








The arms of the Grand Master

The Grand Masters of the Order initially separated their own arms from that of the Order. The oldest arms usually given for the grandmasters are certainly apocryphal. The oldest non-apocryphal coat of arms of a grandmaster is that of Hugo de Revel (1258-'77) with a black or blue wing on a golden field. From the middle of the fifteenth century the arms of the order and the personal ams of the Grand Master were quartered. The cross on the arms of the Order is always in the first and fourth quarter. One of the oldest known arms quarterly of the Grandmaster are those of Filiberto de Naillac who became grand master in 1392. Not long afterwards the arms of the order and the grandmasters are also placed on a Maltese cross and surrounded with a rosary and accompanied by the motto PRO FIDE.

In 1607, the Grand Master of the Order was recognized by Rudolf II as Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. This was confirmed again in 1620 by Ferdinand II. From this time on, the grandmasters are entitled to put a princely crown on their arms.

The current Grandmasters still quarter the arms of the Order with their own blason. The coat of arms is placed on a white eight-pointed cross and surrounded by the Grandmaster's collar of the order. The arms are surrounded by  a purple or black crowned mantle.


Jeruzalem 1050-1291


No coats of arms are known of the Grand Masters in Jeruzalem until the end of the 13th century.


1 Fra Gerardo

1100ca - 1120


2 Raimondo du Puy



3 Augero de Balben



4 Arnaud de Comps



5 Gilberto d’Assailly



6 Gastone de Murols



7 Fra Gioberto



8 Rugiero de Moulins



9 Ermengardo d’Asp



10 Garniero de Napluse



11 Geoffroy de Donjon



12 Alfonso de Portogallo



Afonso (*~1140 –†1207), son of King Alfonso I of Portugal. Born around 1140,  according to recent investigations, he is the same person as the one often called Fernando Afonso who was the alferes-mor of the king and later Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller. His presence in the court is first recorded in 1159. In 1169 he succeeded as alferes-mor his half-brother, Pedro Pais da Maia, the legitimate son of his mother and Paio Soares da Maia. Participant of the 4th Crusade.


13 Goffredo le Rat



14 Garin de Montaigu



15 Bertrando de Thessy



16 Fra Guerino



17 Betrando de Comps



18 Pietro de Vielle Bride



19 Guglielmo de Chateauneuf



20 Ugo de Revel



Arms of Ugo de Revel as a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (1260)


Arms: Or, a wing Azure and a chief Gules, a cross Argent.



21 Nicola Lorgue



22 Giovanni de Villiers



Cyprus 1292-1310


23 Eudes des Pins




Arms: Gules, three fir-cones 2 & 1.


24 Guglielmo de Villaret



25 Falco de Villaret



Rhodes 1311-1523


26 Helion de Villeneuve



The arms of Villeneuve on Knights’ Street, Rodes


Arms: Gules, fretty per lozenge in each lozenge an escutcheon Or.


Together with the arms of the Order and Perello: Or, three pears Vert 2 & 1.


This coat of arms also in Gelre n° 650: d’or à 3 poires au naturel. C.: une tête de chien dans un vol; tortil; le tout d’arg. L.: Viconte de rodes).

And Bellenville Fo 7v. 16: visgte de roda: Or, 6 poires (3.2.1) Vert.  François II Perellos depuis1366 v. de Rodes-Roda, fils de François amiral de France 1368.


The arms of the Order between the arms of Denmark and Grandmaster Helion de Villeneuve, and

the arms of Gozon and of  the King of England 


Arms: 1. Waldemar IV of Denmark (1340-’70): Or, three lions passant Azure; 2. ¼ of the Order and Vileneuve 3 Of the Order; 4. Dieudonné de Gozon: Gules, a bordure compony Gules and Argent and bar Azure fimbriated Argent. 5. Edward III of England after 1337: ¼ of  France and England.


27 Diodato de Gozon



Tomb of Diodato de Gozon

Musée de Cluny, Paris


Arms of Diodato de Gozon: Gules, a bordure compony Gules and Argent a bend Azure fimbriated Argent.


1348 Capture of  Smyrna.


28 Pierre de Corneillan



Coat of arms of Pierre de Corneillan

Archeological Museum Rhodes


Arms: Gules, on a bend argent three Cornish choughs sable


29 Ruggero des Pins




Arms: Gules, three fir-cones 2 & 1.


