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The ancestors of the Chuvash were Turkic Bulgars and Suars residing in the Northern Caucasus in the 5th to 8th centuries In the 7th and 8th centuries, a part of the Bulgars left for the Balkans, where, together with local Slavs, they established the state of modern Bulgaria. Another part moved to the Middle Volga Region where the Bulgar population that did not adopt Islam formed part of the ethnic foundation of the Chuvash people.

They became vassals of the Golden Horde in 1242. When the power of the Golden Horde began to decline the local Mişär Tatar Murzas from Piana and Temnikov tried to rule the Chuvash area.

During Ivan the Terrible's war of conquest against the Khanate of Kazan, in August 1552, the Chuvash Orsai and Mari Akpar Tokari princes swore their loyalty to the Grand Duchy of Muscovy. This ended nearly 120 years under the rule of the Khanate of Kazan.

Within the Russian Empire, the territory of the Chuvash was divided between Kazan Governorate and Simbirsk Governorate.

The Chuvash and Mari joined the Stenka Razin and Pugachev rebellions in 1667–1671 and 1773–1775 respectively, when the Volga area from Astrakhan to Nizhni Novgorod was in open revolt.

During the 19th and early 20th century, national feelings started to grow among the Chuvash intelligentsia. On 15 May 1917, the Chuvash joined the Idel-Ural Movement and in December 1917 joined the short-lived Idel-Ural State, when an agreement was reached with Tatar representatives to draw the eastern border of Chuvashia at the Sviyaga River.

In 1918–1919, the Russian Civil War encompassed the area. This ended with victory for the Bolsheviks,. who executed the local Chuvash independence-minded politicians. To gain support from the local population, Lenin ordered the creation of a Chuvash state within the Russian SFSR. On June 24, 1920, the Chuvash Autonomous Oblast was formed, which was transformed into the Chuvash ASSR in April 1925.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, the republic was renamed the Chuvash SSR and in 1992, it was given its present name.

The Chuvash Republic is an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation now.




When the Chuvash people was granted a state in 1920, state symbols had to be adopted for the new administrative-territorial unit. In the first few years of its existence the Chuvash state used the arms of the R.S.F.S.R. as adopted on 20.06.1918. On the stamp of the Chuvash A.O. the motto is abridged to ПРОЛ. ВСЕХ. СТРАН. СОЕД. and on the seal of the Chuvash A.S.S.R. to  П.В.С.С. In both cases the legends were spelled in Russian and Chuvash.


Chuvash Autonomous Oblast



Seal of the Revolutionary Comittee of the Chuvash A.O


Chuvash Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic


First seal of the Chuvash A.S.S.R.


By Constitution of the Chuvash Autonomous Republic of 31 January 1926 the Chuvash Republic adopted arms and flag of its own

The section of the Constitution of the Chuvash ASSR of 31.01.1926 about the arms and flag reads:


Глава 13. О гербе, флаге и местопребывании правительства Чувашской Автономной Социа-листической Советской Республики

Ст. 86. Чувашская Автономная Социалистическая Советская Республика имеет свой госу-дарственный герб и флаг.

Ст. 87. Местопребыванием правительства Чувашской Автономной Социалистической Совет-ской Республики является город Шупашкар.


Председатель Центрального Исполнительного Комитета Чувашской Автономной Социалистической Советской Республики

И. Илларионов

Секретарь Центрального Исполнительного Комитета Чувашской Автономной Социалистической Советской Республики

Д. Захаров [1]

That is:

Chapter 13. On the coat of arms, flag and the seat of the Government of Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Art. 86. Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic has its state emblem and flag.

Art. 87. The seat of the Government of Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is the City Shupashkar.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Chuvash ASSR

 Ivan Illarionov

Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the Chuvash ASSR

  D. Zakharov


A design of the arms was made by the artist and photographer P.E. Martens, a graduate of the Baron Stieglitz Institute (now: Academy of Applied Arts). His coat of arms resembled its Russian prototype, but the garland consisted of branches of fir and oak on the dexter side instead of the ears of wheat. Also the ribbon tying the garland, bearing the motto of the Russian Federation in Chuvash language, was of Chuvashian folkloristic decorations instead of red.  The name of the republic was inscribed in the upper margin and the initials of the Russian Federation were in base


The design of the arms of Chuvash of P.E. Martens, 1927

The name of the republic in Chuvash language only.


The arms of Chuvash ASSR adopted 30.03.1927


The design of P.E. Martens, the background of the sun red and the name of the republic in russian added in the margin, was approved at the II (VII) Congress of Soviets of the republic on 30 and 31 March 1927..

