

Police  &  Armed Forces






Moldova's territory was inhabited in ancient times by Dacians. due to its situation on a strategic route between Asia and Europa Moldova has suffered from several invasions, including those of the Kievan Rus’ and the Mongols.

After the 1360s the region was gradually included in the principality of Moldavia, which by 1392 established control over the fortresses of Cetatea Albă and Chilia, its eastern border becoming the River Dniester. In the latter part of the 14th century, the southern part of the region was for several decades part of Wallachia. The main dynasty of Wallachia was called Basarab, from which the current name of the region originated. In the 15th century, the entire region formed the eastern part of the principality of Moldavia which was known as “Bassarabia” (also including districts to the north and south, known as Northern Bukovina and Budjak) In 1484, the Turks invaded and captured Chilia and Cetatea Albă (Akkerman in Turkish), and annexed the shoreline southern part of Bessarabia, which was then divided into two sanjaks (districts) of the Ottoman Empire. In 1538, the Ottomans annexed more Bessarabian land in the south as far as Tighina, while central and northern Bessarabia remained part of the Principality of Moldavia (which became a vassal of the Ottoman Empire). Between 1711 and 1812, the Russian Empire occupied the region five times during its wars against the Ottoman and Austrian Empires.

In consequence of the Treaty of Bucharest in 1812, Bessarabia was annexed by Russia  together with Budjak (northern Bessarabia). At first, the Russians used the name “Gubernya of Moldova and Bessarabia”, but later called it simply “Bessarabia”. The western part of Moldavia remained an autonomous principality and was united with Walachia to form the Old Kingdom of Romania in 1859.

At the end of World War I, Bessarabia proclaimed its independence from Russia  in 1918, and was united with the Kingdom of Romania on the 9th of April of the same year. The Soviet Union invaded Bessarabia in June 1940 in an agreement with Germany expressed in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and, though forced out again in 1941, Soviet troops re-occupied and annexed the area in August 1944. Soviet rule brought a harsh de-nationalization policy. The southern and northern parts (which had some Slavic and Turkic minorities) were transferred to Ukraine. At the same time, Transnistria (where, at that time, ethnic Romanians outnumbered Slavs) was joined to the remainder to form the “Moldavian Socialist Republic", identical in territory to present-day Moldova. Under Stalin, ethnic Russians were brought into the new country, especially into urbanized areas, while large numbers of ethnic Romanians were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan. The overall result was the destruction of Romanian elites and middle-classes, and their replacement with Soviet (mostly Slavic) elements.

Along with the other peripheral Soviet republics, Moldova started to move towards independence from 1991 onwards; in August 1991, Moldova declared its independence and in December of that year became a member of the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States along with most of the former Soviet republics. At the end of that year, an ex-communist reformer, Mircea Snegur, won an election for the presidency. Four months later, the country achieved formal recognition as an independent state at the UN.

The part of Moldova east of the Dniestr River, Transnistria, claimed independence in 1991, fearing Moldovan unification with Romania. Russian and Ukrainian forces intervened on the Transnistrian side, and remain there. The OSCE is involved in negotiations between the Transnistrian leaders and Chisinau.






Bessarabia was the name of the southern part of the Principality of Moldavia. Its name in turkish was Budjak. After 1812 the name of Bessarabia came to be the name of all of Moldavia east of the river Prut, including ancient Bessarabia/Budjak.

During World War II Romania occupied the Odessa oblast and administered it as part of the Transnistria Province (1941-1944). After the war the Soviet administration reestablished the oblast with its pre-war borders.


The coat of arms of Bessarabia dates from the time of Wallachian rule in the 14th century.


The High born Duke of Ascholott behind Valachia

From: Ulrich von Richental: Concilium zu Constencz, 1417 (Univ. Heidelberg, Bild. 214)

The Duke of Aschelot behind Valachia

From: Grünenberg, Konrad: Das Wappenbuch Conrads von Grünenberg, Ritters und Bürgers zu Constanz [1]


Arms: Azure, three moor’s heads Sable with scarves Or.


Virgil Solis, Wappenbüchlein,  1555

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg


Arms: Azure, three moor’s heads Sable with scarves Or.