Together with the arms of the Order. (Rhodes, ‘98.)


30 Raymond Berenger




Silver gros of Raymond Berenger (1365-1374)


Obv.: The Grand Master kneeling before a double-cross, a shield with a bend behind his back (Gozon ?, Corneillan ?)

Rev.: Cross fleurdelisée.

L.: X F: RImONDUS° BEREnGARII: D: GR:  / X  OSPTAL'. S. IOhS. IRL nI° ET': RODI. (Schlumberger, Tav. X)


However a blason gironny of eight pieces Or and Gules is also ascribed to him.


31 Roberto de Julhiac



Tomb of Roberto de Julhiac

Musée de Cluny, Paris


Arms: Argent, a lily-cross Gules and a label of  five Azure, each pendant charged with three balls of the field


32.  Juan Fernández de Heredia






Arms: Gules, 7 castles Or.

On its dexter side the arms of the Order


Heraldic stone (ca 1392)

(Izmir Archaeological Museum)


The arms of the Papacy, the mitre of the pope, the arms of Fra Domenico d’Alemagna, and of Richard Caracciolo.


 Heraldic stone from Smyrna:

Arms of Heredia, the Order of St. John, the Papacy, Alemagna, Baux and Caracciolo

 (Izmir Archaeological Museum Also: The Annual of the British School at Athens, xvii. Galbreath fig 37).


Heredia: Gules, three castles Or

The Order: Gules, a cross Argent

The Papacy:  Gules, two keys in saltire Argent. Crowned with a papal tiara

Fra Domenico d’Alemagna [1]

Arms: Gules two fesses Or between eight martlets Argent, 3, 2 and 3.

Baux: Gules a 16-rayed sun Or.

Caraciolo: Azure, a lion Or


But also a quarterly of The Order and Heredia in manuscripts of  Juan Fernándes de Heredia [2]


Gran Cronica de los Conquiridors, Part 1, fol 1.


33a Richard Caracciolo




According to some historians his election in 1383 was invalid


33b Filiberto de Naillac




Arms: Azure, two lions passant Argent



Eagle between the arms of the Order (?) and of Champagne







sceaux ; collection Bourgogne




Moulage du sceau du chapitre de l'Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem en Champagne.
Légende abîmée et restituée en latin : "SIGILLUM HOSPITALIS PRIORATUS CAMPANIE", (sceau du prieuré de l'Hôpital en Champagne)


1418-01-01 / 1418-12-31


moulage consultable au service des sceaux


reproduction du moulage possible par le service des sceaux ; photographie ou impression d'image numérique


plâtre pris sur cire originale


rond Æ 40 mm


34 Antonio Fluvian de la Rivière



Relief above the main entrance of the New Hospital of the Knights. Rhodes.


Arms:  Or, a fess Gules

Supporters: Two angels


Above the achievement the flag of The Order.


35 Giovanni de Lastic



Rhodes, near St. Athanasius Gate

Arms of Giovanni de Lastic


Arms: Gules a fess Argent


36 Giacomo/Jacques de Milly



Foto G. Boon, ‘98


The arms of the Order between the arms of Giacomo de Lastic: Gules a fess Argent and the arms of Giacomo de Milly: Gules a chief indented of three points Argent..

Heraldic stone on Kos dd. MCCCCLIIII (1454).

Legend: Revered • de • castelnov • p • la gonis • aposvit • plites • armas • die XXII • decebris • et • posessione • acepit.


37 Pietro Raimondo Zacosta



Archangelos Castle. Rhodes

The arms of the Order and Zacosta


Arms: Or,  two fesses indented Gules and a bordure Sable charged with eight besants Argent.


38 Giovanni Battista Orsini



Archangelos Castle, Rhodes

Arms of the Order and Orsini


Arms: A fess Or [a serpent], in chief Argent, a rose Gules and a base bendy Gules and Argent.


39 Cardinal Fra Pierre d’Aubusson



Shield and some weaponry of Pierre d’Aubusson as a commander of Salins (?)

