Дальневосто́чная Респу́блика

Dalnevostočnaja Respublika



Far Eastern Republic

Far Eastern Federal District

Ministry of the RF for the Development of the Far East

Ministry of the RF for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.

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Oblasts in the Empire: Amurskaja Oblast, Primorskaja Oblast, Zabaikalskaja Oblast.

Territories on the S.S.S.R.: Amurskaja Oblast, Buritskaja A.S.S.R., Chitinskaja Oblast, Ivrejskaja A.S.S.R., Primorski Kraj/Kabarovsk Kraj.


In april 1920, a republic on the territory of the former areas of Overbaikal, Coast and Amur was declared. By constitution of 27 April 1921, this republic became a sovjet republic with the name "Republic of the Far East". In Art. 180 of this constitution a state coat of arms was adopted. It follows the Soviet model that has since become commonplace. The central figure is composed of an anchor, a heel and a grain sheaf. At the bottom of a rising radiant sun, everything placed on a background "in the color of the dawn". At the top is a silver shining star. The figure is surrounded by a wreath of pine branches bound together with a red ribbon on which the initials of the republic: ДBP. The composition is placed on a red embassy shield.

In November 1922, the republic was liquidated and the territory added to Russia. There are currently several autonomous republics and areas

Arms: In the dawn, an anchor and a pick-axe in saltire and a sheaf of wheat per pale, in base a rising sun radiant, all proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star radiant Argent.

Garland: Branches of pine proper.

Motto: ДBP in golden lettering on a ribbon Gules.

Compartment: A shield Gules.

By Constitution Art. 180, 27th of April 1821


Конституция Дальневосточной Республики (27 апреля 1921 года) описывала герб так:


"Статья 180

"Утверждается Государственный герб, описание которого следующее: на красном щите хвойный сосновый венок, внутри которого на фоне утренней зари с появляющимся солнцем и пятиконечной серебряной звездой (в верху фона) - скрещенные через сноп пшеницы якорь и остроконечное кайло, вниз остриём; на венке с правой стороны на красной перевязке буква "Д", с левой "В", внизу между черенками хвойных веток буква "Р".

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Far Eastern Federal District



The Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD occupies the territory of the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia. It was formed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 13 May 2000

According to the decree of the President of the R.F., the minister was simultaneously the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District until 31 August 2013.


The District consisted of eleven territories



Flag of Amur Oblast.svg

Amurskaya Oblast



Flag of Buryatia.svg

The Republic of Buryatia



Flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.svg

Jewish Autonomous Region



Flag of Zabaykalsky Krai.svg

Transbaikal region



Flag of Kamchatka Krai.svg

Kamchatka Krai



Flag of Magadan Oblast.svg

Magadan Region



Flag of Primorsky Krai.svg

Primorsky Krai



Flag of sakha.svg

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)



Flag of Sakhalin Oblast.svg

Sakhalin Oblast



Flag of Khabarovsk Krai.svg

Khabarovsk region



Flag of Chukotka.svg

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug



Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East



The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East (Minvostokvrazvitiya Russia) First appeared in the first government of D.A. Medvedev. It is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.


The Ministry was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 May 2012 N°  36

It existed until 26 February 2019


Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic.                                                                          2019 -present




According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 26 February 2019, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East was renamed the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. The expansion of the Ministry’s powers was carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of public administration in the development of the Arctic zone 






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 © Hubert de Vries 2019-11-18.Updated 2019-11-27