From: Jefarovic, Christofor: Izobrajenie Uruji Illyriceskich Avtorom Pavlom Ritterom v dialekt latinskom izdanoje na ckrit i po ego urajdenio na slavsno serbski jezije. 1741


Arms: Or, three moor’s heads Sable with scarves Or


Bessarabskoi Oblast





Arms: Per fess, the chief Gules, the Imperial Russian achievement, 1825, proper; the base Or, a bull’s head Sable.

Granted 2nd of April 1826


Bessarabskoi Gubernii



Arms: Azure, a bull’s head Or, horned, eyed and langued Gules, between a mullet in chief Or and a rose and a decrecent Argent, within a bordure compony of the colors of the Russian flaf Sable, Or and Argent.

Crown: An Imperial Crown

Garland: Branches of oak Or, tied with a ribbon Azure.

Granted 5th  of July 1878


Etnographic map of Basarabia

by Alexis Nour, 1916


The arms of the Governorate of Basabia supported by two Rumanian flags, anticipating the union of Bessarabia with the Kingdom of Rumania. On this map Budjak is divided into the districts (judeţul) Acherman and Ismail.


Republica Democratică Moldovenească

02.12.1917 - 09.04.1918


The Moldavian Democratic Republic (Republica Democratică Moldovenească), also known as the Moldavian Republic, was proclaimed on 2/15 December  1917 by the Sfatul Țării (National Council) of Bessarabia, elected in October–November 1917 following the February Revolution and that start of the disintegration of the Russian Empire.

The Sfatul Țării was its legislative body, while the "Council of Directors General", renamed the "Council of Ministers" after the Declaration of Independence, was its government. On 27 March /9 April 1918 the National Council votet for a union with the kingdom of Rumania.



A flag of state was adopted on 23 December 1917. It consisted of the flag of Rumania with a modified version of the arms of the Russian government by omitting the bordure compony. [2]



Act of the Union with Rumania 27.03.1918


The act reads:

Act of Union

Voted by the Country Council

on 27 March 1918

On behalf of the people of Bessarabia the Country Council declares the Moldavian Democratic Republic (Bessarabia) within the borders of the Prut River, the Danube, the Black Sea and the old borders with Austria, separated by Russia now one hundred and more years from the old Moldavian race, by historical right and the right of the people based on the principle that peoples themselves decide their fate, and will henceforth and forever be united with its Mother Rumania.

Long live the union of Bessarabia with Rumania for ever and ever!


President of the Country Council

Ion Inculeţ


Pan Halippa

 Secretary of the Country Council

I. Buzdugan


Ţinutul Nistru

1938-1940 / 1941-1944


In 1938 Rumania was divided into ten provinces of which Bessarabia was one. This province became the name of Nistrul (Dniester). A coat of arms was adopted by decree of 13 December 1938 and published in the Monitorul Oficial of 10 February 1939 (nr. 34). [3]



Arms: Per pale, the dexter Gules, a castle Or, issuing from waves Argent, for the Castle of Stephan the Great on the Dniestr-Liman; the sinister per fess of four pieces Gules and Argent, for the counties of the province.

By decree 13.12.1938


Arms of Nistrul on the municipality of Radauţ


Moldovian S.S.R



At the annexation of Bessarabia by the Soviet Union and the creation of  the Moldavian SSR on 2 August 1940 the Moldavian ASSR (Transnistria) was abolished and divided between the Moldavian SSR and the Odessa region of the Ukrainian SSR. The last expanded in 1954 to absorb Akkerman Oblast (Izmail Oblast, formerly known as the Budjak region of Bessarabia).


Akkerman / Cetatea Alba (28.04.1826)

(City & Oblast)

Ismail (02.04.1826)


Odessa Oblast


The provisional coat of arms for the in 1940 newly created Moldovian Socialist Soviet Republic, adopted after the annexation of the Nistrul province on the 27th of June 1940 was:



Arms: Gules, a hammer and sickle in saltire, in chief the capitals P.C.C.M. and in base a rising sun radiant all Or.

Garland: Ears of wheat Or.

Motto: пролетарь дин тоате цэриле униць вэ!  in golden lettering on a ribbon Gules.