The resolution adoping the arms reads:



Утвердить герб Чувашской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики в следующем виде:

Герб состоит из изображений на красном фоне в золотых лучах солнца золотых серпа и молота, расположенных крест-накрест рукоятками книзу, окруженных венком, состоящим из колосьев с правой стороны и дубовых и еловых веток с левой стороны, перевитым снизу лентой с красной каймой с чувашскими орнаментами на концах и с надписью в середине: «Пeтeм тeнчери пролеттарисем, пeрлешeр!» Над серпом и молотом помещается золотая пятиконечная звезда. Вокруг венка надпись с левой стороны: «Чaвашсен Автономлa Сотсиалисaмпа Совет Респуплeкe», с правой стороны: «Чувашская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика» и внизу, между вышеуказанными надписями, инициалы: «РСФСР».[2]


That is:


RESOLUTION II (VII) OF THE CHUVASH SSR CONGRESS OF SOVIETS "On the State Emblem of the Chuvash Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic"

To approve the coat of arms of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, as follows:

The coat of arms consists of images on a red background with golden rays of the sun and a  golden hammer and sickle, arranged crosswise, handles down, surrounded by a wreath consisting of ears on the right side and oak and fir branches on the left side, intertwined with ribbon with a red border and with Chuvash ornaments at the ends and in the middle with the inscription: «ПӖТӖМ ТӖНЂЕРИ ПРОЛЕТТАРИСЕМ, ПӖРЛЕШӖР!» Above the hammer and sickle is placed a golden five-pointed star. Around the garland on the left side the inscription: «ЂВАШСЕН АВТОНОМЛСОТС. СОВ. РЕСПУПЛӖКӖ», on the right side: «ЧУВАШСКАЯ АВТ. СОВЕТ. СОЦ РЕСПУБЛИКА» and at the bottom, between the inscriptions above, the initials Р.С.Ф.С.Р..


On 12 February 1931 the IV (IX) Congress of Soviets of the Chuvash ASSR changed the emblem and flag, by resolution "On the state coat of arms and flag of Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic." The ribbon of the garland with the folkloristic decoration was removed because  "it does not reflect the correct national policy of the proletarian state." and replaced by a plain red ribbon.


The Arms opf Chuvash of 12.02.1931

The resolution reads:



IV (9) Всечувашский съезд Советов во изменение постановления 2 (7) Всечувашского съезда Советов постановляет:

1. Из постановления 2 (7) Всечувашского съезда Советов о государственном гербе выражение «с красной каймой с чувашскими орнаментами на концах» и из постановления о флаге (выражение) «на верхнем левом углу которого обрамленное чувашским орнаментом белое полотно с красными буквами» изъять, как не отражающие правильную национальную политику пролетарского государства.

2. Утвердить герб Чувашской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики в следующем виде:

Герб состоит из изображений на красном фоне в золотых лучах солнца золотых серпа и молота, расположенных крест-накрест рукоятками книзу, окруженных венком, состоящим из колосьев с правой стороны и дубовых и еловых веток с левой стороны, перевитым снизу красной лентой с надписью в середине: «Пeтeм тeнчери пролетарисем, пeрлешeр!» Над серпом и молотом помещается золотая пятиконечная звезда. Вокруг венка надпись с левой стороны: «Чaвашсен Автономлa Социалисaмпа Совет Респуплeкe», с правой стороны — «Чувашская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика» и внизу, между вышеуказанными надписями, инициалы «РСФСР».

3. Флаг состоит из красного или алого полотнища. В верхнем левом углу золотые серп и молот, расположенные крест-накрест рукоятками книзу. Под серпом и молотом надпись золотыми буквами «ЧАССР» и на Правом верхнем углу флага надпись: «Пeтeм тeнчери пролетарисем, пeрлешeр!» Отношение ширины флага к длине 1:2.  [3]


Which is:



IV (9) The All Chuvash Congress of Soviets, amending Resolution 2 (7) of the All  Chuvash Congress of Soviets decided to:

1. From the Resolution 2 (7) All chuvashskogo Congress of Soviets on the state coat of arms to remove the expression “with a red border with Chuvash ornaments on the ends", and from the decision about the flag (expression) "in the upper left corner is framed Chuvash ornament on a white background with red letters", they do not reflect the correct national policy of the proletarian state.

2. The coat of arms of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is as follows:

The coat of arms consists of images on a red background with golden rays of the sun gold hammer and sickle, arranged crosswise arms down, surrounded by a wreath consisting of ears on the right side and of oak and fir branches on the left side, intertwined with red ribbon with the inscription in the middle: «ПEТEМ ТEНЧЕРИ ПРОЛЕТАРИСЕМ, ПEРЛЕШEР!»  Above the hammer and sickle is placed a golden five-pointed star. Around the wreath on the left side the inscription: «ЂВАШСЕН АВТОНОМЛСОТС. СОВ. РЕСПУПЛӖКӖ», on the right : «ЧУВАШСКАЯ АВТОНОМНАЯ СОВЕТСКАЯ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА» and at the bottom, between the inscriptions above, the initials «Р.С.Ф.С.Р.»

