The coat of arms of Drenthe is Or, the Virgin
Mary, seated on a golden throne, dressed in a red robe and a blue cloak,
crowned with a golden crown, with a golden lily scepter in her right hand and
with little Jesus, dressed in white,
on her right knee. The Landscape
Stamps. The first mention of a regional seal of
Drenthe dates from 1262. Unfortunately, the seal in question has been lost.
It must, however, have been the same as the preserved fragment of a seal to a
charter from 1285 and the seal preserved in its entirety from a charter from
1294. [1] The representation on the seal consists of
seated Holy Virgin with the Christ Child on her left knee within the inside
of an abstracted building, probably a monastery,. Four angel heads can be
seen around thisdepiction. The legend reads is: SIGILLVM VNIVERSITATIS TERRE
THRENTHIE. [2] The fact that Mary was portrayed is
undoubtedly connected with the veneration of St Mary widespread in the
northern areas. The figure can also be found on monastery seals and on the
seal of the Verbond van de Upstalboom (League
of the Holy Tree), dating from the fourteenth century. At the end of the fourteenth century a new
seal was cut that was in use from 1395 to 1795. In the cenral field the
architectural motif was changed and the angels headswere removed. The legend
remained the same. After Drenthe had joined the Nadere Unie (Closer Union) in April
1580, the region made repeated attempts to sit in the States General but it
did not succeed until the end of the Republic. [3] The crown and the lions, which were added to the throning Mary in
1715, must be seen in this context. Although on this stamp the central representation
has not yet been placed on a coat of arms, the whole is already reminiscent
of an achievement. Not long after that there is also a real landscape coat of
arms. It appears on the title page of the Church Order of 1730 and on
ordinances and placards from that time. [4] |
The Provincial Coat
of Arms. With the state regulation of 1798, Drenthe
was merged with Overijssel into the "Departement
van den Ouden IJssel" which was later renamed "Departement Overijsel". By decree
of 19 June 1805 the parts were separated again and Drenthe became a separate
administrative unit again. Although official documents waresealed with the
national coat of arms, there was a coat of arms for the region in use. It is
on a link of the Royal Order of the Union from 1807. It is possible that the
seal of the States of Drenthe was cut then that remained in use until 1893,
with an interruption in the period 1811-'13. On it is thecrowned coat of arms
with the Virgin supported by two lions and and a ribbon with the letters C (ommunitas)
T (errae) D (renthiae) the legend reading: STATEN VAN DRENTHE. In 1829 the Hoge Raad van Adel asked the
Gouvernorr van Drenthe for information about the arms. This resulted in a
letter of August 19, 1830. In which the old representation was taken over and
officially placed on a golden field. The crown was erroneously called a ducal
crown but has the shape of the (princely-) crown of the Republic that was
already on the arms of Drenthe. The lions, who had been in use since 1715,
were officially added for saupporters to these arms by Royal Decree August
1972. At the same time, the tinctures of the charge were officially
determined.[5] |
Seal of Aduard Monastery Throned Virgin Mary and Child between the
Seal of Assen monastery Throned Virgin Mary and Child Legend: SIGILLVM SCIMONIALVM ASZEN |
Seal of Drenthe, 1291 Virgin Mary and
child between two angel heads Legend: SIGILLVM
Seal of Drenthe,1395 Crowned Virgin Mary
and child between trees Legend: SIGILLVM
Seal of Oostergo, 1493 Virgin Mary and
child between two warriors Legend: X
1600-1799 Virgin Mary and
child between two vases with lilies Legend: CD |
Arms of Drenthe, princely crowned, by demeter
and justitio. supported demeter and justitia.; in base horses and a pile of
blocks of peat |
1750 Virgin Mary and child within
a gate supported by lions |
1796 Seal of the
Batavian Republic adapted for the department |
1805 Seal of the
States of Drenthe From the beginning of the 19th century, in
use until 1893 Crowned atms of the provinc supported by two lions
and the letters CTD on a ribbon below |
Ams of
Drenthe1820 By A.F. Zurchew, Hoge Raad van Adel, Den Haag Confirmation of the High Council of Nobility, 10.08.1830 Bevestiging
van de Hoge Raad van Adel dd. 19 augustus 1830. Vanwege de
Koning. "De Hooge Raad
van Adel gebruik makende van de macht aan denzelve verleend bij besluit van
20 Febr. 1816, bevestigd bij dezen aan de provincie Drenthe ingevolge het
door den gouverneur gedaan verzoek, het bezit van het navolgend
wapen. "Een schild van
goud, beladen met een Mariabeeld, houdende het kind Jezus op de linkerknie en
gekroond van goud, zittende in een gotischen tempel,
mede van goud. Het schild gedekt met een
hertogelijken kroon. Gedaan te
's Gravenhage, den 19en Augustus 1830. (geteekend)
A.C. Baron Snouckaert van Schauburg. Presideerende
ter ordonnantie van den Raad. (get.) C. Chais, Secretaris. |
Arms of Drenthe at the (former) Provinciehuis,
Assen, 1885 |
of Drenthe by T. Van der Laars, 1913 |
K.B. van 19 augustus 1972 N° 19 Wij
Juliana, bij de gratie Gods, Koningin der Nederlanden, Prinses van
Oranje-Nassau, enz., enz., enz. Op de voordracht van
Onze Minister van Binnelandse Zaken a.i. van 10 augustus 1972, nr. B72/2224, Directie
Binnenlands Bestuur, Afdeling Wetgeving en Bestuurszaken; Gezien het verzoek
van Gedeputeerde Staten van Drenthe van 18 juli 1972, nr. 30/11.2332,
afdeling 4, tot wijziging van het wapen van die provincie; Gelet op het besluit
van de Soevereine Vorst van 24 december 1814, nr. 32 en het Koninklijk
besluit van 23 april 1919, Stb. nr. 181; de Hoge Raad van
Adel gehoord; HEBBEN
GOEDGEVONDEN EN VERSTAAN; a. het besluit van
de Hoge Raad van Adel van 19 augustus 1830, waarbij het wapen der provincie
Drenthe bevestigd werd, in te trekken; b. aan de provincie
Drenthe een wapen te verlenen, waarvan de beschrijving luidt als volgt: "In goud,
zittende op een gouden troon, Maria van natuurlijke kleur met een gouden
kroon van drie lelies en gekleed in een gewaad van keel waaroverheen een
mantel van azuur, houdende in de rechterhand een gouden scepter, uitlopend in
een lelie en houdende op de linkerknie het zittende Kind Jezus van
natuurlijke kleur, gekleed van zilver. Het schild gedekt
met een van keel gevoerde kroon van vijf bladeren, vier parels en drie
diademen en gehouden door twee leeuwen van goud, getongd en genageld van
keel." Onze Minister van
Binnenlandse Zaken is belast met de uitvoering van dit besluit. Porto Ercole, 19 augustus 1972 (get.)
minister van binnenlandse zaken (get.) W.J.
Æ See Illustration in the head of this article |
© Hubert de Vries 2018-02-22
[1] Janssen, Corneille F.: Het "nieuwe wapen
van de provincie Drenthe. In: D.N.L.. 1977, kol.
[2] Laars, T. van der: Wapens, Vlaggen en Zegels
van Nederland. Amsterdam, 1913 pp. 42-51.
[3] Jansen op.cit. kol. 281.
Van der Laars, op.cit. p. 48.
[5] Vries, Hubert de Wapens van de Nederlanden. De
historische ontwikkeling van de heraldische symbolen van Nederland, België, hun
provincies en Luxemburg. Amsterdam, 1995.