Arms: A hammer and a sickle in saltire and in base a rising sun radiant Or.

Crest: A five-pointed star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: Ears of wheat and maize-cobs, in base a bunch of grapes and vine-leaves proper.

Motto: On the dexter: ПРОЛЕТАРЬ ДИН ТОАТЕ ЦЭРИЛЕ УНИЦИ-ВЭ! on the sinister ПРОЛЕТАРИИ ВСЕХ СТРАН СОЕДИНЯИТЕСЫ!; and in the middle PCCM, all in white lettering on a ribbon Gules.

Adopted 10.02.1941


Section 117 of the Constitution of the Moldavian S.S.R reads in Russian:


Государвенный герб Молдавской ССР состоит из изображения серпа и молота в лучах восходящего солица, обрамленных венком из колосьев и кукурузы. Нижняя часть венка замикается гирляндой из плодов и гроздьев и винограда. Венок перевит красной лентой снадписю «Пролетарии всех стран соединяитесы!» на молдавском и русском языках и инициалнами «РССМ». Наверху герба имеется  пятконечная звезда

статья 117 Конституции Mолдавской  CCP


On 15 April 1978 the emblem was confirmed by Constitution of the Moldovan SSR and the text was translated into Moldavian:


Articolul 167.Stema de Stat a Republicii Sovietce Socialiste Moldoveneşti reprezintă imaginea unei scere şi a unui ciocan, luminate de razele soarelui şi încadrate în spice şi ştiuleţi de păpuşşcu o ghirlandă de struguri şi fructe, purtîns pe o panglică roşie inscripţiile: în partea dejos “RCCM”, pe partea dreaptă în limba rusă “Пролетарии всех стран соединяитесы!”, pe partea stîngă în limba moldovenească “Пролетарь дин тоате цэриле уници-вэ!”. In partea de sus a stemei se află o stea cu cinci colţuri”


Republica Moldova



Achievement of the Moldavian Republic, adopted 6th of November 1990


The achievement is:

Arms: Per fess Gules and Azure, a bull’s head  between an eight-pointed star in chief, an five-petalled rose on the dexter and a cresent on the sinister Or.

Supporter: An eagle with a latin cross in its beak Or, clawed Gules, keeping a branch of olive in his dexter Vert and a sceptre in his sinister Or.


The decree of adoption reads in Rumanian:


Stema de Stat a Republicii Moldova reprezintă un scut taiat pe orizontală avînd în partea superioară cromatica roşie, în cea inferioară-albastră, încărcat cu capul de bour avînd între coarne o stea cu opt raze. Capul de bour este flancat in dreapta de o roză cu cinci petale, iar in stînga de o semilună conturată. Toate elementele reprezentate în scut sunt de aur (galbene). Scutul este plasat pe pieptul unei acvile naturale purtînd în cioc o cruce de aur (acvila cruciată) si ţinînd în gheara dreaptă o ramura verde de măslin, iar in cea stînga un sceptru de aur.


Æ See illustration in the head of this article




Standard of the President


The flags of the Chaiman of Parliament and of the Prime Minister are the same, but for the background of the first red, and the backgroud of the second blue


Intelligence and Security Service


The Information and Security Service is a state body, specialized in ensuring the security of the state, rights and freedoms of its citizens. The SIB's activities are coordinated by the President of the Republic of Moldova and are subject to parliamentary control.

The law on the formation of the State Protection Service was passed in 1998 containing provisions on the guarding of the building of the Parliament, on the protection of the Prime Minister, ex-President and other VIPs of the state. Besides, the law provided for the protection of the Presidential Residence and the buildings of the Government and the Constitutional Court of Moldova.

Coat of Arms


Arms: Gules, an eight-pointed star the verical rays one-and-a-half times as long as the other ones, charged with an escutcheon Azure, a bull´s head between a five-pointed star in chief a rose on the dexter and a crescent on the sinister Or; and a steel bordure set with 12 rivets proper.

Supporter: A sword, hilt in chief Or.


This achievement is inspired by the emblem of the Russian security service.


