento y fines consiguientes. Constitucón y Reformas.
México, septiembre 21 de 1916. - El encargado del Despacho, Félix F. Palavicini. [10] A first design was made by by the artist Antonio
Gomez R. but was rejected by president Carranza because a more aztec design
was desired. This design nevertheless came on the obverse of a 20 pesos-coin
struck 1917-’59. A second design was made by the artist Antonio
Gomez R.. This was approved by
Carranza on 22 Agust 1918. [11] |
The Arms of 5 February
1934 |
decree of 5 February 1934 of president Rodriguez (1932-’34) the emblem was
restyled to meet graphic demands of its reproduction in print. At the same
time the rock the eagle is standing on was replaced by the aztec hieroglyph
for “rock” and the letter “T” (the first letter of the name Tenochtitlan) and
the water of the lagoon for a similar symbol for water. |
The decree reads: [In the margin a seal with the legend: Poder
Ejecutivo Federal. - Estados Unidos Mexicanos. - México. - Secretaría de
Gobernación.] El C. Presidente Constitucional Substituto
de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, se ha servido dirigrirme el siguiente
decreto: “ABELARDO L. RODRIGUEZ, Presidente Constitucional
Substituto de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes, sabed: Que en uso de la facultad que me confiere la
fracción I del artículo 89 de la Constitución General de la República; y
CONSIDERANDO: Que en 14 de abril 1823 el Soberano Congreso
Constituyente expidió un decreto por el que fijó las características que
debería tener el Escudo Nacional, como símbolo de las ideas y de los
sentimientos que informaron el nuevo régimen de la Nación, determinando que
el Escudo se ajustara al usado por el Gobierno de nos primeros defensores de
la Independencia:
CONSIDERANDO: Que con el transcurso del tiempo y través de las
vicisitudes políticas de nuestra naciente nacionalidad, ese escudo fue
sufriendo algunas modificaciones, aunque conservando, con especialidad, bajo
los regímens republicanos, los rasgos esenciales que señaló el decreto de 14
de abril de 1823;
CONSIDERANDO: Que tales discrepancias de la composición artística del
Escudo Nacional han dado origen a diversas iniciativas, tendientes a
imprimirle la debida unidad y diferentes medidas encaminadas a lograrla, y
que con ese fin el Primer Jefe del Ejército Constitucionalista expidió, en 21
de septiembre de 1916, un decreto en el que, reconociéndos la inconveniencia
de que el Escudo Nacional tuviera distintas interpretaciones gráficas, se
mandó depositar en la Dirección General de Bellas Artes el modelo elegido, de
acuerdo con los antecedentes históricos y el concepto primitivo que le dio
origen, previniéndose que sería al único que en lo sucesivo debería usarse
por las autoridades civiles y militares y por los representantes diplomáticos
y cónsules acreditados en el extranjero;
CONSIDERANDO: Que el aludido decreto de 21 de septiembre de 1916 no
llegó a surtir sus efectos por no haberse hecho el depósto mandado, lo que
motiva la subsistencia de diversas interpretaciones gráficas;
CONSIDERANDO: Que la adopción de un modelo definitivo del Escudo
Nacional constituye una necesidad inaplazable por ser el símbolo de la
nacionalidad misma, el emblema en que se recuerdan y compendian las
tradiciones, las luchas heroicas que el pueblo ha sostenido por su libertad,
los acontecimientos más culminates de nuestra historia y aun las
caracteristicas esenciales de la raza. Por las consideraciones expuestas, y en
cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales mencionadas, he tenido a bien
expedir el siguiente DECRETO
Articulo 1°. Se adoptan como modelos del Escudo Nacional, para sus
diversos usos, los que, debidamente autenticados con las firmas del
Presidente de la República, del Presidente de la Comisión Permanente del
Congreso de la Unión, del Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia y de los
Secretarions de Estado, se depositan con esta fecha en el Archivo General de
la Nación, y de los cuales se conservará copia, autenticada también en el
Museo Nacional de Arquelogía y Etnografía. Un tanto del modelo para monedas y medallas se
entregará para su guarda a la Casa de Moneda.
Articulo 2°. Dicho Escudo, en sus respectivos modelos, será el único
que en lo succesivo ostentarán las banderas, monedas, medallas y
correspondencia de todas las oficinas públicas del país, así como los Escudos
de las Embajadas, Legaciones y Consulados en el extranjero. Articulo 3°. Quedan prohibidas las reproducciones
que se aparten de los modelos adoptados por el presente decreto. TRANSITORIO Articulo único. Procédase a hacer las reproducciones y
copias necesarias de los modelos para enviarlas a todas las dependencias de
la Administratción Pública, con la indicación de que, a la brevedad posible,
los impongan en sus servicios. En
cumplimiento de lo dispuesto por la fracción I del articulo 89 de la
Constitución Politica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y para su debida
publicación y observancia, promulgo el presente decreto en la residencia del
Poder Ejecutivo Federal, en la ciudad de México, D.F., a los cinco diás del
mes de febrero de mil novecientos treinta y cuatro. - A.L. Rodrígues. - Rúbrica. El Secretario de Estado y del Despacho
de Gobernación, Eduardo Vasconcelos.