Museum of the Order, Valetta


His arms here with a label of four (5th son)


Photo G. Boon ‘98

Arms: Or, a cross moline Gules  Heraldic stone dd. MCCCCLXXVIII (1478)




Arms: ¼ 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Or, a cross moline Gules

From: BNF Latin 6067: Caoursin, Guillaume: Obsidionis Rhodiae urbis descriptio. fol. 3 v° .


Photo G. Boon. ‘98


Arms: ¼ 1&4 Gules, a cross Argent; 2&3: Or, a cross moline Gules

Crown: A cardinal’s hat (of 10 fiocchi) Vert. Behind the shield a procession cross (Heraldic stone, Kos? undated.)


Heraldic stones on the Hospice of the french Langue. Rhodos, 1495.

Together with the arms of King Charles VIII  of France (1483-1498)


W.: ¼ 1&4 rood een wit kruis; 2&3: Goud, een rood ankerkruis.

O.: Een rozenkrans met  het kruis van de Johannieter Orde

S.: Een wit achtpuntig kruis

D.: PRO FIDE, geschreven tussen de punten van het dragende kruis. 

(Op de standaard van The Order)



Arms of Pierre d'Aubusson at the gate Aghiou Athanasiou, Rhodes, with a griffon and a lion regardant for supporters. Below a part of the legend is readable:

DIVUS F[ra] PETRUS DAUBUSSON RHODIORUM MAGNUS MAGISTER and on the lower line, the date 1486.


40 Emerico d’Amboise



Foto G. Boon.

Heraldic stone dated 1510


Arms: ¼ 1&4: The Order; 2&3 Paly of six Or and Gules.


Marble relief from the westface of the “Castellania” ,

depicting two “hommes sauvages” holding the coat of arms of E. d’Amboise. Carved on the buff stone below the escutcheon of J. d’Aymer de la Chevalerie.


Arms: ¼ 1&4: The Order; 2&3 Paly of six Or and Gules.

Supporters: Two Savages


Arms of the Order and of Grand-Maste Emery d'Amboise supported by an angel

From a portal of the Castellania Rhodes


Achievement on the wall of  Kos Castle

Said to be of Dupuy, the commander of the Fortress


Arms: Or a lion Azure and a label of three

Crest: A lion issuant between two wings

Supporters: Two angels


41 Guido de Blanchefort



Foto H.d.V. ’97

The arms of Guido de Blanchefort

(St. Johns Co-Cathedral Valetta).


Arms: ¼: 1&4 The Order; 2&3:  Or, two lions passant Gules.


42 Fabrizio del Carretto



Achievement of Frabrizio del Carretto on the façade of the palace of the Italian Langue


Arms: ¼ 1&4: Gules, a cross Argent; 2&3 Bendy of 11 peces Or and Gules.

Supporter: A crowned eagle.


43 Philippe Villiers de L’Isle-Adam



W.: Goud, een blauw schildhoofd waarin een uit de linkerzijde van het schild komende arm gekleed in hermelijn met een doek van hermelijn.

Marble relief at the facade of the Inn of the French Tongue in Rhodos together with the arms of the Order and the arms of an unknown bailiff of the Order. D.: 1521.


In 1530 werd het eiland Malta door Karel I van Spanje afgestaan aan de in 1523 van Rhodos verdreven Johannieter Orde. Het tribuut bedroeg een valk per jaar als erkenning van de suzereiniteit van Spanje. The Order leefde gescheiden van de Maltezers en kreeg haar inkomsten voornamelijk uit oorlogsbuit, piraterij en landgoederen in Europa. The Order werd in 1798 door Napoleon van het eiland verjaagd. De geschiedenis van het wapen van de Johannieter Orde volgt hieronder.


Malta 1530-1798


43 Philippe Villiers de L’Isle-Adam



Foto H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Philippe Villiers de L’Isle-Adam in the Grand Master’s Palace


Arms ¼: 1&4: The Order 2&3: Or, a chief Azure, over all,  issuing from the sinister an arm vested ermine, a cloth hanging from its wrist also ermine.

Date.: 1531. 


45 Pierre del Ponte



Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order 2&3:Argent, a cross saltire Gules


46 Didier de Saint-Jaille



47 Juan de Homedes





48 Claude de la Sengle




49 Jean de Valette




Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: 1|2: 1. Gules, a blackbird; 2. Gules, a lion Or

Crown: Five leaves and four pearls.