Flag of the Information and Security Service



On 20 December 2013, taking into account Article 88 letter j) of the Constitution, Article 6 section (5) and (6) of the Law on public symbols and 44 of the Law on the status of the officer of information and security, the Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti issued Decree no. 923-VII on some corporate symbols of the Information and Security Service of Moldova (Official Gazette no. 304-310 / 844 of 27.12.2013).


Acoording to the decree there are three categories of emblems:

a) heraldic coat of arms and emblem;

b) flag;

c) intelligence and security officers uniform insignia: (I) cap and beret cockade; (II) collar pin; (III) epaulettes; (IV) sleeve patch (left).


Coat of Arms 20.12.2013


Arms: Azure, an eight-pointed star, the vertical points one-and-a-half times long as the other ones Or, charged with the coat of arms of the Republic of Moldova.




Emblem: Circular of the blason of the coat of arms surrounded by the incription SERVICIUL DE INFORMAŢII ŞI SECURITATE in blue lettering on a white background and REPUBLICA MOLDOVA in white lettering on a blue background.



Flag: 2 ´ 3 of the blason of the Coat of Arms.


Cap Badge


Badge: Per fess Gules and Azure the achievement of the Republic of Moldova all Or, within a golden halo of 48 rays.




The Police Services are subordinated to the Ministry of Internal affairs.

Ministry of Internal Affairs, seal


Seal: Gules, the achievement of the Republic of Moldova, the branch of olive replaced by a sword, the sceptre replaced by a fasces axe inside, both Argent.



Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emblem


Sleeve patch (ancient)

Sleeve patch (new)



The Police constitutes one of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the main departments of the Ministry are the Directorate of Operations, the Organized Crime and Drugs Department, Criminal Police Directorate, the Directorate of the Carabineer Force Command (interior troops), Public Order Department, Emergency Situations Department and many other departments, units and services.



Border Police       


Coat of Arms


Arms: Vert, the golden eagle with escutceheon of Moldova, in his dexter claw an axe and in his sinister claw a key, both Argent; and a base crenelé of the last




Flag: 2´3 of the blason of the arms.


Road Police






The emblem of the Road Police existed of an eight-poimted star charged with the National achievement and a listel with the name of the service. This emblem was replaced in 2013 by a coat of arms Sable, a lion rampant Or, langued Gules, swinging a sword Argent, which is the coat of arms of the Inspectorate General of the Police.




The structure of MIA also includes the Carabineer Force (Departamentul Trupelor de Carabinieri) established in 2005.





Left arm patch

Right Arm patch

Collar Pin


The Carabineer Force (interior troops) is charged with maintaining public order, protecting people's rights, freedoms and property, fulfilling tasks of guarding and defending diplomatic missions of foreign countries and important state facilities, respond to accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters. It is also tasked with maintaining public order and providing for the observance of laws in emergency situations.


Civil Protection and Special Situations Service


Civil Protection and Special Situations Service (Serviciului  Protecţiei Civile şi Situaţiilor Excepţionale). The service was created on 27 August 1991 as a successor of the Civil Defense Service of the USSR in Moldova.

The service is a system of measures and actions undertaken all over the country in peacetime and war, to ensure protection of people, property and environmental conditions of natural calamities, accidents and disasters, disease outbreaks, fires.


Coat of Arms


Arms: Azure, a compass  rose Or, in its middle a disc tenné charged with a triangle Azure, crested with a five/pointed star Or between a rose and an crescent Argent, surrounded by the garland of the United Nations of the last


Flag: Of the blason of the coat of arms, the staff with golden tassels and a ribbon of the national colors.


Protection and Guard Service Office


Protection and Guard Service Office (Serviciul de Protecţie şi Pază de Stat) is a central administrative authority of the law enforcement system with responsibility for state security, specializing in providing protection for dignitaries of Moldova, foreign dignitaries during their stay in Moldova, their family members, in within its legal competence, as well as ensuring the security of offices and residences.







Arms and Sleeve patch (without motto)


Armed Forces


Standard of the Minister of Defense, 17.06.2014


The banner, measuring 100´100 cm, was adopted on 17 June 2014 and there exists only one copy of it. Its staff has two golden tassels and a tri-colored bow with golden edges.