Rúbrica”. Lo
que comunico a usted para su publicación y demás fines.
Sufragio Efectivo. No Reelección.
México. D.F., a 5 de febrero de 1934. - El Secretario de Gobernación, Eduardo Vasconcelos. - Rúbrica. [12] |
The Arms of 12 March 1968 |
On 30 September
1966 the Congress was given the competence to make laws about the use of the
national flag, arms and hymn by Art. 73,
section XXIX-b of the Constitution. [13] On 23 December
of the same year a corresponding law was issued which was approved by the
then president Gustavo Díaz Ordaz on 12 March 1968. The emblem was
about the same as the emblem of 1934 but the little waves in base were
replaced by another aztec hieroglyph for “lake”. The design was made by Francisco Epens
Helguera and was deposited in the National General Archives, the National
Museum of History and the Mint. |
The law,
republished in 1983, reads:
Presidential General Staff |
National Defense |
Ministry of
National Defense |
Emblem until 2001 |
Emblem 2001-201? [14] |
Army |
Air Force |
Emblem of the Army |
Emblem of the Air
Force |
Air Force Roundel |
Ancient Army Emblems |
In some cases the mexican eagle is accompanied by a
trophy of arms and banners. This, for example is the case with the eagle on
the banner of the insurgents of 1815 and with the arms with the eagle of
Agustin Iturbide. Also, on certain pictures from the time of the second
republic the eagle is accompanied by flags and banners. Such an achievement seems to fit an army perfectly,
the more as at the same time the emblem of the state was the eagle, serpent
and prickly pear only and the arms and banners for that reason are the
symbols of a mexican institution as the army was. It must be admitted however that very little is
known about the symbols of the mexican army of the 19th and 20th century. Achievement, probably of the Mexican Army 1st Republic (1823-‘63) (on
an unknown location) Achievement, probably of the Mexican Army 2nd Republic (1867-1905)
(from an unknown source) |
Navy |
Marine Corps (Fuerza de Infanteria de Marina) |
Police |
Ministry of Public Security (Secretaria de Seguridad Pública) Founded 1998 Police Arms (present) |
Police Arms (obsolete) |
© Hubert de Vries 2014-01-30
[1] Carrera Stampa, op.cit. 1960, pp. 113-115
[2] Its authenticity has been doubted by Juan B.
Iguiniz (†1972), historian and librarian of the Mexican National Library. See
also: Zarate, Julio: México a través de
los Siglos. T. III. Carrera Stampa, op.cit. 1960, pp. 110-111
[3] Archivo General de Indias. Ministerio de Cultura,
1995, p. 284
[4] By Juan Manuel Gabino Villáscan, but cited from an
unknown source.
[5] Decreto de 14 de abril 1823. Manuel Dublán y
José Maria Lozano. Legislacion Mexicana o Colección Completa de las
Disposiciones Legislativas expedidas desde la Independencia de la República
ordenata por los licenciados. Edicion Oficial. México. Imp. del Comercio, 1878.
t. I, p. 634, Núm. 323.
[6] José Sebastian Segur (edit.) Boletin de las
Leyes del Imperio Mexicano o sea Código de la Restauración. Coleción Completa
de las Leyes y demás disposiciones dictadas por la Intervención francesa, por
el Supremo Poder Ejecutivo Provisional y por el Imperio Mexicano, con un
apéndice de los documentos oficiales más notables y curiosos de la época,
publicado por ... Mexico, Imp. Literaria, 1863. t. I. pp. 295-296. Escudo .
[7] Today in the Weltliche und Geistlich
Schatzkammer, Vienna. Inv. nrs. XIV 170; XIV 171; XIV 169.
[8] Carrera Stampa, op. cit. pp. 260-261, 460
[9] Coloured by H.d.V. after Dios Fernández.
[10] Diario Oficial, Núm. 85, (México, septiembre
25 de 1916). Secretaría de Gobernación. Recopilación de Leyes y Decretos.
Expedidos el año de 1916. Bajo el régimen preconstitucional de la Primera
Jefatura del Ejército Constitucionalista. México, Talleres Gráficos de la
Nación, Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1922. pp. 295-296.
[11] Carrera Stampa op. cit. p. 292
[12] Diario Oficial, México, lunes 5 de febrero de
1934. Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación, t. V. Núm. 1 (México,
enero-febrero 1934), pp. 1-3. Escudos
[13] Articulo 73. El congreso tiene facultad: :XXIX-b. para
legislar sobre las caracteristicas y uso de la bandera, escudo e himno
nacionales; (adicionada mediante decreto publicado en el diario oficial de la
federacion el 24 de octubre de 1967. modificado por la reimpresion de la
constitucion, publicada en el diario oficial de la federacion el 6 de octubre
de 1986)
[14] See: Flags of the World