Supporters: Four banners of the Order in saltite and a garland of palm-leaves

Mantle: Purpure, fringed Or and lined ermine.


50 Giovanni del Monte



51 Pierre l’Evêque de la Cassière



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Jean d’Omedes in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Argent, a lion Gules.


52 Hugues Loubenx de Verdalle




Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Hugues Loubenx de Verdalle in St. Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms.: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:Gules, a wolf saliant Or.

Crown: A bishop’s hat (2 ´ 6 fiocchi  (bishop))

D.: 1591. (G.M.Palace).


The achievement of  Hugues Loubenx de Verdala

From: Dell’ Istoria Della Sacra Religione Et Illma Militia Di S. Gio Gierosolno di iacomo bosio. Volume 2, 1594



Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Gules a wolf saliant Or.

Crown: A crown of four pearls and five keaves, and a cardinal’s hat (2´10 fiochhi) supported by angels, the sinister keeping a pope’s tiara and the dexter keeping a helmet.

Supporters: Two angels riding wolves with crescents in their mouths, the sinister keeping a double crossed staff and the dexter a sword upright.


53 Martin Garzes



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Martin Garzes in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:Azure, a crane Argent in chief three mullets Or.

Crown: Of five groups of three pearls and four single pearls


54 Alof de Wignacourt





Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Alof de Wignacourt in St.Johns Co-Cathedral



Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Argent, three fleurs de lys Gules. (G.M.Palace)


1607 Prince of the Holy Roman Empire by diplom of Emperor Rudolf III

1620 Prince of the Holy Roman Empire confirmed by diplom of Emperor Ferdinand II


55 Louis Mendez de Vasconcelles



Foto H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Louis Mendez de Vasconcelles in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:: Sable three fesses vair Argent and Gules, in dexter chief a mullet Or. Crown: Damaged


56 Antoine de Paule



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Antoine de Paule in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:Azure, a peaock on a bunch of leaves Or, and a chief Gules, three mullets Or



Achievement: Arms: The same, crowned and supported by two angels


From: Dell’ Istoria Della Sacra Religione Et Illma Militia Di S. Gio Gierosolno di iacomo bosio. Volume 2 Frontispiece


57 Jean Lascaris-Castellar



Photo H.d.V. ‘97


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Or, a two-headed eagle, billed, clawed and crowned Or. (Palace St. John).


58 Martin de Redin




Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Azure a cross quarterly Or and Gules


59 Annet de Clermont-Gessant



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Annet de Clermont-Gessant in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Gules, two keys in saltire Argent. .


60 Raphael Cotoner




Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Or a branch of cotton of five flowers  proper (St.John)


61 Nicolas Cotoner



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Nicolas Cotoner in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:  Or a branch of cotton of five flowers proper (St.John)


62 Gregorio Caraja



St. Francis of Assisi Church, Malta


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Barry of seven pieces Gules and Argent, a bend raguly Vert.


63 Adrien de Wignacourt



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms Adrian de Wignacourt in the Grand Master’s Palace


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Argent, three fleurs de lys Gules and a label of three  Azure.


64 Ramon Perelles y Roccaful



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Ramon Perelles y Roccaful in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms:  Or, three pears Vert, 2 and 1

(Also on other places in Valetta and Mdina and in alliance with The Order in Fort St. Elmo) .


1700 Flag: Rood, een wit breedarmig kruis.


1703  W.: Rood, een wit kruis. Kroon met vijf fleurons. S.: een wit maltezer (achtpuntig)  kruis. O.: Rozenkrans met wit maltezer kruis. L.: Grosmeisterthum des Iohaniter ritter ordens zv Malta. (Siebmacher T. VI Taf. 3 n°5).


65 Marc’ Antoine Zondadari



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Marc’ Antoine Zondadari in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Bendy of five pieces Azure and Or, the second charged with three roses Gules.


66 Antoine Manoel de Vilhena



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Antoine Manoel de Vilhena in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2. Argent, a lion Or; 3. Gules, a winged hand holding a sword upright Or. (St.John).



67 Ramon Despuig



Photo H.d.V. ‘97

The arms of Ramon Despuig in St.Johns Co-Cathedral


Arms: Purpure, a mountain Or, charged with a five-pointed star of the first and crested with  a fleur de lys of the second. (St.John).