Below the standard is a golden ring on the staff inscribed with the full name of the Minister of Defense and the date of his inauguration to which will be added the names of the subsequen Ministers of Defense. When the staff is full all rings will be removed but the ring with the name of the Minister who introduced the standard and will be handed to the National Army Museum for safekeeping. 


373 D E C R E T privind Stindardul ministrului apărării al Republicii Moldova


În temeiul art. 88 lit. j) din Constituţia Republicii Moldova şi al art.4 alin.(9) din Legea cu privire la simbolurile publice,

Preşedintele Republicii Moldova d e c r e t e a z ă:

Art.1.- Se aprobă: a) Stindardul ministrului apărării al Republicii Moldova, conform anexei nr.1; b) Regulamentul Stindardului ministrului apărării al Republicii Moldova, conform anexei nr.2.

Art.2.- Ministerul Apărării va întreprinde măsurile necesare pentru punerea în aplicare a prezentului decret.


Nr. 1194-VII. Chişinău, 17 iunie 2014.


Anexa nr.1 la Decretul Preşedintelui Republicii Moldova nr.1194-VII din 17 iunie 2014


STINDARDUL ministrului apărării al Republicii Moldova Descrierea Stindardul ministrului apărării al Republicii Moldova reprezintă o pînză pătrată albastră, încărcată cu o cruce plină galbenă (5/17 H), supraîncărcată cu o altă cruce plină roşie (3/17 H) şi cantonată în cantonul liber de acvila Armatei Naţionale (cu lăţimea de 5/17 H): o acvilă galbenă cu aripile desfăcute în părţi, cruciată alb, ţinînd în gheara dreaptă o spadă, iar în cea stîngă un buzdugan, ambele de asemenea albe, purtînd pe piept un scut tăiat, roşu şi albastru, încărcat cu un cap de bour broşînd, galben, cu o stea cu opt raze între coarne şi însoţit jos în dextra de o roză heraldică, iar jos în senestra de o semilună conturnată, toate de asemenea galbene.[4]




Army Achievement


The achievement is: 

Arms: Per fess Gules and Azure, a bull’s head between an eight-pointed star in chief , a five-petalled rose on the dexter and a crescent on the sinister Or.

Supporter: An eagle, wings spread Or, in its beak a latin cross, in his dexter claw a sword and in his sinister claw a mace Argent.

Garland: Branches of laurel and oak tied with a ribbon in the national colors blue, yellow and red.


The emblem is inspired by the emblem of the Roman Army also consisting of an eagle, surrounded by a garland, but sitting on a thunderbolt.

The sword and the mace are important weapons in close combat, the sword often a symbol of justice and the mace a symbol of military command. Here they replace the branch of olive and the scepter of the nationa achievement. The mace is particularly known from Eastern Europe. In Hungary a mace is one of the regalia,, replacing the royal sceptre. In Lithuania it was known as a staff of a Hetman or commander. For much of the history of the Principality of Moldavia, a Hetman was the second in rank in the army after the ruling prince (who held the position of Voivode). It often occurs in the achievements of Rumanian princes.

The garland is composed of a Roman corona militares for military- and a corona quernea for civil  merit.

Army Flag


Army Coat of Arms


Sleeve patches of Military Units


Ministery of Defense

Guard of Honour Company

Military College

1st Motorized Infantry Brigade

2nd Motorized Infantry Brigade

3rd Motorized Infantry Brigade

Artillery Brigade

Anti Aircraft Brigade

Special Assignements Battalion Independent

Engeneering Battalion


Transmission Regiment


For the other Military

Institutions and Units


Air Force





Air Force Brigade


Moldovan Air Force Roundel

Transnistria / Република Молдовеняскэ Нистрянэ


Republica Autonomă Sovietică Socialistă Moldovenească



The Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Република Аутономэ Советикэ Cочиалистэ Молдовеняскэ,/ Republica Autonomă Sovietică Socialistă Moldovenească), shortened to Moldavian ASSR, was an autonomous republic of the Ukrainian SSR existing between 12 October 1924 and 2 August 1940, encompassing modern Transnistria (now, de jure, in Moldova, de facto, a breakaway state) and a number of territories that are now part of the Ukraine.