3. The flag consists of a red or scarlet cloth. In the upper left corner the golden hammer and sickle, arranged crosswise arms down. Under the hammer and sickle in golden letters the inscription "CH ASSR" on the top right corner of the flag the inscription: « ПĔТĔМТĔНЧЕРИ ПРОЛЕТАРИСЕМ, ПĔРЛЕШĔРHeighth and width ratio is 1: 2.


The  Constitution of the Chuvash ASSR of 18 July 1937 definitively deprived the government of the Republic of its individual emblems, declaring that the national emblem and flag of the Chuvash ASSR should be the national emblem and flag of the Russian Federation with inscriptions in Russian and Chuvash languages of "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" and the addition under "RSFSR" in smaller lettering "Chuvash ASSR" in Russian and Chuvash language". The Constitution of the Chuvash ASSR in 1978 affirmed this, a five -pointed golden edged red star being added as a crest.


Arms of 1940

The law reads:


"Глава X. Герб, флаг, столица

Статья 111. Государственным гербом Чувашской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики является государственный герб РСФСР, который состоит из изображения золотых серпа и молота, помещенных крест-накрест, рукоятками книзу, на красном фоне в лучах солнца и в обрамлении колосьев, с надписью "РСФСР" и "Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!" на русском и чувашском языках, с добавлением под надписью "РСФСР" буквами меньшего размера надписи "Чувашская АССР" на русском и чувашском языках"

Надпись на гербе выглядела следующим образом:






That is:

"Chapter X. The coat of arms, flag, capital

Article 111. The State Emblem of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which consists of images of golden hammer and sickle, placed crosswise, handles down, on a red background in the sun and framed by ears, with the inscription "RSFSR" and "Workers of all countries, unite!" Russian and Chuvash languages, with the addition under "RSFSR" in smaller lettering "Chuvash ASSR" in Russian and Chuvash "

The inscriptions on the emblem are are as follows:






The name of the republic in Chuvash language was at first (in 1940), written in two lines, and then in one line.


The VIII extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the Chuvash ASSR, 9th convocation of 31 May 1978 approved a new constitution of the CH ASSR. The coat of arms and the flag are described in Sections 157 and 158 respectively .


Arms of 1978

The chapter reads:


IX. Герб, флаг и столица Чувашской АССР

Статья 157. Государственным гербом Чувашской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики является Государственный герб РСФСР, представляющий собой изображение серпа и молота на красном фоне, в лучах солнца и в обрамлении колосьев, с надписью: "РСФСР" на русском языке и "Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!" на русском и чувашском языках с добавлением под надписью "РСФСР" буквами меньшего размера надписи "Чувашская АССР" на русском и чувашском языках. В верхней части герба - пятиконечная звезда".


That is:


IX. The coat of arms, flag and capital of the Chuvash Autonomous Republic

Article 157. The State Emblem of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, is a picture of a hammer and sickle on a red background, in the sun and framed by ears of corn, with the words: "the Russian Federation" in Russian and "Workers of all countries, unite! " Russian and Chuvash languages, with the addition under "RSFSR" letters smaller lettering "Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" in Russian and Chuvash. At the top of the coat of arms - a five-pointed star. "


The Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic approved the official emblem of the CH ASSR by the Decree of 6 July 1978.  The inscription with the names of the republic were again written in two lines then.


Republic of Chuvashia



On 19 October  1990 the word “autonomous” was removed from the name of the republic and on 24 October 24 the new name “Republic of Chuvashia” was introduced. October 24, 1990 the Supreme Council of the Chuvash Republic adopted the "Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Chuvashia - Republic Chvashen. Чувашской Советской Социалистической Республики - Республики Чвашъень.


A new coat of arms was adopted in 1992.[4]


On 29 April 1992 the Supreme Council of the Chuvash Republic decided:


1. To amend article 157 of the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Chuvash Republic, which has to read as follows:

“The State Emblem of the Chuvash Republic is a picture of a golden bordered intersected heraldic shield with a purple emblem of a “Tree of Life” (the symbol of rebirth), crowned by the ancient Chuvash “Three Sun” emblem, framed by a purple golden edged ribbon with an inscription in golden letters “ЧᾹВАШ РЕСПУБЛИКИ  Ì ЧУВАШСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА, ending with a stylized image of hops. The base of the heraldic shield represents the  Chuvash country.”

2. Article 158 of the Constitution of the Chuvash Republic in the following wording:

“The national flag of Chuvash Republic is a rectangular cloth of a ratio of 5: 8, divided horizontally of yellow (top) and purple (bottom). In the center is the  heraldic emblem of the “Tree of Life” (the symbol of the rebirth) and the “Three suns.”

