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In 1581, the States of Brabant also renounced Philip II as king. Instead, they recognized Francis of Anjou as their sovereign. After his death they had a coin struck on which the arms were crowned, because they now actually occupied the place of the sovereign. The caption "Symbolum Interregni" indicates that the situation was regarded as provisional until a new prince would have been found.

In the years that followed, the Spaniards managed to recapture the entire duchy, with Geertruidenberg falling in 1589. A counter-offensive under stadholder Maurits delivered Breda in 1590. For the recaptured part, which was controlled by the Council of Brabant in The Hague, a seal was cut in 1591 with the coat of arms, also covered with a ducal hat, but instead of the crosses with the flints and steel the bundle of arrows symbolizing the States General. This seal has been used for Staats-Brabant which in 1648 was finally incorporated by the Republic at the Peace of Munster.

While in the French period in the southern part, then divided into the departments Dyle and Deux Nethes the coat of arms was abolished, it remained in use in the north with only a short interruption. From 1795 to 1798 a seal was in use for the province of Bataafs Brabant, on which the ducal crown on the arms was replaced by a laurel wreath. In the years 1798-1802, when the province was renamed “Departement van de Dommel”, it was replaced by a seal with the vignette of the Batavian Republic. In 1802 it was already restored for the department of Brabant. Certainly it was abolished again in the time that Staats Brabant was annexed by France and when the western part was assigned to the Département des Deux Nethes and the eastern part was called  "Département des Bouches du Rhin"

Under the Kingdom of the Netherlands of 1815, the former duchy remained divided into three parts. The north was given the name Noord-Brabant, the center became the province of Antwerp and the south was given the name Zuid-Brabant. The same traditional coat of arms was used for both Brabants. It is covered with a ducal crown. This did not change when, after the separation, Zuid Brabant was first renamed “Brabant Municipale” and later briefly in “Brabant”. In the south, the coat of arms was adopted for the last time by the decision about the arms of state of 1837. In the north by Royal Decree of July 15, 1920. In the latter case, two golden lions with red tongues for supporters were added. and a ducal hat officially added.[1]




Seal of the  Raad van Brabant in The Hague, 1591.

Arms: Brabant.

Crown: Ducal hat

In the field the bundles of arrows of the States General

Legend: sigillvm * concilii * brabantiae. (A.R.A. Den Haag).


ă Military achievement  on the Gouvernementshuis in ’s Hertogenbosch, 1768 (Photo H.d.V.) ă


The uncrowned arms supported by two lions couchant and on a composition of armory.


Bataafsch Braband


Wax seal of Bataafsch Brabant, 1795.[2]

Arms:  Brabant.

Crown: Crown of laurel

Legend: bataafsch . braband.


Departement Braband


Smaller seal of the Departement Braband, 1802. [3]

Arms: Brabant.

Crown:  Ducal hat

Legend: 6 St. klein zegel 1802.


Arms of the Departement Brabant

On the collar of the Order of the Union, 1807


Département des Bouches du Rhin


In the time of French Occupation (1810-1813), when Noord Brabant was called Départment des Bouches du Rhin, the french imperial eagle was used

Stamp of the city of Tilburg (inverse)


Provincie Noord Babant


The arms of Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Brabant, 1814-1830

By A.G. Zurcher , Hoge Raad van Adel, The Hague


Photo H.d.V.

Military Achievement on the Marktkazerne in Geertruidenberg, 1821


Crowned arms on a composition of armory


The arms of Noord-Brabant , 1830

By A.G. Zurcher, Hoge Raad van Adel, The Hague


The achievement of Noord-Brabant, by royal decree 15.02.1920

In the register of the Hoge Raad van Adel, The Hague


K.B. van 15.VII.1920.


Wij Wilhelmina, bij de gratie Gods, Koningin der Nederlanden, Prinses van Oranje-Nassau, enz., enz., enz.

            Beschikkende op het aan Ons gerichte verzoekschrift van Provinci­a­le Staten van Noord-Brabant, om die provincie te bevestigen in het gebruik van het door haar gevoerd wapen;

            Gelet op het besluit van den Souvereinen Vorst van 24 December 1814, N°  32 en op het Koninklijk besluit van 23 April 1919, Staats­blad N°  181;

            Op de voordracht van Onzen Minister van Justitie van den 12 Juli 1920, Eerste Afdeeling A N°  883;



de provincie Noord-Brabant te bevestigen in het gebruik van het vroeger gevoerde wapen, zijnde:

in sabel een leeuw van goud, getongd en genageld van keel; het schild gedekt met de hertogelijke kroon van goud, gevoerd van keel met hermelijnen opslagen; schildhouders: twee gouden leeuwen, getongd van keel.

            Onze Minister van Justitie is belast met de uitvoering van dit besluit.

            Het Loo, den 15 Juli 1920



De Minister van Justitie




Logo, 1990-ties (obsolete)


This logo is a picture of the provincial flag adopted 1959.



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© Hubert de Vries 2018-02-22





[1] Vries, Hubert de: Wapens van de Nederlanden. De historische ontwikkeling van de heraldische symbolen van Nederland, België, hun provincies en Luxemburg. Amsterdam, 1995.

[2] From: Smit, J.P.W.A.: Het wapen van Noord-Brabant. In: Brabants Jaarboek, 1949 p. 130.

[3] From: Smit, J.P.W.A.: op cit, 1949 p. 130.