On 12 October 1924 the third session of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee (VUTSIK) decided to establish the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a part of the Ukrainian SSR, with the capital Balte (in 1929, the capital was moved to Tiraspol). It consisted of the present transnistrain districts of the Republic of Moldavia and the districtsc Balta, Bârzula, Ocna Roșie, Codâma, Cruteni, Pesceana și Ananiev of the present Odessa  region of the Ukrainian Republic 

The results of a contest for a new coat of arms and flag for the republic were presented in Sptember 1925. One of the projects showed the revised map of Moldova and Bessarabia, within a wreath of  corn stalks. The coat of arms adopted on 19 October 1925 however, was almost the same as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian SSR. It is:

Arms: Gules, a hammer and sickle in saltire and a sun radiant in base Or, in chief the inscription P.A.C.C.M.

Garland: Ears of wheat Or


Adopted 19.10.1925


The Coat of Arms of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic by Constitution, adopted by the 7th All-Moldavian Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of 6 January 1938, was identical to the emblem of the Ukrainian SSR of 30th of January 1937 art. 143, to which the name of the Moldavian ASSR was added in Ukrainian and Moldovian. On the ribbon below the motto in Moldavian was added.



Arms: Gules, a hammer and sickle in saltire and a sun radiant in base Or, in chief the inscription УРСР /  МОЛДАВСЬКА АРСР / РАСС МОЛДОВЕНСКА

Garland: Ears of wheat Or



The text about the emblem of the section of the constitution reads:


"Государственным гербом Молдавской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики является Государственный герб УССР, который состоит из золотых серпа и молота, изображенных на красном фоне в лучах солнца, обрамленных колосьями, с надпись "УРСР" и "Пролетарi всiх краíн, еднайтеся!" на украинском и молдавском языках, с добавлением под надписью "УРСР" буквами меньшего размера надписи "Молдавська АРСР" на украинском и молдавском языках.

adopted 06.01.1938


When the Moldovan ASSR was occupied by Rumenia in 1941 a new coat of arms for the territory, renamed Transnistria, was adopted. This consisted of the seal of  Stephan the Great (1457-1504) of Moldavia, surrounded by the name of the governement and supported by the crowned Rumanian eagle.






The present Transnistrian Republic, split off from the Moldovan Republic in 1990, is the region east of the Dniestr, formerly belonging to the Ukrainian Moldavian A.S.S.R. and being a part of Odesskaja Oblast.

On 2 September 1990, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed as a Soviet republic by an ad hoc assembly, the Second Congress of the Peoples' Representatives of Transnistria. The vast majority of countries do not recognise its sovereignty. As of 2011, only Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and South Ossetia recognise its independence, all themselves states with limited recognition. Despite not officially recognizing Transnistria's independence, Russia has established a consulate in the disputed territory.

The emblem of Transnistria is derived from the emblem of the Moldavian SSR. It is thoroughly the same but a small blue bar, charged with a white wave is added in base of the sun rayonnant. Also the inscriptions of the ribbon are adapted.




Принят Палатой Законодателей Верховного Совета

Приднестровской Молдавской Республики 3 июля 2000 года

Одобрен Палатой Представителей Верховного Совета

Приднестровской Молдавской Республики 18 июля 2000 года

Настоящий Закон, исходя из преемственности исторических традиций, устанавливает основные символы Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, их описание и порядок использования.




Статья 16 Государственный Герб Приднестровской Молдавской Республики представ-ляет собой изображение скрещенных серпа и молота, символизирующих единство рабочих и крестьян, в лучах солнца, восходящего над Днестром, обрамлённых по окруж-ности гирляндой из колосьев и початков кукурузы, фруктов, виноградных гроздей и лоз, листьев, перевитых красной лентой с надписями на перевязи на трёх языках:

- на правой стороне — «Приднестровская Молдавская Республика»;

- на левой стороне — «Приднiстровська Молдавська Республiка»;

- на средней части — «Република Молдовеняскэ Нистрянэ».