3. In section IX the words “emblem, flag,” to  add the word “national anthem.”

4. In this section, enter additional article 158.1 worded as follows:

The national anthem is a song of the Chuvash Republic “Tawan Sershen” (music G.S.Lebedeva verses I.S.Tuktasha (augmented edition).

Chairman of the Supreme Council Chuvash Republic

E. Kubarev

K.V. Ivanov

Of  the State Academic Drama Theater


The arms were confirmed by Law of the Chuvash Republic “On state symbols of the Chuvash Republic” of 1 July 1997.[5]

The achievement is:


Arms: Or, a Chuvash Tree of Life rising from a base Gules.

Crest: Three eight-pointed stars per fess Or, edged Gules.

Motto/Title:  On a ribbon Gules, edged and ending in leaves of hops ЧᾹВАШ РЕСПУБЛИКИ  Ì ЧУВАШСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА, Or.


Æ See illustration in the head of this article


The arms are included into the Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation with the number 207




The symmetry of the emblem expresses the desire of the Chuvash people to have inner spiritual harmony and to live in harmony with the environment and nature,

The shield has the shape of an animal skin brought in Chuvash of old as a sacrifice to its gods in Kiremet (the site of  pagan prayers and sacrifices). It symbolizes the sacrifices of the Chuvash people when gaining its statehood.

The golden upper three quarters of the shield symbolize the Chuvash people, the lower purple quart the Chuvash territory.

The Tree of Life, inspired by Chuvash runic script and meant to be a Chuvash holy oak, symbolizes power, durability and resistance to bad weather. In addition, a Tree of Life, being a single organism, represents the unity of the peoples living on the territory of the Chuvash Republic.

The Tree of Life consists of three elements.

íA trunk rising from the base and branching in two at an angle of 90°. It symbolizes the Chuvasians residing in the territory of the republic.

íThe main trunk is between two smaller trunks symbolizing the Chuvash diaspora of WWII relocating much of the population in the territories captured in the Russian Finnish War.

íBetween the crests of the main trunk and of the adjacent trunks there are two smaller crests inserted, symbolizing the other nationalities living in the Chuvash Republic.

Three Suns, consisting of an ancient solar symbol (an eight-pointed star) repeated three times, symbolizes the sun, giving life and protecting the well-being. It is the graphic representation of  the Chuvash concept of Pulna, Pur, Pulatpar (There were. There. We will.)

The colors are the traditional colors of the Chuvash people.

íYellow symbolizes beauty and brightness and gold wealth, justice, mercy, generosity, constancy, strength and loyalty.

íPurple (in the official representation: red) symbolizes dignity, power, courage and strength.




MVD emblem of the Republic of Chuvash


Arms:  Or, a Chuvash Tree of Life rising from a base Gules

Crest: The achievement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Motto:  СЛУЖА ЗАКОНУСЛУЖИМ НАРОДУ  (To Serve the Law - To Serve the People) in golden lettering on a red ribbon.


Chuvash Riot Police (ОМОН)


Arms:  Or, a Chuvash Tree of Life rising from a base Gules

Crest: The achievement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



Chuvash Criminal Militia


Arms: Or, a Chuvash Tree of Life rising from a base Gules

Crest: The achievement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Supporters: A sword per bend, hilt in chief Argent, the hilt Or.

Motto:  СЛУЖА ЗАКОНУСЛУЖИМ НАРОДУ  (To Serve the Law - To Serve the People) in silver lettering on a red ribbon. [6]



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© Hubert de Vries  2015.10.21. Updated 2016.03.09




[1] Чǎваш Респуплĕк Тĕп Саккунĕ. Конституция (Основной Закон) Чувашской Автономной Социалистической Советской Республики. Изд. Центрального Исполнительного Комитета ЧАССР. Чебоксары, 1930.

[2] Постановления 2 (7) Всечувашского съезда Советов. Изд. Центрального Исполнительного Комитета ЧАССР. Чебоксары, 1927, с. 68; ЦГА Чувашской АССР, ф 202, on. 1, д. 23, л. 21 об.

[3] Постановления IV (9) Всечувашского съезда Советов. Изд. Центрального Исполнительного Комитета ЧАССР. Чебоксары, 1931, с. 68—69.

[4] Герб подтверждён Законом Чувашской Республики "О государственных символах Чувашской Республики" от 1 июля 1997 года.

[5] Bibliography:  Potselueva, V.: Emblems of the USSR; Saprykova, V.:  The Tree of Life - a symbol of Chuvashia. In: Science and Life (№8, 1994). The information and figures in an article on the materials of the Chuvash Republic State Committee for Archives (Compiled by O. Ignatyev, A.E. Krasnov and V.G. Tkachenko), published on the website of the government of Chuvashia