Crown: A princely crown


68 Manuel Pinto de Fonseca



The arms of Manuel Pinto de Fonseca in the Grand Master’s Palace


Arms: Argent, five crescents 2,1,2 Gules (Pal., St.John).



The arms crowned with the princely crown and supported by two turkish prisoners.


69 Francis Ximenes de Texada




Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2: Gules a lion Or; 3: Vert a tower Or.


70 Emmanuel de Rohan-Polduc



Palace of St. John


St. John’s Co-Cathedral


Arms: ¼ 1&4: The Order 2&3: Gules, nine diamonds Or, voided of the field 3,3,3

Crown: 5 leaves and five hoops

Supporter: An eagle, the crown over its head.



71 Ferdinand von Hompesch




Russia 1798-1907


72 Paul I Romanov



73 Giovanni Battista Tommasi




Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Barry of six Gules and Or




Grandmasters Ad Interim 1805-1879


Enrico Guevara-Suardo



Andrea Giovanni



Antonio Busca



Carlo Candida



Filippo di Colloredo



Allessandro Borgia





74 Giovanni Battista Ceschi da Santa Croce




Quarterly, 1. and 4. Azure a griffin crowned or, 2. and 3. per fess gules and argent a cross patty counterchanged; over all per fess, sable a lion issuant crowned or its tail forked, and sable three bars or. (R)


Grand Master Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce, 1879-1905


Silver Medal 1879, commemorating the restoration of the Order on the Initiative of Pope Leo XIII. 44.13g.
IO.BAPT.CESCHIVS.A.S.CRVCE.SVMMVS.ORD.HIEROSOL.MAGISTER. Crowned arms of the Grand Master, quartered with those of the Order.



75 Galeazzo di Thun e Hohenstein




Quarterly: 1) azure a bend or, and 2) per pale argent an eagle displayed gules, and Sable a fess argent; overall gules a fess argent.



76 Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere



Quarterly, 1. azure an oak-tree eradicated or, its four branches knotted-saltireways (Della Rovere), 2 and 3. Gules in base a mount of six coupeux and in chief and estoile or (Chigi), 4. Azure a fess between an estoile of six rays in chief and a mount of three hillocks in base or (Albani). (Gotha)




77 Angelo de Mojana di Cologna



Drawing B.B. Heim



Arms: :¼. 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Azure, a fess dancetty Gules between three fleurs de lys Or, 2 and 1.

Order: The rosary and cross of the Order of Malta

Supporter: An eight/poointed cross Argent, fimbraited Or.

Mantle: Sable, finged and tasseled Or, strewn with fleurs-de-lys Argent and princely crowned. [3]


78 Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie



Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3:  Argent three battering-rams proper.

Order: The rosary and cross of the Order of Malta

Supporter: An eight/poointed cross Argent, fimbraited Or.

Mantle: Sable, finged and tasseled Or, strewn with fleurs-de-lys Argent and princely crowned.


79 Fra Matthew Festing



The arms of Grand Master Fra’ Matthew Festing are quartered with those of the Order.


At 1 and 4 gules (red) a cross argent; at 2 and 3 Azure an eagle displayed erminois between three castles argent.

The arms are surrounded by the Collar, symbol of the Grand Master, within a princely mantle and surmounted by a closed crown.



80 Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto



Design: Fra Ikkon André Yamashita


Arms: Azure, a tower crested with a latin cross between two six-pointed stars in chief Argent


Literature about the arms of the Grand Masters:


Bascapé, Giacomo & Marcello del Piazzo

Insege e Simboli. Araldica Pubblica e privata medievale e moderna. Min. per beni culturale e ambientali. Roma, 1983.


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 © Hubert de Vries  2019-12-18




[1] About Admiral Fra Domeniaco d’Alemagna:  Dell’ Istoria Della Sacra Religione Et Illma Militia Di S. Gio Gierosolno di iacomo bosio. Volume 2 p. 145 (The year 1391)


[3] Schnyder, F.J.: Das Wappen des derzeitigen Fürst-Grossmeisters des Souv. Malteser Ritterordens. In: Archivum Heraldicum 1963, pp. 10-11.