В верхней части между сходящимися концами гирлянды изображена пятиконечная красная звезда с золотистыми гранями. Изображения серпа и молота, солнца и его лучей золотистого цвета, колосья тёмно-оранжевые, початки кукурузы светло-оранжевые, а её листья тёмно-жёлтые. Фрукты оранжевого цвета с розовым отливом, средняя гроздь винограда синего, а боковые — янтарного цвета. Стилизованная лента Днестра голубого цвета с белой волнистой линией в середине по всей длине. Рисующий контур элементов — коричневый.

Статья 17 Изображение Государственного герба Приднестровской Молдавской Республики помещается:

а) на резиденции Президента Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, зданиях в которых размещаются Верховный Совет Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, Правительство Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, министерства и ведомства Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, Конституционный, Верховный и Арбитра-жный суды Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, другие суды Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, Прокуратура Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, иные органы государственной власти и управления, местные Советы народных депутатов и государственные администрации, а также на зданиях дипломатических представительств и консульских учреждений Приднестровской Молдавской Республики;

б) в залах, где проводятся сессии Верховного Совета Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, заседания Палат Верховного Совета Приднестровской Молдавской Респу-блики, Правительства Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, в рабочем кабинете Президента Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, в залах, где проводятся сессии местных Советов народных депутатов, в рабочем кабинете главы государственной администрации, в залах судебных заседаний Конституционного, Верховного и Арби-тражного судов, других судов Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, прокуратуры Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, а также в помещениях торжественной регистрации рождений и браков;

в) на печатях и бланках документов Верховного Совета Приднестровской Молдавской Республики и его Палат, Президента Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, Прави-тельства Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, министерств и ведомств, Консти-туционного, Верховного и Арбитражного судов Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, других судов Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, Прокуратуры Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, других органов государственной власти и управления, местных Советов народных депутатов, государственных администраций, государственных нотариальных контор;

г) на официальных изданиях Верховного Совета, Президента и Правительства Приднестровской Молдавской Республики;

д) на официальных печатных изданиях представительных и исполнительных органов государственной власти, местного самоуправления Приднестровской Молдавской Республики;

е) на транспортных средствах правоохранительных органов Приднестровской Молдавской Республики;

ж) на указателях границ Приднестровской Молдавской Республики при въезде в Приднестровскую Молдавскую Республику;

з) на денежных знаках Приднестровской Молдавской Республики;

и) на билетах государственных денежно-вещевых лотерей Приднестровской Молдавской Республики.

Законодательством Приднестровской Молдавской Республики могут предусматриваться и другие случаи обязательного воспроизведения Государственного герба Приднес-тровской Молдавской Республики.


Статья 18 Воспроизводимое изображение Государственного герба Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, независимо от его размеров, всегда должно в точности соответ-ствовать цветному изображению, прилагаемому к настоящему Закону (Прило-жения №3 и №4).

Допускается изображение Государственного герба в одном цвете. В мелких изображен-иях вместо полного наименования Приднестровской Молдавской Республики допуска-ется использование аббревиатуры «ПМР», «ПМР» и «РМН» соответственно расположению наименования на украинском, русском и молдавском языках.




Emblem 1990-1995


The wolf refers to the Turkic origin of the Gagauz people.


 Emblem, 1995


Gagaúzia (Gagaúziya or Gagaúz Yer); formally known as the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is an autonomous region of Moldova. Its name comes from the Gagauz people.

In 1994, the Parliament of Moldova awarded to "the people of Gagauzia" (through the adoption of the new Constitution of Moldova) the right of "external self-determination". On 23 December 1994, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova accepted the "Law on the Special Legal Status of Gagauzia" (Gagauz: Gagauz Yeri). This date is now a Gagauz holiday. Gagauzia is now a "national-territorial autonomous unit" with three official languages: Romanian, Gagauz, and Russian.




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© Hubert de Vries 2016-03-18




[1] BSB Cgm 145, [S.l.], um 1480 [BSB-Hss Cgm 145]:

[2]  Mischevca, Vladimir, Ion Negrei & Alexandru Nichitici: Simbolurile Ţării Moldovei. Chişinău, 1994. pp. 75-76.

[3] Der Herold, 1940, p. A40.

[4] Monitorul Oficial Nr. 167-168